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About Geoffrey

  • Birthday 06/02/1958

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  • Location
    Long Island, NY

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  1. The decks look great - love the weathered appearance.
  2. I am very much looking forward to watching this build of yours. I have acquired one of these unopened at a garage sale for $25.00 and thought that was a good price. Seems a bit to advanced for me at this point but I will keep if in the closet for the future. So far your build is coming along nicely.
  3. looking very good - I love that you are doing the 45 degree planking. I have always been festinated my Mississippi Paddle Boats. Something to think about for a future build.
  4. very beautiful work. I like this build interesting, maybe someday.
  5. Really looking good. I have ordered one of these kits myself hoping to use it as a first build so I will be watching you progress closely.
  6. Hello from Long Island, NY. I have build many a plastic model in the past and most recently building a lot of paper card models (mostly space craft). I am looking forward to trying my hand at wooden ship modeling. I have purchased the Amati "Hannah Ship in a Bottle" to start with. I have made two ship's in bottles from scratch in my younger days. I have also purchased a model of an "Egyptian Transport" by Amati that I picked up at a local hobby shop (I will need to get a little better at wooden ship building before tackling that kit. Hoping to getting start soon and creating a build log.
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