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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Gorgeous finish Rob and a just reward for all the hard work to achieve it. Congratulations alan
  2. Nasty Jack got his rapier today. I used a piece of 0.5 mm brass rod which is close to the scale thickness of a rapier. I managed to knock his hand off trying to get the rapier to bow but it all went back on again. The bowed rapier has bit of a look of menace there. Someone’s been a naughty boy. I painted the lantern with a series of yellows and light brown and then gave it several coats of gloss. In the right mood I think it looks fairly convincing. The flask got a wash of lighter brown and the gloss treatment. Both were added to the base. Ive also added his spurs although I’m not sure what a buccaneer needs spurs for but what do I know. I’ll give the rapier a coat of gloss and there are a few more bits to touch up and then I think this one is done. Thanks for looking in, for the likes and kind comments. I have a couple more Pegaso figures to start on between the ship models. Alan
  3. A lovely model Andrew. It looks really good. It’s amazing how aircraft have grown. I looked at the Gnat at the Cosford museum and was staggering at how small it is compared to a Hawk. The same thing with the A-4s at the NAWC Patuxent River museum. They are tiny compared to the modern stuff. Even the Harrier is small compared to the F-35 alan
  4. The mast and crane looks superb Mike. It came out really well and I share you dread of soldering. alan
  5. Yep, once you get inside the point with an edged sword he’s toast. alan
  6. Ive started adding bits and working on the accessories. The wine flask and the lamp have been given some basic coloring. The trick now is to see if I can make it look like glass and lit in the case of the lamp. I’m hoping that yellow and white shading will work for the lamp and some lighter brown on the flask and then gloss finish on both. Jacques now has forearms and hands. His left hand doesn’t want to match perfectly so a little putty will be needed, otherwise it assembled well. I decided that the white metal rapier needed to be replaced. It is too flat and wide and it also doesn’t hold the curve I want. So I cut and filed it off and I plan to use suitable brass rod in its place. I’m not really sure about the context of the rapier. I think I would have preferred something with an edge like a saber or cutlass but rapiers do seem a firm favorite for swashbuckling and it never slowed Zorro down. Making that Z with a saber would be messy too. The hat make the the man as they say and he just looks more suspect. Thanks for looking in, the likes and kind comments. Alan
  7. The rigging looks excellent and shows the beauty of the boat alan
  8. Your exceptional detailed work is going to result in a spectacular model. It’s quite a puzzle seeing how the aftermarket stuff integrates with the kit and you have done a masterful job of conquering the inadequacies. alan
  9. Thank you very much OC. I’m still trying to darken the colors as they transition from the lighted side. I used off white for the left iris and pale grey for the right. I’m not sure if it’s all going to make a difference though. alan
  10. Thank you very much Jeff. Whatever he is planning I somehow doubt it’s the orphans summer picnic. alan
  11. I’ve been working on the face, trying to get a somewhat nasty cast to Jacques features. Unfortunately I think his hat will obscure quite a bit but I’m fairly happy with how it turned out. I’ve added some gloss to his hair using a stiff bristle brush apply it on the high points of his curls. Matte varnish has been painted on his cloak and it looks considerably better. I've started painting the accessories which are going to be interesting. The lantern and the flask are going to require giving the illusion of glass and for the lantern also the illusion of light. New challenges. I’ve started fiddling with whatever it is that’s lying at the base of the post. I used ivory for the cloth, sail or flag, or even curtains. The cylinder looks wooden so I’ll paint it in a similar way to the base. Thanks for looking in and the likes. alan
  12. That’s very disappointing after being so close to a sale. Shame, it would be great to see it going to a good home- and some cash flowing the other way Alan
  13. Thank you very much for the kind words. You may have given me the push I need to get HMS Iron Duke down from the shelf. Alan
  14. Thank you very much Mike. I’m amazed I got through the build without breaking off some of the barbette guns. Alan
  15. Thank you very much Mark. I’m still learning with every model. Flyhawk make very well thought out kits with great detail so one of their kits is a good start for a handsome result. Alan
  16. I continued adding washes to the pants and tunic. I’m using a darker grey on the right side and light grey instead of ivory for the tunic slashes to try to maintain a darker cast to the unlit side. boots have been painted in saddle brown and then polished lightly to add some shine and also let some of the black primer through to show wear. I’m quite pleased with them. The golden hemming and sash fringes are good painted on orange, it seems to look less metallic like that. Hair is black and will get a light gloss added. The eyes have been touched with off white on the left and pale grey on the right. The face will be tomorrows challenge. So far this is proving very nice to paint. Some shine on the cloak will need to be addressed and I’m still not sure I like the grey for the tunic. Thanks for looking in and for the likes Alan
  17. Jack is back! Now that the Derfflinger is finished it’s time to get back to work on Jacques. The figure was only temporarily glued in place for the zenith Al air brush shading. He was removed and the wooden structure was painted. I used a couple of thin coats of burnt umber and then dry brushed cork brown to give the wood some grain. I’m curious about what the base represents. There is a lamp to go onto the left hand arm but it seems to be a bit substantial for just a lamp. The ground / floor is also wooden so is part of a ship. Alternatively is it a gibberish at the end of a pier? Given l’Olonnaise behavior that doesn’t seem completely inappropriate. Also, I’m trying to work out what is at the bottom of the post, some sort of cloth. And the rectangle at upper right? The figure has been reattached to the base and I’ve started the basic washes on the figure and I’m trying to keep the unlit side of the figure subdued. This is as relaxing as always. I completely forgot that I was supposed to be scrubbing the grout lines on the bathroom floor. Thanks for looking in and for the likes and comments Alan
  18. Thank you very much Andrew. It was a thoroughly enjoyable build. I just looked over at your Sparkler build. Beautiful work but I’m so sorry to read that you’re having health troubles. It seems to be a nasty wet winter in the UK. Take care and get well Alan
  19. Thank you very much OC. I want to finish a couple of miniatures but after that I’m not sure. Probably something Flyhawk, maybe the Iron Duke or one of the carriers but I’m a bit nervous about lots of 1/700 Swordfish Alan
  20. That is so frustrating after such precise work creating a beautiful model. It’s one thing to reach the limit of your skills but another to have something random happen to the model. My commiserations. It’s so beautiful. Alan
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