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About cotrecerf

  • Birthday 01/13/1954

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  • Location
    Western Wood/Germany
  • Interests
    ship modelling from scratch, photography, painting, translating poems, languages, travelling, hiking, sailing,

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  1. Wow, you think of everything, Bravo. I haven't seen these before on a shipmodel.
  2. hi Marsalv, excellent framing, Chapeau! But what are the tiny black squares (holes?) for which appear between the frame ends and the setting grooves of the keel? Joachim
  3. Hello Valeriy, I recall having looked closely to your electro-forming excursus in your Varyag build log. Apparently in missed the other topic. Thank you very much for your lead. Joachim
  4. Hey Valeriy, super good look of the items. Especially the rudder being a quite massive part, looks very convincing. Could you achieve these results with your "hobby equipent" or did you use industrial facilities? If achievable by hobby equipment, would you be willing to share your production secrets of nickel plating with us and describe the process? I'm always keen on learning from masters. best greetings Joachim
  5. Hello Mark, thank you very much. I now understand the the inventory in some details much better avoiding any ambiguiance in the block matter. The pic helps too. I haven't been aware of the Kite's rigging warrant. I guess it can be found via NMM's homepage. Have a nice weekend Joachim
  6. Hello Mark, thank you very much for your detailed answer, very helpful for me! So, there is no general difference between a Quarter block and a QuarterED block ? All the best Joachim
  7. Gentlemen, thanks for your efforts so far. I've transduced that original Sherbourne Inventory into a xls-sheet showing in the end all measurements in metric in my preferred scale 1:50. Yet there still remains my need for illustrations or descriptions of a quartered block as mentioned in the inventory. Best regards Joachim Sherbourne 1763 Mast Rahen Rigging Blocks.xlsx
  8. Ferrus Manus = Ironhand, thanks for your action towards Isaiah, now I understand. Hopefully he can shed some light onto the matter. Thanks again. greetings Joachim
  9. Ferrus Manus, thanks a lot for your answer. Alas, I don't seem to be a good checker as I have not found any enlightening answers to my block questions under Isaiah's content. He is working on Sherbourne but now busy with planking. best regards Joachim
  10. Thukydides, many thanks for your input, whioch gave me some ideas of what the blocks might look like. I'll keep on searching for quartered block to know for sure. That's part of the fascination of our hobby, that there always pops up a new topic to looking closer into. I'll post the results, if any. Best regards Joachim
  11. Help needed: I am about to start making blocks for my af Chapman English Cutter and due to the lack of original block dimensions given for this special cutter I make use of the rigging list for Sherbourne 1763 (same period): There I find some blocks noted which are absolutely unknown to me so far: block, single, QUARTERED?? and block, single, ironbound, iron, PINED?? and block, double, brass, COAKED?? For the 2 latter ones I assume the sheave is either Iron or Brass and coaked seems to be brass rods inserted in the sheave to act like a ball bearing in connection with the brass sheave. If someone has got a description and favourably some drawings of pics, these ar most welcome. Thanks in advance for your expert help. Joachim
  12. Hello Ralf, welcome to the crew of MSW. I live in the northern Part of Rhineland-Palatinate (Trans-Rhenum) and love to be in the area from Neustadt to Herxheim. Best Greetings and "Alla Gut" Joachim
  13. Micha, best wishes to you. Not knowing what exactly is your severe shoulder problem I can say from my own experience that surgery might not be the best solution. My experience is that nowadays the medical system goes to surgery immediately denying any alternative "conservative" treatment by e.g. physiotherapy. In my case it took some time but my injured left shoulder performs now much better after that therapy than my right one in "natural" status. Of course I'm not a doctor knowitall. Maybe it's better to think twice before surgery., no offence meant! In any case, good luck. greetings Joachim
  14. Hello eapjr,

    you have build a very attractive model.  ....but something is puzzling me:  how is the rudder hung to the stem when the pintles are not lying on top of the gudgeons?  Greetings  Joachim



    1. eapjr


      Hi Joachim, I realized too late that I had this upside down. Next will be better! 

  15. Hi Ron, I've only just now stumbled upon your build log; to express my admiration in words: excellent skills, super photos, textual explanations to the very point. I'm amazed and I'll follow this build from today on Thank you ever so much. Greetings Joachim
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