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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I went straight to first class and got a Harder and Steenbeck then rang up @BANYAN who talked me through how to use it. I can’t imagine not using one now, but the tamiya primer mixed with lacquer thinner is just the best thing ever for PE.
  2. Thanks but it’s pretty simple stuff, i won’t put people off, it’s quite easy so far. That’s not me being a smart ****, it goes together like any other plastic kit. I first timer Could do this .
  3. So that’s the latticework done up for dryfit. Little bit warped but will glue down ok. no comparison to the plastic is there!
  4. I think it’s amazing. You have to be an artist to do the CAD regardless so you can’t just print it either. . I think whilst it is an evolution of the hobby it does not change the skills required for the woodworking class or plastic kits. I’m really enjoying this build / Print!
  5. The Cv-1 upgrade has it (you can basically just use that set for the CV-3). The Eduard set covers off on some railings and the nets and stanchions for the flight deck with are so much better that the Trumpy stuff.
  6. So this is why we use PE, compare the sets! 2/3rds of this lattice piece done.
  7. Apparently he got this from her fit out logs that was the paint type was used (a type of grey). I read his reasoning and research on Facebook .
  8. Well plastic wood… anyways the superstructures are done up, now to start on the PE! The instructions are pretty rubbish.
  9. Plodding away on the superstructure that will be nearly invisible below the flight deck. The rear most structure has planked sides!
  10. By 1941 there were fuel lines running down both sides of the hull (not mentioned in the kit at all). They stand out like the proverbials when you look at the photos. and @BANYAN I just found them on the ebays
  11. Hahaha, excellent research! I think all the photos with them are pre war. I might have purchased some Catalinas for her. You’ll find out…
  12. And we have a start. Little bits of wood on the interior for the stands. Goes together very well.
  13. Heaps of research out these, this link is the original plans as a collier. https://maritime.org/doc/plans/ac3.pdf when you zoom in there are hull features such as pipes running along the hulls which I assume are fuel lines . I’ll need to add those and scuppers too.
  14. I have a wooden deck for her, I’m looking forward to this. Lots of weathering applicable too.
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