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Andi Little

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    UK, East Mid's - West Leics'.

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  1. Simply Marvellous - I can only extend my sincerest thanks for all your efforts in bringing these updates to the board and to my attention .... Thank You.
  2. Thanks for your timely response, I misread your post earlier (it's an age thing) And went to have a look at the Shipwrights site - VERY good, I will be glad to hear of other options as back-up but I can see me poring over their site with purchases in mind - Thanks again ...
  3. Hey all, I have been lurking around here for quite some time. I've posted before but real life and work just kept my bench time at bay. Hopefully now I may have some time for myself - or at least I'm pretty determined to make it so ... Tempus Fugit on many levels in seems! I hadn't meant to open this thread so soon, but I've been struggling to get an answer for the most basic of questions (well I think it is)? My see me out project is that of the HMS Victory, in this instance the Heller 1/100th scale version, lots of reasons, both for the subject and for the medium - non of which I shall bore you with right now. Suffice to say I'm trying to be very grown up about this project? I have in fact had the kit itself for over a year now ............................. As proof of honest intentions.................... and to show those who've never seen the box - it's a whopper!!! Now most importantly, I have procured a bag of those little plastic fellows - just because I think they're great and add a fun twist ... (this is not going to be a museum piece build). It took me over a year but I finally managed to justify the cost and reasoning to purchase a set of Daniels etch sheets - so far telling myself that I'm supposed to be a modeller ergo I resisted the resin - this may have been a mistake ... we'll see? In a fit of excited anticipation I made these ............ as yet unproven and unbloodied - not strictly true as I managed to injure myself during the cutting out of the frames! oopsey .... soz! I didn't think they'd take up so much room in the thread - but you can see 'em? I've just ordered some weird special scissors - "Dental Castroviejo Noyes Spring Suture Scissors Curved". I have it on the best authority these are the dogs when it comes to rigging, plus it was he that told me to buy them (just a fiver). Anyhoo .................... all this brings me to the question!!!? ............. where in the UK ('tis where I am located) is the best place - both price and service are a consideration, .................... to source aftermarket items such as Thread, Ropes, Dead-eyes, Blocks and general model accessories such that I may need?? - Pretty please - and thanks. KBO ... Andi.
  4. OK - still following this thread as updates appear ... I have a question though - and an update. Update first - if you remember (or read back) I had to make a choice on a bandsaw and eventually after much deliberation and a lot of probably annoying questions plumped for the Axminster - what a disaster. Despite all my best efforts, I could just not get it to run cleanly. Constantly throwing its blade, wandering all over the shop ... I must admit got quite down about it after trying so hard to make an informed decision. In the end, and after many weeks ... and eventually taking two long hours of very patient trying to set this thing up (for a two-minute job may I add) ... and in a fit of pique - I phoned the suppliers to see what it was I was obviously doing wrong? ..................... He immediately said "nothing", this is not supposed to do this - obviously a fault!!! ..... bring it back and we'll replace it. Gracious of them but to be honest I'd lost all confidence in the machine and told him so whilst discussing the situation. It was then that whilst wandering around the showroom and chatting we arrived at the Proxxon stand, and rather absent mindedly I patted the 240/E and said "truth be told I'd probably have gone for this if the price was similar (to the Axminster) .................. "Hold on he said," and disappeared. Reappearing a few minutes later he said he had a brand new return out the back that was being taken to a show the next day and was going to be offered at a complimentary rate "Would I like it"??? Straight swop plus a tenner .......... I literally took his arm off. As a return thank you I bought the TG125E bench sander whilst I was there. Both items have performed perfectly each and every time I have used them ................... I am a Proxxon convert and now very much a fan. Now the question .............................. does one slack off the tension after using the bandsaw (Proxxon) - or leave it in tension (I have read both recommendations). Thanks all ..........................................
  5. It looks to be a good start to me, and you obviously have the skills to take you forward - I think you are going to do particularly well. Keep it up - well done! PS, I'm a newbie too, and I haven't even got mine out of the box yet!!!
  6. Thanks, Mike - I stewed over it some and eventually plumped for the Axminster 200n. I know it isn't as cheap as some but it appears from the write-ups that the quality is there? A big reason, however, is the fact that there is a large depot just a few miles down the road from me (who knew ... and quite reassuring)! The video link will be very beneficial once it arrives and also I watched out of curiosity a follow on piece by Mathias Wandel - comparing the different guides, it put my mind to rest on the lack of roller guides on this model. I tried to find out if there's a specific blade for working with styrene (which I'm bound to attempt at some point) but it appears the tech' dept didn't want to commit themselves - anyone any idea about that?? Anyhoo ... I'll be sure to let you know how I get on, Thanks again for all your efforts and advice. ........................... Andi
  7. Mike ... the saw you have included the link for is to my eye pretty much the Axminster, except with roller bearing guides. As to my usage (perhaps should have started with this) ... it is at best going to be modest. It will be used in my hobby room (small bedroom/mancave), which is already quite full of assorted stuff so while size isn't critical it's a definite consideration. It's also pretty much going to be used exclusively for modelling purposes - ship modelling an obvious example but it would be great if it could accommodate light DIY projects. I don't think I'll ever be ripping logs with it but perhaps slicing small blocks of hardwood to gain strips and planking - this I would consider an ambitious exercise but one I'd like to work towards. Financially - yes, although relatively cheap to some, this represents quite an investment for me which is why I really don't want to purchase the wrong thing or to make a rookie mistake. I can see how those roller guides are desirable but for my modest aspirations are they a critical necessity? Again, Mike, I do appreciate the efforts you are putting in on my behalf.
  8. Thanks both, on revisiting this thread I realise my remark might have sounded snippy? Not how it was meant - I am very grateful for your opinions, just a shame that there isn't anyone with experience of the Axminster 200 as it does look pretty good too. Thanks again ....Andi.
  9. None of which helps me! ... Sorry to butt in guys but I'm trying to reach a decision here -
  10. Mike ... thanks for your timely reply. And YES, this is exactly the kind of advice/opinion I was hoping for - so thanks again. This is obviously where my thinking and knowledge falls down, as in that I can read and view as many Bandsaws as there are featured, but that doesn't give any real world knowledge of what is the best for one's circumstances. This coupled with an amazing talent for always going in the wrong direction with decisions like this. I have read a review that came out reasonably well for an Axminster saw (cannot remember where or what it was though) I think it was quoted as being about £189?? and I think the fence was an accessory on that model - might this be the way to go as space isn't critical, but it's a definite consideration. I will try and search for the thread - if you think of any thing else that would help with this decision I would be extremely grateful for your thoughts. Cheers for now. EDIT ................................... I found this as an example .................... thoughts/opinions anyone................... http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-hobby-series-hbs200n-bandsaw-102266
  11. Hi all, excuse me bringing this thread to the top! ....but pretty much a first-time caller, and callow novice in this sphere of the hobby. Now I've always wanted and often needed a bandsaw, bought a second hand Burgess three wheeler but frankly, it seems more of a liability than anything - plus it seems impossible to get blades for it now? Anyhoo, since I've been mooching around these here parts, and everyone appears pretty knowledgeable on the subject, I've read all the reviews I can find on small hobbyist bandsaws and whilst it hasn't done much to diminish my confusion - this model somehow appeals (I know not why over any other) - I think I perhaps followed and understood the resulting thread more readily. It looks like it will do all that I ever ask of it, and that it's not that highly strung and precious that I'll never have the ware-with-all to set it up and maintain it? I'm thinking strongly about pressing the "buy it" button ..................... any reason why not anyone??? current wisdom dictate anything else?? And the current price is 245euro's with a small shipping charge - Good/Bad? Thanks for reading, would appreciate any thoughts ..... cheers Andi.
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