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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Hi Al, Nice to see you have found your way to MSW. As Gunther says, and he's building AVS at the moment, please start a build log so we can all enjoy you progress. I look forward to seeing more. Ben MODS - this proberbly needs moving to the welcome section.
  2. Looking great Maurey, I like your use of the templates - makes for more accurate work. Ben
  3. Thanks all! Mark - the fridge is too heavy to move due to it being the beer storage unit!
  4. Very Very nice Rusty, looks like you will manage without drops or steelers, that's a feat in of itself! Ben
  5. Thanks for all the likes and generous comments. Slow going at my dockyard but another four frame pairs have been installed along with another gunport and then rough internal fairing, then the admiral decreed that the workshop needed cleaning. Ben
  6. Same As Druxey, but I use a Worksharp3000 sharpener rig and get great results on my chisels, the scary sharp type Ben
  7. Nice to see you back at it Alan, don't worry about having to remake a frame or two, that's par for the course. Ben
  8. No 20 coats on the cannons Augie!! I pickled them in vinegar! If you use CA for the trunnions DO NOT pickle in Acetone, it is a CA debonder, as I found out. As for paint, I used tamyia primer in the spray can which gave a great even and light coat without hiding details, then as recommended by some scratch builders I tried the black automotive flat black from Testors and was very happy how they came out. Ben
  9. You certainly sorted out the exposed frames, they look great now! Now a big warning!!! On that stern framing take it really slow, look at every build log you can find, and reread the instructions twenty times! I had MAJOR issues here! Angle of the stern for one that didn't show up until I tried to install the Quarter Galleries etc.... Honestly take your time here just like fairing the bulkheads for hull planking, if something is off in this framing then the stern won't come together just as it should. PM me, Augie, Chuck, Rusty or any other Confed builder for help and I'm sure we will all try and help you get this perfect. Ben
  10. You are still The master at painting Chuck!! Wish you would do a painting techniques at the next NRG conference, I'd travel just for that!! Ben
  11. Well there you go Toni, I opened my trap too quickly. As for the planking scheme, David stated in TFFM that the plan had been lost by NMM but it appears that they found it again as I ordered a copy and it arrived with no problem. Ben
  12. She really is coming along Chuck! Your laser cutter looks like it had a work out with those bulkheads and fillers. Will continue to watch your development with interest. Ben
  13. Very Very nice Toni, That bend round the tuck of the stern must of been fun? And the Holly really does look awesome as lower planking, I've seen a few modellers use it and I like the contrast against the framing, maybe on Pegasus. And I also love the hooked scarph at the bow, are you following the planking outlay of the Hornet? It's available on NMM again! Ben
  14. Glad to see you back at it Man! You have now passed my progress on her, I now look forward to looking at your log for help whenever I get back to mine. BTW that deck looks superb! Ben
  15. Hey mike, A couple of the double frames appear to have a gap in them?? Or is it just the photo? If it's really there you should try and fix that before doing anything else. And as Augie noted, be careful staining the end grain of those parts, it will normally come out darker than you think. Ben
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