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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thank you very much Andrew. I remember the Argosies in service. Don’t recall the Beverley though but I do plan one of them too. It’s worth the struggle with the kits to get the less known subjects. alan
  2. Lovely story EJ. Thanks. The RAF of the fifties and sixties was a special place. I just read Vampire Boys about the pilots who flew the RAFs first frontline single engine jet. The number of crashes is amazing. One pilot describes losing his brakes on landing, going off the runway and through the perimeter fence, crossing a road and ending up on a traffic island. There was an AA motor cyclist ( remember them!) standing there who walked over to what was left of the cockpit and asked “ Are you a member sir” some great stories in that book, highly recommended. alan
  3. I added the spurs, the sword and the head. Tidied up a few little bits and did the Woodland Scenics thing with the base. I think this one is now done. After overcoming the flag this was really very nice and fun to do. Thanks for looking in, the likes and kind and helpful comments. Alan
  4. Thank you OC. I've had a lot of useful tips from this forum which has helped me immensely. Alan
  5. The details and the finish are absolutely stunning alan
  6. Well today was supposed to see some progress on the Argosy but first I thought "I'll just touch in the sword handle on this chap" One thing led to another and I spent most of the day playing with the figure. I added the fringes to the flag and the sash. The fringe on the sash is a base of orange red and then gold dry brushed on top. Spurs and belt buckle added and the green stripes on his shirt. I used thin strips of masking tape to get the separation reasonably consistent. This piece was in the bag of bits. I thought it was a bag or pouch of some sort, maybe like a sabretache but on closer examination its actually his spurs on a piece of moulding. I also found a use for these in my Bumper Bag of Brushes Its great for burnishing masking tape down in tight places. I think, touched with beeswax it might also work to move PE bits around. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  7. Thanks for the story. I have the 1/144 Beverley to start when I'm feeling strong. I gather it is as much a struggle in places as the Argosy but it will be a great compliment to the Argosy. Doing a bit of preliminary reading I gather the whole rear door assemblies could be removed from the Beverley for heavyweight drops; so flying with teh back end completely open. I think I also read that an initial concept had the entire cargo pod detach as the aircraft overflew the destination at about ten feet and it landed on its own wheels. Fun days Alan
  8. Thank you very much EG. I need to work on my primer I think to get a better finish. I have a couple of 1/72 aircraft that I hope to improve for. Possiby a larger scale map of the Reichstag area might have been better. Uh oh - I can smell burning.😄 Alan
  9. Coming on beautifully Mike. The aluminum finish looks great. I will look for the Mr Color paint. I found the Vallejo metal to go on well but not as metallic as I would have liked. alan
  10. A bit more of an inspiring day. I masked up for the grey section. The yellow and black almost looks like a paint scheme in its own right! After airbrushing the light grey it was time to see the results - and the masking behaved very well. I had resigned myself to the blue stripe being a mess but it came out nicely and so did the windows and cockpit glass. Its starting to feel like I might make something out of this one. Now the attention turns to the details. Wheels, props and some delicate PE along with posing the cargo doors open. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  11. I added the sash and other details to the body. The cross belt and the flag fringes and a few small details remain - and the dreaded green stripes on the arms. I think I will try 1mm strips of masking tape and see how it goes. I reworked the eyes and balanced his moustache a bit better. I got this from Amazon this afternoon. I've been finding the nail painting brushes to be very helpful for the small details and they seem to be holding up quite well; the ones I use the most are holding their shape and they don't shed bristles so I indulged $6:99 in this set of 35 brushes They look like they should cover every brush related arising 😄 At this price they can be used a few times and discarded and they are cheap enough to modify with teh scissors. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  12. Thank you OC. Its amazing how quickly it starts to come together. Alan
  13. I sprayed the white upper sections today. Now letting it dry and harden before starting the serious masking tomorrow for the grey bits. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  14. Thank you very much Andrew. I wanted an inflight display. I think the Condor along with the Britannia and the Constellation is one of the more graceful aircraft. Alan
  15. Thank you very much Patrick. I liked Rodens military vehicle offerings better Alan
  16. Thank you very much OC. I think it rescued an ordinary model Alan
  17. As light relief from struggling with the Condor and teh Argosy I started adding some paint to the Bavarian. I still like the glazing technique to bring out the shadows and highlights in creases and folds. I think its a bit more subtle than the way it was done for the model illustration at rt Girona I started reworking the face and need to detail around the eyes again Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  18. So this is where we end up. I trimmed the map and glued it to the top of the base with a thin coat of white glue. I chose the centre of town, Brandenberg Tor, Reichstag, Unter Den Linden etc The model was mounted and secured with a touch more of the white glue. I painted the engine exhausts and added a touch of exhaust staining. I'm guessing The Chief wouldn't tolerate a very dirty aircraft. The props have been added I'm not sure what to think about this one. It came out somewhat as I planned but it wasn't the nicest kit to make and its not terribly detailed even though I know it 1/144 scale. The Mikro Mir Argosy is a much better kit from that point of view (although it is not easy either). So it doesn't feel terribly rewarding to finish - more of a relief. Maybe doing it in the Russian winter paint might have been better but this was to be my first shallow dip into metal finishes and I learnt a lot. Thanks for looking in and providing support Alan
  19. Thank you OC. I tried the clear disc idea but decied to just accept the anomaly of being in flight with stopped props. It sort of works. Alan
  20. Thanks Mike Its a great subject and I have its predecessor the Beverley at the same scale from Mikro Mir. The reviews are not encouraging! Some of the work has been rather vexing but if I can make a decent job of the paint (the next big challenge) I think it will be worth it. Your JRS-1 looks like it is a huge challenge. Alan
  21. Thats a good thought. Thanks OC. the aircraft in the photo is so beat up with stains and discolouration everywhere. Even panels that seem to not be painted to match the overall scheme I wonder if the red is some sort of temporary marking. It looks too regular to be staining I think. I can't find any other photos to match it. Alan
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