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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Hardest ship ever to work on, black is not slimming
  2. Anchors and the start of the torpedo net deployment
  3. Railings added, barrels for the waist guns plugged in, kit provided plastic sticks Davits replaced with generic aftermarket Ones, and the port side boats added. I’ll leave the paint touch ups till the end.
  4. Deck fittings, small guns, final rigging and some ladders. Tomorrow the railings
  5. Guns. Lots of guns, the little ones were for torpedo boat defence. These are all resin replacements and tiny compared to the kits provided parts. I replaced the resin barrels with brass as they aren’t any better but just stronger. next are the torpedo net booms and nets.
  6. Infini goes no where in explaining how they work. If you go back and look at my Dreadnought there is a diagram from the AOTS how it works, and I’ve based this model up that form of mechanics and images from the era plus the descriptions in Gary Staff’s battlecruisers of ww1. I’m sure Infini will replace the missing parts and you’re welcome to add your build here. As it’s been a few builds ago I am not really in the headspace of the exactitude of it.
  7. It is not an attractive ship! Rigging and signal Halyards done. I will eventually do the bow and stern rigging but I want to leave it clean until the deck details are done.
  8. Masts and cranes added. Tomorrow I’ll rig her,well, most of her, then do sone touch up painting and weathering before moving onto the deck details and guns.
  9. Ships boats on, funnels rigged next step the masts and start rigging them
  10. Ships boats done up, the torpedo boats are a nice little bit of resin
  11. Working on the stacks. Three shades of yellow and a grey filter to represent sun fade, black tops and some red/brown to represent some bare rust. Let the weathering begin
  12. Having not used a Zvezda kit and GMM PE in a long time, I forget how good modern stuff is. Nothing fits well at all. Plastic or metal. the gantries and superstructures, then dry fit of the masts and funnels
  13. Ships masts, lots of bashing required to add some details that will actually take some pressure from rigging unlike the soft plastic rods with the kit.
  14. Well a hammer would certainly make short work out of it. funnels done with some extras based on original photos
  15. Next is the funnels, with the resin replacements. Still will require some scratch building here for external steam pipes and rigging plus etching
  16. I forget what a long road wooden builds are. Great work
  17. The voyage basically had them worn out before the final battle. I can now start inboard to outboard as I don’t have to handle the hull. IMG_2793.MOV
  18. I’ve given the deck a dark wash to get rid of the glow and put soot around the coaling ports
  19. Salt streaks, a bit more alge in the waterline and sone bright rust around the anchor platforms. It probable looks a little much by by the time everything else is added it should drown out the detail
  20. In natural light I’m really happy with it. There’s the weathering process to go yet, so this is essentially the base coat. I was thinking of doing individual railing stanchions but too hard to rig. I’ll do that with Zara
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