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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. here is wat i have to do to make it right if am using the rudder like this😊
  2. hi... wel... i mad the rudder from photo because there is not a plan for this , after i finish it i was in contakt with chip calamoaro from Arizona the wood on the rudder is a little to short , i can see in the bad poto that this is fastend to the stem and used to secure the rudder when the ship was buidt. so i can do it ether way yust for the detajl , i only have to make the wood longer so it can be fixt to the stem or re make it with out this detajl . i yust find a photo of this to . svein erik
  3. thanks for the likes.... here is my versjon of the rudder, made using photo so it may not look like the orginal , but close as i can get it😊 the rudder is not paintet yet. svein erik
  4. started making the rudder, the size i do have on drawings but thats it , so the rest i have to make using photo and my eys so it can get as cloes as the orginal . its made og wood ( boxwood) whit some rod and it wil have some protected plates etc , this is yust the start! svein erik
  5. its a slow going job.... but the outlets are made, just need to get the anker howser on. The splash guard is also glued on. the reilings are made and glued on and painted one time and need to be sanded and painted many more times, i also painted the lower cabin black and white but i need to get som work dunn her due to some over spray 😲,wel there is so many crinkle here so i espect it to happens! my next task will be the propell etc so i can turn it paint it and last paint the lower hull then maby i can turn it again for the last time😉 best regards svein erik
  6. hi, thanks for the comments Vlad and Brian☺ Vlad : am doing some work on it now and i yust get the propell for this so i wil soon get this onboard with some new update! Brian : the wood filler i used is yust basswood but it is harder and then the light type, i think its because it has been havest in a different way... the light ome is very soft . svein-erik
  7. some update of the schnellboot s.38 the hull is now painted and my next step is to aply some washes and weahtering so it looks used . befor that i need to do some clean up and add some paint here and there! this is fore me the fun parts😉
  8. Hi Chuck this is grait info... can this be also in pdf file so this info can be downlode? svein erik
  9. Hi😊 am yust looking at the syren , it has bin stored away for some time , so i had to take it out and lookat it😃 an i hope i can start on it again soon😉
  10. thats a fantastic model !! when am looking at it i can feel the passaro vibe all over it😊 svein-erik
  11. its looking grait, wondeful work and am looking to se all the mast and rigging!😊 svein-erik
  12. hi folks... still here but am offline in building at the moment... am working my butt of during the covid-19 and Norway is praktical in shutdown but i wil be here looking at the amacing build log when i have time 😊 stay healty all of you and stay home if you can !!! svein erik
  13. some update on the schnellboot S.38 am working on the hull filling etc so it going to take some time to get the hull ready for paint, but am also working to get the dekk ready for paint, i used Eduard PE for the hatches and also PE detail sheet for S.38 with the sheet from Italeri. some gunn barrels and some Bofors pe sheet for more detail. the paint am using is from Vallejo . svein erik
  14. nicly dunn Peter... maby i have to do the conf. again later😲 i have all the guns and etc with rigging i only have to get then off the first and then re rigg them ... i have to many mistake on mine ... svein erik
  15. am starting a build log for the S- boat / Schnellboat Type 38 the scale is 1/35 from Italeri and its big.... 99.9 cm long and there is 600 parts on this! its going to be a bracke projeckt from wood ships ( yust a wile) i have muth to do and a little time for wood building right now , on this model, everything is made for you😇...... so i got the big items today , well not all , i have orded the photo etch from Eduard for the P 38, also etch for the Bofors gun from Royale models, Gun barrels from Master model and on hold is items from Shapeways and some mines , i wil get som more photo when i start building but for now here is the kit! svein erik
  16. am planing to build the german ww2 E-boat/ schnellboot P38 from Italeri , its big ..... 99.9 cm long i havent resive the kit yet but its here in 2-3 days. i also orded the photo etch from Eduard for the P 38, photo etch for the Bofors from Royale models, the nex to order is some barrels , maby some mines ... i need also 3D parts from shapeways (Torpedotubends,weelhouse sett etc, maby dekkplanking/sterndekk suport/torpedo rack etc , paint for the kit comes from Model missjon . there wil be a build log later for this prodjekt ,but in 2-3 mnd .... i need to get all the parts i need first! svein-erik
  17. OMG..... after some time off building the syren i notis some error 😲 the hammock cranes is plased with to nerrow space , so i can do this 2 ways , try to take off the 4 of them and get more space so the wil get more aft or get 1 more on at the aft ... but in the plans there is 5 here , so if i get one mor here there wil be 6 of them , maby it dosent matter or not😲 svein erik
  18. ok... hi again😲 i think is time to get some more work dunn on the syren and am sending the Pequot on a hollyday😉 i wil get some photo out soon! svein erik
  19. hi again.. its now time to get some photo out again, i have get the portholes on ,the first layer of the top coat on the hull is on , i also painted the main dekk cabin( yust the first layer) and also the rivitts bands , the windowns frames is install . am working also with upper rear dekk cabin and when this is finish i wil get to work on the front cabin. svein erik
  20. thanks for the likes, now the fun starts....😉 the roof is on and am now moving on to do the windows frames befor i do the many other details.. svein erik
  21. Happy new year! i have bin working on the upper dekk cabin , am using cedar for this, only the beems are basswood. am doing the roof construktion at this time and moving on to the windows / outdoor panels etc. svein erik
  22. like chuck told.... now the fun part start, and yes its fun... nice build and looks good😊 i also have the syren and am working on the mast and rigging , but its om hold at the moment! have a grait new year☺ svein erik
  23. nicly dunn, you are on your way.. am still at planking the first belt ! svein erik
  24. thanks for coments and likes the construction of the main dekk cabin is on its way , for this i use evegreen styro yust the main dekk cabin, wood vil be used for the topp dekk construction. at the rear you can se the 2 sleeping quaters and a sallon and the doors opening . later i wil glue some wood panels etc on the wall, beds ,table etc.... at the aft i wil do the same. the hole construction is loos and not glued on the ship. i markt the windows , doors etc so i need to take this out to. the main dekk construction wil get simulated rivvits using the same metod i did with the hull (thats because this part was made of steel plates. the topp dekk was wood. svein erik
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