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  1. This has come across my mind more than once when I was constructing my ships over the decades. The plans always seem to show that the chocks are placed where the lines are, as you noted above, "located where the backstays naturally fall and are just there to keep them from slipping". I can see where this would keep the backstays in line when the winds started to howl in the upper sails of the ship. I may be right, wrong, dead on, or not even close, with my take. Even though I have been curious over the years, I never did research it. Possible that both your thoughts have some validity. I'll stay away from the modern rigs since I have very little experience with that. Scott
  2. My understanding is that ships with square sails are better off since they can make long distance ocean runs more efficiently when the sails are set in favorable winds without having to tack as much. Suggest someone more knowledgeable on sails/sailing share their insight on this thread that may be reading it. They would be able to clarify this subject better than me. Scott
  3. The Cate Cory I understand spent her first two voyages schooner rigged. Schooner rigs are cheaper to operate with less of a crew and gear needed to operate the vessel. This rig is also better at using the on and off shore winds experienced closer to shore if that was a consideration for the owners at that time. If Kate Cory started to venture further out to sea in pursuit of whales the owners would have then added a square rig to account for the winds behavior found further away from a land mass. Morgan was originally designed to make long ocean voyages and thus started with a square rig. Reducing her to a bark may have been an attempt to lower cost as the whaling trade started to falter. This could apply not just to the whaling trade, but to merchant vessel alike for similar reasons unique to their industry. There are others out there with greater knowledge on sailing qualities of the different rigs than me. It would be beneficial to read what they have to contribute on this subject. Scott
  4. Roger Is it possible to share the answer that Mr. Ronnberg gave you concerning your original question above on davit height? I don't know what the correct answer is either. Thanks so much.
  5. Micro-Mark provides the smallest brass pins I have found. You could also try doll house suppliers on line. Scott
  6. For clarification , as I was typing my opinion to your question no one had responded yet. When I mentioned that not gluing the mast was not the best advice I was referring to the directions from the instructions. Not to the two individuals that beat me to the draw of the submit reply. As individual hobbyist/artist we have are own way of doing things that work best for us. In simple terms, real ships mast are predominately held in place from the forces of gravity and friction acting on the mast tonnage, steps, wedges, and the forces exerted by the standard rigging. Scott
  7. Not sure what size model you are building, but to recommend not gluing mast in place to me is not the right advise. I've always worked it so that I have all the mast, spars, and blocks assembled first, then I would dry fit them into the holes established in the deck. This would act as a holder to work on various rigging like footropes, etc... After that I would glue them into position. Leaving them unglued would allow them to move about, be it very small, but enough to make the rigging lines difficult to align properly. Scott
  8. Those are beautiful cases. Kind of in the goldilocks syndrome where they don't over or underpower the artwork they are meant to protect. Just right. I found the photos of the various displays that were included with the website interesting. The one in particular the flower display looked very realistic and I have never seen one of those before. Thank you for posting. Scott
  9. Not sure myself, but I have seen pins located in the boom jaws before. Although the photos I am checking this against is a bit difficult to see, Erik Ronnberg is using them on his Smuggler and knockabout schooner Thomas A. Cromwell. The lines look like they are traveling against the main boom from aft to forward and belayed to the pins. For the Smuggler Ronnberg is identifying them as topping lift starboard and boom tackle port. Cleats are for flag halliards. He does not identify the lines for Cromwell. Scott
  10. Believe me we care. Your work is fascinating. Scott
  11. About not receiving book order conformations on the website when ordering. I spoke to Bob a long while ago about this and he mentioned that the website was set up that way not to confirm orders without providing an explanation. Have not used the site in a while so I don't know if that changed. He also mentioned that he was very ill and was trying to keep up with orders. I new he got my order since my credit card was charged. He was very gracious to me on the phone and able to correct the situation promptly. I wish him a speedy recovery since they were a great outfit to deal with in the past.
  12. I can see muskets being mounted on the top deck capstan for short periods of time. But not for long periods since the fragile trigger and flint lock mechanisms would be exposed to the corrosive effects of the sea elements. Understood that these weapons were stored below deck when not in use.
  13. I think shaking can produce bubbles/air pockets that will remain with the paint for sometime. Plus shaking the bottle can gum up the caps if not cleaned properly.
  14. Forgot to mention the scissors. Preferably one that has a sheering action or slight curve to the blade although strait ones can work well. I use different types that don't even contain the manufactures names and are not so expensive. When they get dull I use them to cut wire. Trial and error may be the way unless some of the other site followers can give specific company names that work well. Some can be very pricey. Also, I don't recommend needle threaders for pulling lines through blocks or deadeyes, etc... Instead just cut the tip of the line, at an angle, and use something like supper clue to stiffen the point. Needle threaders are a pain and fragile. Just using a bit of glue works very well. Scott
  15. For decades I have used the same approach as I originally started with. Even though I have seen others use a different styles. I first assemble and paint all the mast and individual spars with bands for blocks attached. Making sure each individual mast, lower and upper, are aligned correctly. After painting I add the blocks to the bands for both mast and spars. Then I attach the spars to the mast. I then will use the mast holes in the deck to secure the mast in place and work on the foot ropes for the spars. Then I attach any gaffs. When all the spars/gaffs are in place I glue the mast in the respective holes in the deck and account for rake and position of each. After they have been cemented in place I add the additional rigging. Any serving would be done offline. A lot of individuals secure the mast one level at a time to the ship and work on the standard rigging individually. All this while attaching the running rigging to the spars and then attach the spars to the mast. Can't say much which works better since I never tried any other approach then what I described simply in the first paragraph. The only rigging tools I use are long pins and tweezers of various types that I have collected over the years. Scott
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