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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. I'm glad you're here. The Sherman diorama is spectacular. A great feel to it. Alan
  2. Thanks Patrick It definitely has an older feel to it. It is an attractive box 😃 Alan
  3. Gret to have you on board EG. This one is very reminiscent of an Airfix Churchill when I was a kid. Hopefully this one will turn out better. I would like to try a few 1/35 vehicles but space is becoming an issue. Alan
  4. Yes I remember Jacks Sherman dio. It is impressive and something to aim for. This one may just be a sandy base Alan
  5. Sounds like a great trip Jack. I did a three week climbing trip in the Karakorum years ago and only had space for ten 36 exp rolls of Kodachrome. Careful rationing needed especially as you never knew what the next bend in the valley would bring. It was exciting seeing those yellow boxes come through the letter box I also took a lot of caving photos and got resigned to throwing an entire box of slides in the bin when they came back from processing Alan
  6. I never managed colour prints. I did a lot of black and white and some printing from slides (Cibachrome paper? It was wickedly expensive). Still got the dev tanks and timer along with the projector Alan
  7. You are right. I really like a diorama setting but they take up so much time. I have a thought for a small WW1 diorama that might be small enough to try Alan
  8. This is something quick to fill in time waiting for the X craft PE to show up, This was a bargain buy. It claims to have new parts (2021) but it feels like an old kit. There is good detail on the main parts but there is some distortion at the edges and quite a bit of flash. A decent number of parts and decal options. Elastic band tracks unfortunately The undercarriage is interesting. Three pieces make up the road wheels, suspension and skirt. The assembly is shown at top The turret was a real dogs dinner and needed a lot of cutting and filing and filling. I haven't followed assembly instructions which has you put the tracks on before adding the side pieces to the hull. Painting looks too difficult if you do that. So the plan is to temporarily add the top pieces to the hull and paint the camouflage then remove the top pieces and put the tracks on. The chosen paint scheme will be a Churchill at El Alamein 2 so a dusty finish. The major parts have had a coat of Mig One Shot Brown primer and look good to continue Thanks for looking in and I hope everyone has a great weekend Alan
  9. Gret days. Banging off 36 exposures and not knowing whether you had got anything good until they were developed Alan
  10. You are doing a great job Craig but I have to say I am not tempted on this one. I know my limitations too well. Alan
  11. Lou Thats great. I guess the moral is to get out there and advertise. Given the number of retirees locally at least a few must be putting models together. They can't all be drinking the free coffee at McDonalds. Alan
  12. So far I have only found a few railway enthusiasts on this rather quiet [art of the east coast. Its a great place to live but limited in access to things that might be found in larger communities. With the growing collection of models, aviation memorabilia and other souvenirs of life the house is beginning to resemble a badly organised small town museum. Alan
  13. Thanks a lot Mike. I have appreciated all the support and kind comments on the road to the final result. It is as near scratch building as I think I will get. I now have HMS Zinnia and Petunia in 1/350 to build when I next need a Flower fix Alan
  14. I've been finding that the Mig acrylics have a sheen rather than dead flat like Tamiaya. I thought it was just me Alan
  15. Playing about with the light. Its still not perfect; just too many reflections but better than the previous set. Many Thanks for following to the end and for all the help on the journey. Alan
  16. Thank you Yves The learning curve with the 3D printer was steeper than I expected but it was worth it. I'm grateful for you leading the way. I can see another 3D print ship in my future. The case came out at 55 inches long. There are only two places in the house where it can be displayed and the other is on the top of bookcases (which is a logistical challenge on its own) The current spot does allow it to be viewed and makes me happy when I look at it. What do we do with our models? My display space is rapidly running out. Thanks again Alan
  17. I spent a lot of yesterday chasing my tail trying nail down some of the reported problems with the kit. It has been noted that teh control linkages are wrong; they are provided for both sides but should only go on the starboard side in reality. It has also been noted that the single piece diving plane is wrong and the rudder should actually be a single piece instead. That is incorrect; the reference is the x craft at the Royal Navy Submarine Museum which for some reason has diving planes and rudder installed incorrectly. This has been confirmed by the curator so the kit is good to go. The control linkages are rather nice and with a bit of effort could be made to operate the planes but since that sort of behaviour is discouraged we won't be doing that. I also tracked down the Eduard PE kit and ordered it *somehow a Hasawega AV-8B got in the cart too). The nice people at Sprue Brothers already have it in the mail so there will be a brief hiatus while that delivers. The PE kit apparently provides a better propellor. The kit one is not all at nice If the real one was like that (and it wasn't) even two knots would be a challenge I'm drilling out the drain ports and then we will park and wait for the PE. One broken drill so far. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments. Alan
  18. Welcome Mark Possibly "weird" is the word you were searching for.🙂 Yes, I like the history in these odd subjects. Alan
  19. The Harrier is not an elegant jet but with a full load out it has "presence". Nothing to mess with
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