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About MarcM

  • Birthday 03/12/1954

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    Oostende - Belgium

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  1. Johann, frohes Weihnachten und alles bestes ins neues jahre 2025
  2. Hi Daniel, Which wood did you use for the masts and spars (antennas) ? Is it pear ? I'm thinking of using red cedar, what is your idea ?
  3. Welcome back Daniel, keep on the fabulous modelling
  4. Wapenhandel Podevijn in Zottegem. Opsturen naar Oostende kost 6,30 €.
  5. Ik gebruik Birchwood Casey Brass Black om messing te zwarten. Ook gebruikt door wapensmeden. Keep on modelling ... Marc
  6. Hi riggers, Did someone tried this already ? I have the idea of putting furled sails on all the spars, staysails and jibs. And this on a 1/48 the scale model. Can I get advice on how to do it and kind of materials. I was thinking about using silk paper. I would be grateful for all the input of the local experts. Thanks in advance Marc
  7. Hi riggers, Did someone tried this already ? I have the idea of constructing and assembling the masts and spars off-site. I mean: putting the shrouds over the mastheads, but let them hang loose. Putting the assembled spars with furled sails onto the masts, etc. And then, later on, installing the completely assembled masts on the ship, tensioning the shrouds, etc It would be much easier to handle all those bits and pieces. I would be grateful for all the input of the local experts.
  8. Hi John, This is the company for the rigging blocks: http://clasicmodel.com/shop/index.php?route=common/home
  9. Hi, There is also a Swiss company selling very nice blocks. But why not making them yourself ?
  10. Hi guys, I'm using Egyptian gassed cotton 185/2 as serving thread. I think it's OK for my 1/48 build.
  11. Hi Michael, You've got mail.
  12. Hi, I'm using Egyptian cotton 185/2 as the serving line. It's the thinnest I could find in Europe.
  13. Hi Gaetan, Can I vote for the model with masting and rigging included ?
  14. Hi Gaetan, Fabulous work. I'm looking forward to your next project. Why not the 118 guns Le Commerce de Marseille ?
  15. Hi Dan, Do you have any close-up, macro pictures of the sails of your Boston build ? Tia, Marc
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