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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. I'm getting close to finishing her...just a few more lines on the head gear and some flags. I found this print of her. she was amazing. Rob(Hope to get her in her case soon)
  2. Indeed, skysails and their masts were the easiest additions...adding Howes and Forbes rig to the lower topsails(Newly added sail), would have been a bit more work, but what made sail work easier for the crew. Double topgallants came along even later. If practice was equal across the board....the Red Jacket probably was originally fitted out with mains, topsails, topgallant and royals. It was the clipper hull that made the most impact in the new design.....the rig followed along after. Rob
  3. If you have any questions just ask Gabe........ Glad I could be help...and follow my build log of the Great Republic and you can see pics of the process....... Rob
  4. The painting I saw is very similar to the first image of the book cover..... Like most early clippers they didn't have lower topsails or skysails....not until the mid 50's did many get overhauled. Rob
  5. With my scale 1/128...this is the manner in which I attach my ratlines to the shrouds Rob
  6. I was hoping to find some progress this morning....but I know full well these *Lady's* can't be rushed and I know excruciatingly well about time availability. I myself am only hours of work away from completing my own GR build, but *things* always come up...I have to install a privacy fence this weekend...so there goes my *hours* of dedication to my own build...... Love your work and am looking forward to your next post. Rob
  7. Yes it has. Time availability means the world. I built my 1/96 Cutty Sark on its *ways* depicting her rudder repair...in just over 3 months. The entire thing. Because I had nearly unlimited time to dedicate to it...almost 8 hours a day...and if one is ambitious and tenacious...it is possible. Here, with the Great Republic...she was made totally by scratch...just a set of plans and a start date. I'll try to really focus on getting the spanker rigging finished up...because there is still some sail rigging to tend to and the national flag to mount. NOT TO MENTION....I have a few more details to finish up on the head gear with the addition of some stays. Apart from that..she is about ready to be put in her case. All this really means is that as I finish her up..the Glory of the Seas is waiting..and she will be hauled out on the work bench and I will begin again on her rigging and yarding. IT NEVER ENDS. Then we'll be over at that log. Rob
  8. My son and wife just today said when are you going to fill that empty case.....? Not, before the model is finished I said..... Rob
  9. Now that that is done I am beginning with the first of the backstays.... Rob
  10. Spent some time today working on the shrouds and ratlines of the spanker mast. Rob
  11. The jibs and stay sails sheets are thin stainless wire painted to mimic rope
  12. The jibs and stay sails work fine too. Rob
  13. I used a cake fondant roller to smooth and roll the leading edges to give them weight and a good billow. Paper is vary forgiving Rob
  14. As some know...I use plain copy paper to make sails and they work pretty well, and look very convincing too..
  15. Its just so stunning...almost unbelievable. The effort put into the fit and finish rivals that of extremely fine furniture. How far will your efforts take you? Rob
  16. I've worked hard to make it so...and a great portion of its design goes to my sweet wife...who has a great understanding of special design and flow. Now to get to filling that case with a finished model...…. Thanks for the fine comments. Rob
  17. Thanks Pat. It's a big case...for a big model(and at 1/128, that says a lot). When the fire is crackling, it is so comfy nestled up on the couch with a good book and some coffee. When my mother comes to visit..she loves this room to sit and read in. Rob
  18. Well I built the riser for the GR case and leveled everything up too. It looks better and much taller. Now on to finishing the Great Republic. Here are some pics of the library after I rearranged a few things. Rob
  19. Looking forward to your pictures....cuz ya know...if there ain't no pictures....*It didn't happen*. Heeheehee. Clipper fan...even though the Preussen wasn't a clipper...….she's still magnificent. Rob
  20. Thanks Pat. I wrestled with the new location...but there just isn't enough room to place her anywhere else...and the room is a library....not a model display room. Starting out, my collection was small and space was more or less available. But now an entire wall is a book case and as you see in the image there are built in shelves along the North wall(both sides of the old incased chimney). (Partly seen). Up until now, I haven't given to much thought about displaying the Great Republic....I just piddled along in the shop building her...always moving forward...without much planning, concerning her display. I did entertain the idea of placing her on the mantle over the stove...but she would completely block the painting...not to mention she would be there NOT in a case. Dust is always a problem and with her, it would be a nightmare to try to keep her clean. We'll get there..... Rob
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