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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. I wonder if they did that to make it easier to tack. With the end cut off it looks like it would pass over the other jib more easily.
  2. That foremost sail is interesting. I'm not sure I've seen a sail like that before. She's looking great Igor.
  3. A little more progress. Got the ships lanterns done. The fore stay lines are temporary for now. I need to do a lot of thread blocks to rig them right.
  4. Very clean and smooth work. I like the black wales too.
  5. Thanks Alan and Piet. I would like to see photos of the ball if you have any. I'm happy to note too that Hannah Mills and Saskia Clark won gold in Rio. Makes this build all the more special.
  6. The admirals have got a point. They usually do. Best to make some progress on the current build or you'll never get it finished. 1:3000 sounds like a fun challenge though.
  7. Omega - have to admit I had to look up chuffed to see what that meant. I've never heard the term before but yes. I'm very chuffed. Shes coming along nicely. Piet - Do it! Miniatures are to much fun. Any excuse to get a ship under glass is a good one. It's funny you say that because you miniature is making me want to build another at that scale.
  8. Also I have a build log that sounds similar to what your going to do. It's an early work and not the best but maybe it can give you some ideas. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/120-fly-by-dsiemens-bottle-1400-british-cutter/?hl=%2Bfly+%2Bcutter
  9. Fantastic work Piet. You can almost hear the water running by and see the brids in the tree. I look forward to seeing your next project.
  10. Mike you aren't kidding. So far I haven't lost any but I have to be super careful. Well a little more rigging done.
  11. Looks great Piet. Really does have a sense of realism. Like looking down on the scene from a mountain.
  12. CW. I think she'll look just fine with out the sails. The really early ships in bottles didn't typically have sails either. The technique seems to have been passed around in the early 1900s and was more prevelent in 1910ish and later. I've only seen a very few sibs pretty 1900 that did have sails and they were rare exceptions. I'm interested in the method your using its different then I'm used to. Then theres a lot of methods that I don't know and no right or wrong way of doing it.
  13. Looking good CW. I do like the change in the bows print. Great work. As far as the booms go there's several methods. The easiest is Don Hubbard's method where you attach the gaff and boom to the mast. Then glue the sail onto the gaff only. When the shups in the bottle position the sail over the boom. Glue down as necessary. Jim Goodwin uses a method where the gaff and boom are attached to a line that runs through the mast. This makes inserting into the bottle easier because the whole sail can go in before the ship and then it's pulled into place. You do have to cut a few more lines though. Actually the absolute simplest way would be to use cloth sails. Then let the masts fold as they will. The gaff and boom tied on loosely so they can fold with the mast.
  14. The logs look great. Cutting planks in half at this scale sounds tough. Would it be easier to sand them to size?
  15. Those bulwarks look great. Nice clean work.
  16. I don't have a picture if a sextant in a bottle. I don't think it's ever been done. Here's a picture of a sextant though.
  17. A bit of a catastrophe on this one. The shelf it was sitting on gave out. I have some plans for putting her in a new case but she won't be going back into a bottle. I'd like to get a nice sea under her. Any ideas on what to use? Without the constraints of a bottle I would like to make it look really nice.
  18. Love the details on deck and the contrasting wood. Keep up the good work.
  19. Piet I love the scale you chose yout doing a fantastic job with it. Good choice using filiment for the rigging. It realy is hard finding anything small enough to work. Also good choice using paper. Ithe isn't as forgiving as wood but it can take the scale better. One thing you might look up is a company called cards of wood. Www.cardsofwood.Com They sell business cards and other paper products made out of wood. They have wood veneer you can put through your printer. It should work better than your .5 mm. Keep up the great work I'm excited to see how she turns out.
  20. Great work as always Igor. Shes looking exceptional. This sounds crazy but I've always thought the idea putting a sextant in a bottle. If you could fit one in the cork I think it would look really neat. Not sure how you would do it though.
  21. Thanks Patrick. Mark it's off and sold already the ball was on July 4th. I'm still waiting to hear back on how it all went.
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