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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Thanks Guys, Druxey - I'm going to spend some time completing fairing the inside of the hull, then align all the toptimbers and get them all to correct height, then remove all of the temp basswood spacers and install new pear ones, that's a good few weeks work for me as I spend a lot of time traveling for work these days, that's the plan anyway. Ben
  2. Well on the 13th month anniversary of the start of the build the final full frame has been installed. Ben
  3. Very nice Grant, as you said - take your time glueing the frames and triple check positions and your gunport heights as you go. Look forward to seeing more Ben
  4. Hey Al, glad you managed to figure out how to upload photos, just email me again if you run into further issues. Looks like your planking is well underway, congrats. Ben
  5. Ha, nice to see you deviate from the norm and start using that lathe, to great effect I may add, those gauges look great. Ben
  6. Hey Druxey, At the moment I am just laying in store and I havent totally decided yet, as you know I have been working in CAD on my own plans of Indefatigable but they are still a long way from completion, Maybe a different Frigate before tackling the Indy. Sorry Remco ben
  7. Thanks everyone and the likes. The 7 frames to go are only the square frames remaining, there is still a lot of work around the stern framing to be done and then all of the fairing and clean up work before the milestone is passed. Greg - I still don't have a finalized idea of how much planking will be done on exterior, I can say for certain that I won't be covering up much of the framing that I have worked so long to make, but still undecided. Ben
  8. Superb work Rusty, really nice. If however you are not happy with it then you already know the answer to your quandary. Best of luck Ben
  9. Hey Aldo, Nice to see you back again and thanks for looking in at Pegasus. Ben
  10. Great to hear that you are back Aldo! Keep your chin up and carry on the excellent work on Triton. Ben
  11. Looks like you have found a method for Chock making and fitting that works well for you. It took me a couple of different ways before I found one that I was comfortable with and gave good results. Looking really good Grant. Ben
  12. Received a copy of this beautiful book as a Christmas present from the Admiral, spent a few days reading and my compliments to David for yet another fine read. As said before it doesn't reitterate TFFM but it does build on and give more info and insights on building RN ships of that era, especially interesting is a breakdown of building quarter galleries which is an art of itself. I have placed on the bookshelf right next to my copies of TFFM. Wish mine was signed by the author as well. Ben
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