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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. so I have started it today. Keel and frame... thats the pictures of my todays work after 3 hours:
  2. Got the kit from Japan. Unboxing it just confirmed Catopower* that made a review for this modell with very positive comments over the kit's quality. Matetial, instructions and drwings are of top quality! *I thank him for the excellent review but also for all the help he gave me so far.
  3. thank you my friend. Be aware am going to follow you very closely... man to man... lets see ....
  4. Here its a video I did as a building log book of the model... with some imagination though 😁
  5. hey zappto.... sharp untill the last detail! Thats a build! Isnt so?
  6. @Dilbert55 thank you my friend. Am waiting for your posts. @philo426 thank for your nice words
  7. Nils thank you very much for your kind words, thats nice of you. You also commented in my post in the Gallery and I thank you also for that. Am already making a short log video of Hermione and as next I already have a kit bought from Japan, Sir Wiston Churchill from Woody Joe, which I plan/would like to build according to the experience gained this past few years building ship models. It has to become my best build -I hope and wish-, although my great love -I think- will always be L'Hermione!
  8. @RussR thank you my friend. Now am making a short video about the build of Hermione, its s kind of log book. Next niild I already have its Sir Winston Churchill 1/75 from Woody Joe. @donrobinson thsnk you for your kind words and thank you for folowing the build since the very beginning. @Fright thank you for your nice comment
  9. James can you please

    help me to delete my new gallery alboum I want to redo it.

    1. MESSIS


      ok everything fine

  10. This is the end! L'Hermione is completed! Started in March 17, it took 18 months. I believe, or I calculated roughly about 800-900 working hours. Its been a great pleasure and fan. The thing is: never stop working even a few hours a week. Here are the finished pictures
  11. Anchors up in position.... and ofcourse the rear lantern is ready to be lighten up. Am almost there.... still some more crew figures to be painted (among them General Lafayette and Captain De La Touche) and L'Hermione is finished.
  12. @RussR very well done so far... there are points in your work which I regret that I havent gave the same attention as you did! Keep the good work. @Warneradethank you... yes its a very good kit. I really enjoyed it.
  13. So the crew is coming slowly on board. Some minor work is done and the anchors are prepared to be installed. We are waiting General Lafayette and the Captain. De La Touche before embarking.. Here some pictures of the crew... still is more crew to come.
  14. @Russ thank you for your kind words It took until today 18 months and I calcualated roughly 800 working hours. I totaly agree about the dvd. I also prefer drawings. Am anxious to have a look to your Hermione... come on send me something.
  15. thanks Peter thats very kind of you to say so.... and about your comment on the british ship.... hey, you made my day!!
  16. Last sail in posotion. Mizzen top galand. Both Main and Mizzen masts have a slide turn towards port side and Foremast is straight. There is now a sailor on on the Mizzen mast looking if the british ship is still chasing L'Hermione... and yes it does!
  17. Mizzen galant in position.... and just another sail and then end is near. Anchors and some minor righing work is still do be done.
  18. @Kevin Thank you Kevin for you nice and clever comments... ok punish your self but dont get killed, just a nice whip and that will do fine! 😉 @Louie da fly Thank you my friend Steven.
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