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Posts posted by dgbot

  1. I am a fan of painting my models.  I start with a coat of sealer to insure even coverage then a primer if needed then airbrush the colors needed.  My Latham has paint hull and masts etc.  Fishing Schooners were identified by their colors from a distance.  The real vessels were always painted or had other protection from the elements.  This is a judgement call and it would depend on what you are building and what you are trying to show.

    David B

  2. My first attempt came out on the sloppy side plus I was able to get some photo paper to use. I also had to get a new printer wireless this time and I was on the phone with tech support to get it running properly. But I am happy with the quality of the printing and not having to sit,next to it with a cable. The only drawback is it uses a tricolor ink cartridge and they are not cheap. I took this photo with my smartphone as my camera needs batteries.

    David B.post-227-0-04669900-1444813379_thumb.jpg


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