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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. The Jenny looks spot on with the tattered sails and added snow, the penguin also likes it.
  2. If you want to learn ship building techniques and do the best job possible on your project, research is vital and often requires more time than actual modeling.
  3. Micha, the best to you on your first build. I'll follow along on your new journey.
  4. Ian, those clips are the best, IMHO. I got mine from Amazon because we have Prime and it's free shipping. The supplier in the second link sells them for .40 but they want to charge $8.00 shipping for a $4.00 order. https://www.amazon.com/MEETOOT-Copper-Toothless-Alligator-Charging/dp/B0BZYC5CZ4/ref=asc_df_B0BZYC5CZ4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=674054935115&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3503930673234214746&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1019476&hvtargid=pla-2202497765662&psc=1&mcid=05acb573e0433967bcda98aadb36d46c https://www.sciencepurchase.com/products/micro-copper-plated-alligator-clip-with-smooth-toothless-jaws-1-inch-overall-length?variant=43481218613485&currency=USD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=SP - Google Shopping&utm_content=Micro Copper Plated Alligator Clip with Smooth Toothless Jaws%2C 1 Inch Overall Length&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI29vhjZKrhQMVz3J_AB2ZPA5ZEAQYCSABEgJjLPD_BwE
  5. Yes, being able to follow the restoration of the Vigilance and Andy's build in the same log is a real treat.
  6. " Don't alarm the others but the latest scuttlebutt is, the Canucks are coming"
  7. 1:96 scale and smaller allows one to cheat a bit due to the small size. I strop my all my blocks with annealed wire instead of thread/rope. You can see the way I do my deadeyes by going to my Tennessee build log page 12, post #352, page 15, post #422, and page 14, post #550.
  8. Richard, I love a poly finish no matter how nontraditional it might be. IMHO the pluses far outweigh the minuses.
  9. Charlie, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  10. Siggi, I agree a 100% with Chuck, that is absolutely beautiful work.
  11. Considering the cost of the carving sets I didn't think some of those prices were that out of line but then I'm not the one that has to write the cheque.
  12. I'm out of me league so I have no idea if any of these would work..... https://www.ebay.com/b/Deckel-Grinder/258072/bn_7023242635
  13. Great backstory and I'm sure the Jenny will live up to your past SIB builds and finally..............penguins! "Okay guys, volunteers for the Jenny SIB project proceed to the check point on your right"
  14. See the below. https://www.amazon.com/Vasa-Archaeology-Maritima-National-Maritime/dp/9197465909
  15. Aleksandr, are these the tools you have? If so many folks here ordered sets and may be able to provide advise on sharpening.
  16. David, you're doing a good job thus far, nice clean lines. If I might make a suggestion, if you plan on keeping this model for many years to come once completed, were it I, I'd make my mast and yards from wood and order wood blocks. Because plastic mast and yards will be under a lot of stress once rigged, not many years down the road the plastic mast and yards are likely to snap. Wood mast and yards may in time warp but they're much less likely to snap. If you chose to go wood mast and yards, wood blocks will enhance your efforts.
  17. Museums are very conservative in their approach to maintaining and restoring those artifacts in their care as well they should. As individuals we have much more latitude in what products we use on our models. Those modelers who are capable of creating museum quality work aren't second guessing what products they use on their models. For those of us that fall outside that group I dare say it matters not as nothing used on our models is going to destroy them in our lifetime. After we're gone it'll be wee hands and the family cat presenting the greatest danger to our creations for in the end, it all turns to dust.
  18. Tim, thank you for your kind comment. Tim. I use a #12 beading needle for the ratlines. What size and type thread are you using? https://www.amazon.com/Beadsmith-English-Beadwork-Off-Loom-Stitching/dp/B002RT5PS4/ref=asc_df_B002RT5PS4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198071571252&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18312801332564015936&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1019476&hvtargid=pla-319559777651&mcid=10da84b3628836bb9e2a4ea40031476d&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIib654PmZhQMVnDbUAR3KPgP1EAQYBSABEgICmPD_BwE&th=1
  19. It would be well worth every penny and one of those books that becomes worn rather quickly.
  20. Tim Another method for creating ratlines is the weaving method. At smaller scales clove hitches often look too big. Please see my post # 694 in the below build log.
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