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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi Thomes. Your Victory is coming on nicely. Just watch out when you cut out the holes in the sides that you do not catch the decks with the drill or saw. I will try and post a build log tonight... Did not expect to to build so quick Regards Antony.
  2. Hi. A photo if much easer than words to understand. This also has a hole for the Mast so I can check on alignment as I build. Note that I have bashed the kit a little. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi. Looking good. Never tried the Gorilla glue. Might get some and do a few joins for testing. HMS Victory Cross Section by Erebus and Terror Corel, has a build log and it's completed. You are a quick builder Regards Antony. Edit and added :- When installing the decks..Watch that the frames don't get pushed out. I used a piece of plywood as a correct distance spacer and has a few elastic bands around the top of the frames to keep it in position.
  4. Hi Snowman. You are making a brilliant job of this build.. Your choice of wood and colours is fantastic and does you and the model credit. Please keep the pictures comming as I have yet to do my Trition build. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi all. I would love to start the build right now But the boss will not allow me to take over the conservatory. Thanks for the comments..The wood colour is important to me as I will not be using any paint on wood items. And the other reason is I need an thicknesser. Looking at the Axminster CT-356 at the moment. And a small bench saw. Make and model unknown as yet. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi. Just an update .. Most of my Timber for the build has arrived and is looking good. From Left to Right Maple, Sapele, Ash, Lime, Mohogany, and Walnut. Not starting yet...Need to finish the Victory Cross section Build. Regards Antony
  7. Hello Colin. Just finished reading your build log. Very impressive build.. Love the modifications you have made. My first magazine arrived yesterday so re reading to see if there is anything else I need . Please keep us informed on your build as its a leader as far as quality and workmanship is concerned. Many thanks Antony.
  8. Hi. Nice kit to get your skills up to date.. I have done exactly the same thing as you. It's been a few years since I touched model ship building. Adding the finishing touches to thr hull at the moment. No I did not make a build log as I am not much with a computer. But I have taken loads of photos.. Are you going to build as per plan or are you going to bash it as its called on the forum's. I bashed mine as I was following another victory cross section build. I also brought some books to help with the Bashing. Good luck with the build. As far as thinks to look out fore.. Quality of the work was OK. Rigging blocks were replaced. With scale blocks and of much better quality. Some of the fittings were not to scale.. I will start a log and post a few pictures later on tonight. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi. Very nice build and a nice model. Choice off colour's in very nice and does the ship proud please keep us posted as you progress through the build. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi . Now that's something You have now set the standard for me to achieve on my kit. A very interesting build with lots of mods and extra detail that you added to make this an exceptional model. Thanks for sharing your build with us. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Pat All I can say is WOW. A big thanks for information. Might look into this with my son as he is into figure modeling. Joint we might be able to afford the cost. Thanks Pat. Regards Antony.
  12. Hi. I removed any rings that were on the Barrels and replaced them with brass strips.( brass not cut in straight strips but curved ) Soldered the stripes together using the barrels for sizing, Painted then fitted to barrels. Brass strip was some very thin shim stock that I has lieing around. End result was very pleasing to the eye. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi. This brings back memory's for me as I was one of the divers that helped to do the underwater research and recovery. I had three separate weeks of diving. Learnt a lot about surveying and underwater archeology. Have seen this program on Discovery Channel ( sky ). Happy viewing Antony
  14. Hi Paddy. Congrats of compleasion of you first frame. Looks real good. Treenailes are seldom seen on the real ships. Some carpenters used to put them cross grain to the timber being nailed so the could be seen. There are a few ships not far from my home and I had the pleasure of being stationed on one. Please keep the photos comming as its usefull to all that will follow including me after finishing up on my current build. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi. As a of a month ago I used cascamite glue. Started my build and changed to a much bigger list. For any timber I use Aliphatic sandable glue and Everbuild 502 wood adhesive. I use CA glue on small pieces that require little bonding and speed glueing( not often used ). I use a two part 30 minute set for strong bonds. And I have a small contact adhesive for ?? Not used yet. But I like this stuff to do jobs where other glues will not work. I also use varnish ( of the right colour ) to glue gratings. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi. A very nice build. A big thanks for taking the trouble reposting it. I like the choice of timber. Makes for a real fine ship. Well done Antony. Edit as Font was 2 small
  17. Hi. A very informative build with a lot of skill and quality workmanship being shown. You have the best approach to keeping the ship square and true...Jiging.. This might be of some use to you. I know is from the Victory . Taken from The Anatomy Of Nelsons Ships. Page 23 The keelson on was the first element of the locking devices. It was composed of six pieces of Elm 1 ft. 8 in square. The scarfs were 5ft.9 in long and gave shift to the scarfs in the keel. It was laid on the top of the floors above the keel and was bolted through each floor and the keel with 1' 7/8 "in bolts. Keep up the excellent workmanship it's a credit to you. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi Tony. That's one site that I have never seen. Looks good source for wood. Thanks Antony.
  19. Hi. Just starting on my triton cross section and needed some timber. Found an UK outlet for timber and thought I would share it with the rest of me ship mates. http://hobby.uk.com/materials/wood.html For timber. http://hobby.uk.com/materials/metal/etched-mesh.html for mesh. There are other bits on the site that might be of interest to us. Got my order today and the quality is spot on. Postage was very cheep and was send 24 hour delivery. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi Martin. Nice to have you aboard:) I have also just started my Triton cross section. Awaiting my timber at the moment. All the best. Antony.
  21. Hi. Cost is high at £672 and what scale is it ? They are good kits for bigginers as they have a book as a guide. Beware of total costing. Regards Antony. Edit:- more info. Have a look here http://forum.model-space.co.uk/default.aspx?g=topics&f=40
  22. Hi Pete. I have no idea at the moment. Might follow someone's else's list as metal's I can do but wood is a new ball game for me. A good friend has just offered the use of his workshop and he is a carpenter and a jolly good one. So will ask his advice also. My local stockist for modeling timber is cornwallmodelboats?co.uk Looking forward to learning a lot of new skills with this model. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi This is my first ever scratch build and with basic tools. and a small bandsaw. I have no time limmet to finish the ship. Have cut and prepaired the parts, Keel, Keelson and False keel. Wish me luck. regards Antony
  24. Hi. A very nice model. Quality workmanship. Quote from post No #5 "I've installed the oars and cannons, which need to be in place before the roof gets planked over. Unfortunately, the oars will make handling the model for the remaining work a lot trickier." I have dome something similar to this and used very small magnets in the hull and metal pins inside the oars to hold in place when ready. I spent many years in Korea. I loved the place Regards Antony.
  25. Hi. I use Cornwallmodelboats and Westbourne Models. Between them I can get almost anything to do with model ships/boats. Regards Antony
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