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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. Yeah I brought it to the office so I could deliver it after work. My work was closer to his place than my house is. So its delivered and he's happy. Every one at his assisted seemed to enjoy. One guy offered to buy it. He'll have a lot of fun showing it off. He even had a full set up ready for it. Popeye I agree. My hand was forced a bit but I recognized from the beginning this wasnt my model. I dont care how complete it is so long as he's happy. I have enjoyed working on a bigger model though so I may have to get back on that Cutty. Or the Jolley Roger....to many projects.
  2. Its 2 am. This is as far as I go. Still a lot I would like to do but that's alright. I did every thing I could with the time allotted and I'm happy with the result.
  3. Captain Steve - I thought of that but its a matter of time. I work and have kids at home and the admiral has a little officer on the way. (Which side note, means I'm losing my work room and am being kicked back to the closet. :/ ) With all thats going on making it out there to work isnt feasible. It's a crazy that I got as much done as I have. Popeye - It will be a bit of an adjustment. I still got my pirate ship to finish so it will be right back to the small stuff. Got to rebuild that one from the masts up. I've got some new techniques to try out though so I'm kind of excited for it.
  4. Well I got a call and he wants his model back completed or not. He's gotten very anxious which I is more due to his age than his natural nature. So I've agreed to get the sails on and return the ship tomorrow. Might have to pull an all nighter to pull it off but I would rather have it at least look complete at a distance. I'll get a picture in before I return it. I'm certain this won't be the last time I work on this model. Might be the last time for a little while but his family is very kind and understanding of my time and I think they'd rather see it done eventually. We'll see.
  5. Great work! She looks awesome. There is one thing I'd suggest that you might try. Go to the grocery store and find a pair of follicle clippers that have a straight cutting edge and preferably the cutting part is off to one side. This tool can help you clip the ratlines all the way up to the shrouds so theres no ends sticking out. I've used this tool on models smaller than this one with great results.
  6. Tha ks Mark and Popeye. Bob your absolutely right there's no sheer at all. Might explain why the ladders dont quiet fit. I'm certain the gun deck is a tad high too but all well. Just building with what I've got at this point. Its good being on a forum like this and being able to see these types of problems. Makes us all better modelers in the long run. To make up for this ships lack of sheer I've posted this little model. Its got sheer to spare.
  7. If anything this ship is giving me a new appreciation for my small stuff. Its one thing to glue on ratlines one at a time and a whole other to tie them one by one. I asked the little man to help but he said he was to busy keeping watch on the bowsprit. Didnt want it to get damaged he said. Like he could do anything about it.
  8. Wow great advice. I wish I had seen it sooner. I'm almost done with the standing rigging at this point. I can say I didn't pull things to much but I agree the way a model sets over the years can have huge impacts on what happens and ultimately getting the masts straight in the first place is very important. Fortunately the ship is only moving a few miles away so major humidity change won't be a problem in the forseeable future. This model wasn't built by me I'm just doing the rigging so I've done the best with what I have and so far the original builder is happy with it. Some day I'll do a larger model from the beginning and I'll know what to look for. The scale of this ship is 1:85 and is over three feet long, so much bigger that I'm used to.
  9. Thanks for the support. Yeah its an occupational hazard. Not the first time won't be the last. Problem is my own mis measurements. The ship is simply to big for this bottle neck. I'm going to have to section it off and put each mast in one at a time. That does mean a complete redo of the rigging. My theory has always been though if a ship is not tough enough to get in a bottle its not tough enough to last. I had a former client say he had one of my models fall off a shelf and sustained no damage. I was happy to hear it and at the same time it figured, I built that ship it to last. This one needs to be the same way.
  10. Well. Not going so good. Tried to bottle her twice and the second time,I end up breaking a mast. I got some,more tricks up my sleeve though. ,
  11. On vacation for now but I plan on bottling her when I get back. I've had to change some things rigging wise. Should still look the same but she almost doesn't fit. :/
  12. Looking great. I didn't notice the gun ports until I read through the post. Even then you have to look hard to see it. I think it looks great.
  13. It's been a while since I've been in to see this model. Absolutely incredible work.
  14. Thanks Mark. I agree. Its not a kit I'd ever do myself but I can give it my best shot. Getting into some sails. More pictures tomorrow.
  15. Love the paint you used. She looks weathered. I'll have to scroll back and see how you did that.
  16. Looking great Popeye. That ship does have big tenancy to roll off the stand. The new one will definitely fix that.
  17. I agree. Those were installed prior to when I took it on. One of many mistakes made. There's a whole list of things that could be fixed but for the sake of time I'm leaving them. Popeye - you're to kind. I guess its not bad for a first time building a big model and I am happy enough with it. Problem is I've been on this forum to long and seen great models from people in my club so I know its not perfect. The dead eyes could be more even. I'm sure I'm doing the siezings wrong. Since the dead eyes were attached to the hull before I started the chain plates aren't lined up correctly. There is a little reason to the madness though. Since the masts were so crooked I used the stays to straighten them out. It worked pretty well but some dead eyes had to be tightened more than anticipated. :/
  18. The shrouds get very brittle over time. My son got to mine one day and snapped them apart piece by piece which is why mine's in the condition that it is. :/ Still it is a lot faster than rigging each line.
  19. Thanks Popeye. I've thought about framing the upper gun ports but Im not sure, I did manage to file the square so that much is good. As far as the stays go I figured Id do what I'm used to. Standing first then running. I'm not at all worked about tight spaces. I'm also doing it to adjust the masts. They were glued together funny which makes them lean in all the wrong directions. The rigging can go a long way to pull them straight again though. So I do a couple back stays and then a fore stay and eventually get it all straightened out.
  20. Hey you got it out! Always fun to see this kit. Your doing a great job with it.
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