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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. The plans are found in his second book, *Clipper ship Captain*.......Sorry. Rob
  2. It is a representation of a dirty tarpaulin, that was hastily placed over the winch. The idea was taken from photos of Ferriera when she was tied up at some backwater port.
  3. Indeed, that is why I like the ink in alcohol suspension. It's randomness is very natural....accounting for angle and shadow. I used it heavily when I was building my Cutty Sark conversion into the Ferriara. Ferriera was extremely dirty and weathered and plus all the heavy additions and mods...it was an extremely fun build. Here are some images of the deck and its furniture after heavy weathering with inks and chalks. Rob
  4. Bravo Keith....... Will you be putting ratlines on the topgallant shrouds as well? Or just the mains? Snappy work my friend. Rob
  5. Thanks Michael and Pat. I appreciate the compliment greatly. This scale allows me just enough size for ample detail but small enough to permit me freedom from the kind of details larger scales demand. Thank so much. Rob
  6. Oh man...that means something...Michael...coming from an extremely accuracy and detailed oriented modeler yourself. I'm humbled...really. Rob
  7. Oh...that is normal. Looking, reaching...always forward and upward. Sometimes when you are on your third try at 7/8", when the human figure is the hardest to replicate....you just settle with what you end up with. However, hindsight, we wish we had paid greater attention...but at the time, exhaustion and frustration wins out. Rob(Just a simple man)
  8. Nils....it's so very nice to see you at the bench again. Great start. I'm reminded of your beautiful metal German liner. This schooner is a slight variance. Rob
  9. Actually, I had another image that is not on my phone. It was a side shot of the clansman from mystics original mounted collection. I have it somewhere ……just didn’t place his left arm correctly and his head isn’t aiming back far enough. Rob
  10. Finished up the chain guys. The rope guys are part of the stays, so they’ll get added when I reach that point. Next is the spreader just aft of the cap. I won’t rig the guy’s so as not to make things tough for the jib stays. Rob
  11. Yes..its history is varied. At one point the figurehead spent time in a farmers field before finding its way to Seaport. I didn't have either one of these images at the time when I carved him. Rob
  12. I am so fortunate to possess a set of extremely micro tipped dental burs..they are probably 10,000 of an inch....made for extreme detail and micro work. I also made a 7/8" Donald McKay figurehead for my Donald McKay clipper diorama(you see her now and again up on the shelf of my shop). I have a poor image of him. He's fully painted. Lots of errors...but still a likeness
  13. Pat, I used copper plate cut to scale and then drill a hole for the pad eye…….then painted and weathered. Rob
  14. Carving figures has never been my strong suit, but I worked this till I felt it was as good as I could get. She’s still wrought with errors. Thanks for the fine compliment. Rob
  15. Gonna start the bowsprit stays and all the padeyes that secure them to the catheads and sprit. My version of Glory will be incorporating a bowsprit boom....an addition during her rigging upgrade that your version does not have. The martingale will also be worked up...that will include the chain stays and their hardware. Rob
  16. Just a reminder...the figurehead is only 7/8" long. Here is a comparison to the prototype.
  17. The lifts are standing rigging...accept on the main yard lifts. When the yards are raised via their haulyards...the lifts are slung and go slack. Look at the black line on my mizzen mast and you'll see the difference. Rob
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