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bruce d

NRG Member
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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. I will wait for the cavalry. Many thanks. By the way, I have spoken with other people using DELFTSHIP and we do not all have the same models in the database. I originally had none, then I reloaded the software and now have 257. Another person has eight models in his database even after reloading. I am not complaining, after all I have 257 designs to choose from, but it seems odd. Bruce
  2. Translations are always going to have glitches. In the '70s a very expensive piece of electronics arrived from afar wrapped in plastic. The plastic had printed warnings in different languages and the English said: Do not store children in this bag. It's all p[art of the fun. Bruce
  3. Hello Matle, She was an Isles-class trawler, and there were 197 of them used by the RN and commonwelth navies.
  4. Then I remembered another resource - German-English Dictionary of Technical, Scientific and General Terms - A.Webel, first published 1930, and bingo: Heckbalken = transom Block = pulley block So it seems to be a near-miss in the translations but it doesn't look like a critical instruction.
  5. According to my copy of Schiffahrts-Worterbuch 'heck' is stern and the closest entry to your puzzle is 'heck balken' = 'horn timber'. BTW, 'block' = 'block' ? HTH Bruce
  6. I agree, and no doubt when it is shown to me it will be obvious. There are quite a few online tutorials but so far none I have found explain this probably absurdly simple step. Hopefully the cavalry is on the way.
  7. Ab and Rene have been very generous so far but I am hoping for some more help with a basic step in DELFTSHIP. How do I add a background image and make it line up with the model? I have tried until I accept that I am not going to figure it out within this decade. The model I am starting with is Number 9, the schooner. I want to use a JPEG image of my subject as the background. I open the JPEG with DELFTSHIP and then use 'edit background picture' to replace the existing background. OK so far. Of course the image does not line up at this stage and I see from the DELFTSHIP manual that I should be able to reposition it by grabbing the centre-point and/or dragging the corner cursors: I cannot find how to get the image to display with the cursors and centre-point like the example in the instructions. Both the model and the background image are displayed together. By using 'scale' it is possible to make the background image the correct size but it is not aligned. Without accessing the cursors and centre-point I am stuck. What am I missing? Thanks in advance, I have no doubt it is simple but sometimes so am I. Bruce
  8. We spoke and sadly they cannot export to North America for the reasons Edward spotted, and he did not have any suggestions for NA sources. Bit of a dead end from your point of view, sorry it didn't work out. On the bright side, my wood has arrived and is undergoing our strict 'cleanse-it-and-leave-it-for-two-days' process before opening.
  9. I'm pretty sure 'stern blocks' is a literal translation. Can't quite see how that fits the illustration from the instructions, but at least it is a starting point. Just had a thought: in the earlier steps, did the instructions tell you to carve/shape pieces to support the transom? Possibly these are the 'stern blocks' and you are being told to plank over them?
  10. I see what you mean about looking a mess, however you have shown us that the end result is superb. I have started experimenting with paint/wood combinations and find enormous differences (a) in enamel and acrylics on the same wood and (b) in the results of sanding vs scraping, again depending on the paint/wood combo. You have got it right, can I ask what type of paint you ended up with?
  11. Don't give up. As far as I am aware it is still 100% a platform, Ebay style, for others to sell their books. You still get the booksellers price, not the algorithm-driven pricing seen on Amazon. I just scored a book on Abebooks that was half the price of all others listed, and it turned out to be from a seller I have used for years. Good to know about the plans/illustrations inside the AOS books, I hadn't realised it was consistently done that way.
  12. Looking good, you have a great effect with the well defined planks. Can I ask what you did for the caulking? I am looking forward to seeing the treenails in place
  13. And a cheaper copy: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=goodwin&bi=0&bx=off&cm_sp=SearchF-_-Advtab1-_-Results&ds=30&recentlyadded=all&sortby=17&sts=t&tn=alert It is surprising how often booksellers leave words out of the titles when listing their items. I searched for 'Alert' & 'Goodwin' without the '1777' and sure enough, got two extra hits. Hope it is useful to you, Jorge.
  14. Hello Forest and a warm welcome to MSW.
  15. Ahhhhh.... When we speak I will ask if they have any suggestions about North America-friendly sources. I believe they import from NA so they may have some ideas.
  16. It looks like you are winning. Will you vac-form the superstructure?
  17. I am speaking to them early next week and will ask. Concerning the castello prices, there are a few nice surprises if you compare the different thicknesses. My 13mm thick piece of castello was less than 20% more than the 6mm equivalent.
  18. Christian, I am enjoying your progress. Is that De Gaulle in command?
  19. Since the subject is up, I have a question. What provisions did the smaller ships have? Would HM schooners and other vessels with crews of 30 to 50 have had such luxuries or should I be making a few extra buckets?
  20. Hi Mark, A UK source, and all I can say is the service is brilliant. https://shop.exotichardwoods.co.uk/boxwoods.html I ordered from them yesterday online after phoning to discuss stock. When viewing online, if the item has an 'add to basket' button, it is in stock. I have visited their wonderful shop in the past and didn't want to leave... HTH Bruce
  21. Found this, It dates from the 1960's. https://aerofred.com/details.php?image_id=93530
  22. There is a step in the hull of your boat that I don't see on the Italian hotrod. IIRC Model Boats magazine (and maybe Marine Modelling? ) published some hydro types back then as plans, maybe worth a look?
  23. Hello Halfdan and a warm welcome to MSW. Both models look good and it is interesting to see what can be done with the MiniMamoli kit when it is treated seriously. Looking forward to your build log. Regards, Bruce
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