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About RiverRat

  • Birthday 05/30/1957

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    Alton, Suthrun Ellanoy, usa

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  1. Hello Sir, Did you finish your Rattlesnake? Are you still building? Hope you are well.

    1. Teikuro


      Building out the hull


  2. I visited replicas of Nina and Pinta a few years ago and posted some pics here. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/2311-nina-and-pinta-reproductions-at-grafton-illinois/?hl=nina I'm sure these "replicas" and current models are just guesses as to what they looked like, but these may be of help or interest to your build. Cheers
  3. Well! Long time, no sea! Finally getting back to this. Finished installing the sheave blocks in the bulwarks, except for a little sanding down and touching up/repairing chipped inner planking to do yet. The inner planking is only 0.5mm and I had some delaminating until I settled down and got more careful. Somewhat of a pain-in-the-@r$e process, 75% happy with how they look, and 100% relieved to get through it! Here are two typical. A couple better, some not. Next, after the touching up: thoroughly review the planking tutorials (it's been too long since last time....) and plank the lower hull. Cheers!
  4. Perhaps it was simply esthetics. See how BIG my wheel is! Mine's bigger than yours!!! "Big wheel keep on toinin'..................."
  5. Just found this thread. I noticed a push pin in my wall holding a calendar and thought it might make some sort of capstan.
  6. My goodness! Have I been away this long? Ah, well. I DO have other interests, though. But I've got to missing these model-building trials and tribulations and was wondering if I could rustle up the energy to continue this thing. Blew the dust off the deck, the Ratt hanging in the basement rafters on the build board. No ill has come to it thankfully. Re-inserted some missing photos in the log on pages 5-7. No promises, but I might actually continue after taking some time to review where I left off ( and if I can manage to keep that devil cat from getting into the fiddly bits......) Cheers to the loverly MSW community!
  7. I got one too to shape a cradle. It's also good to check for symmetry between the port and starboard shapes.
  8. Great!!! What sources do you have from your research? Being relatively new at this, pretty much all I have is looking at models and some paintings now and then. It would be great to see some documentation to to clear this up for me. Thanks! Brian
  9. I'm referring to Post#318, first image, in this topic. I've seen many models where the sills, top and bottom, were angled to parallel the deck and not square with the vertical sides (horizontal as the waterline), and making a parallelogram shape rather than a square or rectangle. In MSW 1.0, I asked if this was fitting for certain eras or geographical regions, but don't remember that I got a definitive answer. But I've certainly seen ports that didn't have square corners.
  10. The plan drawing above seems to show the open (un-lidded) ports as having sills that parallel the line of the deck. The two forward ports, that have lids, look square (or rectangle). Brian
  11. Hello Juan, Reproductions of the Nina and Pinta toured the U.S. midwest recently and I took a number of photos and posted them here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2311-nina-and-pinta-reproductions-at-grafton-illinois/ I can't vouch for the authenticity of their construction, but I thought it might be of interest to you. Regards, Brian
  12. Hi Tyler, You'll need something to hold the pieces square as the glue dries. Things like wood blocks, Lego blocks, "L" brackets, judicial use of clamps, with or without things like the preceeding. Whatever you can rig! Sometimes a calibrated eyeball will do. Is it glued already? With what? Some adhesives can be un-done so the parts can be re-glued. G'luck! Brian
  13. Thank you all for the condolences. I do appreciate your support and kindness. Should be back to model-mania and frustration shortly Al
  14. Sounds much like me nowadays! Carry on, if you feel like it................ Brian
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