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Everything posted by Ekis

  1. 🤣 Oh, that's a good question for a french guy like me ! How does a British and an American/Canadian translate the house of the local lord in this type of village? Is there a difference in words?
  2. Thank you Shipman! Why a 1940s movie set? It doesn't seem credible to you for really being part of 18th century Royal Navy History? 😃 (Of course, apart from the white flags of the French Royal, which are a friendly joke to all catches of war between our 2 countries throughout history...) 😂
  3. Just a little remark about moving threads by historical periods: I know it must have been a huge job to sort it all out, and that's why I've been waiting quietly while I let you breathe a little... 🤪 But this HMS Victory is the one before the other... And her life is from 1737 to 1744 (date of sinking), and not in the period of the sub forum 1751-1800... ☺️
  4. The idea to make this lord's house is simpler than a complete creation: I use pieces of real and still existing houses, and I make a Photoshop montage of them to try to have the right proportions... The point is simply to be as close as possible to what existed to build correctly. But I have to use the constraints of my stones and the cardboard base, even if I transform a little to make the whole thing look good... And like you, I love architecture, whatever the period! As long as it's creative and adapted to life. 😉
  5. Of course not. These are pictures of town houses, villages in France and England. But I only put a few pictures: I have dozens of them from all over Western Europe! ☺️
  6. I take inspiration from everywhere, including my own imagination, but yes, I do have some images... ☺️
  7. Looks like you're falling into a big addictive trap! 🤪😁
  8. Really an incredible work ! (and workshop...) 😪
  9. Come on, first try ! Here are the half-timberings of the first central floor on the right, and a filling try on the left with my mixture between the half-timberings on an exercise square. We will have to wait for it to dry, of course, before sanding and finding all the wooden structures...Then will come the time to stain all this properly. But visually, it does it, once sanded ! 😛
  10. Thanx ! Yes, I'm going to use a very thin Gap Filler Mastic that I've been using to make the joints between the stones since the beginning. But this time, it will be mixed with the stone dust I keep in a jar.
  11. The next building will be the lord's house. The cardboard base suits me quite well, I just changed the height of the roofs like the other buildings. But I'm keeping it for the layout, reinforcing it a little inside, of course. Where I think it's going to get a little tougher is the upgrade of the facade... (knowing that I have 2 or 3 things to add for the other sides too !) I'm starting from this: ...and the project is something like this: Well, let's be clear, I think I'm going to lighten up a bit, but overall there's a bit of work to be done, so I'm going to take it easy, and do 2 or 3 tries on the hard parts... But it's worth a try ! (not even afraid to show you the project before actually realizing it...!) 🤪
  12. Well, I haven't thought about how I'm going to protect him when it's over. For several reasons: I haven't yet started finalizing the pedestals until all the buildings and fortifications are done, maybe I'll have to lengthen the pedestals a little bit to put things outside the walls... ☺️
  13. Thanx to all ! ☺️ @captain_hook The village is divided into 3 parts: - Church/Cloister 36x50cm, - Village Centre 29x50cm, - Main Gate 36x50cm. The overall assembly of the 3 parts: 101x50cm. 😉
  14. You're absolutely right, excuse me! ☺️ Indeed, depending on where we live in the world, we don't always have the possibility to get what we want to build our models, or at incredible prices, not to mention the shipping costs... Show us the rest of your build as soon as possible!
  15. Kurt, I had understood the second degree side of your post! 😁 ... And after wondering how I could answer you in the same tone, I wrote how I build this village: all my answer is based on real facts with real names (Jean Le Bon was really king of France), but this village doesn't exist... But it could have existed exactly as I do! And above all, please, keep intervening as you do, I will answer you with real pleasure and a real smile (which you obviously don't see...) ! 😂
  16. Hi Masa, Just a question: Why did you buy a complete kit instead of just buying extra tiles? I think the tile number should be 2211, sold in batches of 300 pieces.
  17. 😁 I don't even know what and how to answer you, Kurt! Come on, let's say he's neither good nor bad, he's a very small baron, he's poor and above all vassal of the Maison de Toulouse in that year 1361... But the whole County has just been attached by King Jean II Le Bon to the Kingdom of France. Nobody knows what will become of this little unknown nobleman of the French court. This fortified bastide is only a small part of this distant province of Paris. The English claim the right to administer the whole county, but the King of France ignores them. 🏰
  18. Many thanks to all of you for your comments and follow-up! 😁 @Kurt, the next building will be the Lord's House with its 2 bodies and tower. In fact, I need to build it in order to know where I will be with my stone stock and to consider other things afterwards... And to answer you, I don't have a precise planning, I do what I enjoy the most or change a little of what I have just finished... For example, I made this oven without having planned it at the beginning, but I found it interesting and different to show this type of construction... For the next part (after the Lord's House), everything is possible, and I still have a lot of ideas...
  19. It's done: the village's communal oven is finished. I like the result, there are practically no right angles, an infernal roof, woods that seem already worn out. 😁 I show some views of the village as it is today, and especially the 3 separate parts (and my glasses for the scale of the whole...) to understand the final cut.
  20. You can be inspired by some images like this one for example. I put the direct link so that you have a very important size of the picture: https://troisponts.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/20180805_151436.jpg
  21. I haven't finished the roof of the village's communal oven yet. I had very little time these last few days to model... But I devoted myself to one little thing anyway to complete the main constructions: a wall separating the village from the cloister. It was out of the question to let the villagers and other visitors see the inside of the monastic part, contrary to the assembly of the basic kit. So a separation was almost obligatory! I added a well leaning against the wall and a drinking trough for the herds and/or the animals in the market place. The layout of this well is inspired by a real site. 😉
  22. Every time I read a new post in this thread, I lose part of my jaw. Honestly, what a marvel! Each element is thought, realized, aged for a realism rarely reached on a model...😲
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