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Posts posted by aliluke

  1. Stop sanding. Carefully apply a final coat being sure to get good coverage. When really dry, rub it back with tissue paper to flatten out any brush strokes. Seal it - I use Testors Dullcote - and then when, that is dry, rub it lightly with tissue paper. The more vigourously you rub the more sheen you'll get so that is your call.


    That's my advice. But I'd wait for other opinions before following it!


    What paint brand are you using? I use Admiralty for the bulwarks and it has very good coverage.

  2. All looks fine to me Martin. My experience was that all the planking over the bearding line at the stern had be pretty much sanded off to allow the second layer to fit to the stern post. But you'll get to that need or otherwise in due course.


    As you'll probably know I had a whole boxwood hull at one point and it sure does look good. Then I painted and coppered - sacrilege.

  3. Hi Mike

    1/- I'm using Morope mainly because I have a lot left over from my AVS build (a major mis-calulation!). I haven't even looked at the Amati line but you can be sure Chuck's will be far superior.


    2/- Remaking all the bitts by hand is pretty easy. I just use a knife, sandpaper and files. I don't have a mill though so can't the compare the speed but I'm perfectly happy with my "by hand" accuracy.

  4. Hi Brian

    Sorry I can't recall. I probably use about 7 or 8 coats of paint these days + 4 to 5 coats of lacquer. That is nothing compared to Chuck Passaro who does up to 30 coats! Keep it thin and the layering of paint doesn't end up with a big build up but certainly a resilience. That said the number of touch ups that I've done on Fly due to the fitting of other parts kind of ruined the initial finish. That's just the way it goes.










    . But the

  5. A note of care from my point of view. Don't try to get it too perfect. Reading the planks and their joints and grain through the paint is a better outcome than solid colour. It is a juggling act but imperfections can add up to a more authentic looking model.I intentionally made the plank joints stand out on my AVS and I'm glad I did so.

  6. This is looking really good Chuck and your explanations are great. I love the lines of this ship. I see you did a wee check in the the forward most plank at the forward most gun port. I can't imagine, given your work, that this was a mistake...Actually I just looked back at the profile drawing and there it is - checked! And the moulding strip stops and starts again at that port. That is precision!

  7. Good stuff Brian. It brings back memories. I wouldn't die in a ditch over the issues you describe. They can be fixed later if they still exist at all. My advice is to carry on and see whether it becomes an issue  - sounds like bad advice but sometimes you get trapped in a circle of fixing things that aren't a problem after all.


    Your AVS is looking really good!

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