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Everything posted by RGL

  1. The final bits, replacement Carley flairs and the paravane cranes which are possibly some of the most high stress PE to build. I accidentally destroyed 1 of the 6 supplies so I used a couple of spare brass ones to put amidships. Lots of primer painting tommorow.
  2. Thanks, I think if I hadn’t done the ribs I would have made it a lot dirtier. There’s a guy called Koppeleski from up Cogs way who has posted his finished models on here, who has build logs on another site that I pretty much try and emulate.
  3. Hull grunge. I used diluted light grey to dull down the red hull, then diluted black to blend that in, then some green for alge and finally some more light grey to put a tide mark on the boot strap using a piece of paper as a mask. Not overly noticeable but it makes it all less shiny.
  4. It just completely clogs my H&S airbrush regardless of thinning. Tamiya and Gunze are just soo much easier. Hull numbers and depth markers added.
  5. You just know there are perfect photos or models sitting in a Mess or RSL somewhere and the diggers are too old to care about the Internet
  6. by 1944 the search light tower was replaced by radar which just looks like a large barrel. It’s referenced in one of the AWM photos. Vossy, you may be able to source some other photos being ex RAN. I’d love to build her in the final configuration but not without a decent set of images. The AWM ones are too distant
  7. Vossy it’s because I’ve been at work all weekend and can’t get on the tools. I’m at a stage where I need a few hours on the airbrush and I just can’t do it after work as the 445am starts are a killer. We’ll get there.
  8. So he should have invaded? I could have been born in a French penal colony not a British one!
  9. This is a capture image I found in the imperial War Museum. Note the funnels are covered and there are boats on the deck. I suspect this is post WW1 but a nice image to show how grungy the hull was.
  10. And the Molongolo river gets worse when the neighbouring Megopolis of Queanbeyan’s sewerage overflows into it.
  11. Took the photo whilst at work. Had an appointment with someone nearby and thought I’d take a photo. I have to do some masking yey before the next lot of painting. Wed\Thurs is my weekend this week.
  12. Morning from Oz. Too early for rum (though it is mother’s milk), I was once asked by a chap from Africa why Aussies only speak one language, I told him because we and the kiwis are the only ones down here. You notice Cog learnt to speak English from a pirate, which is very impressive as I thought it would be Vikings up that ways.
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