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About Ryzuhr

  • Birthday 11/26/1991

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    Texas, USA

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  1. It's been a while since I've gotten a chance to work on my ship. Between packing and getting moved, I'm hoping to start this up again after the holidays. =D
  2. Slow progress on the strakes. Only 3 more sets left!
  3. This is incredibly beautiful and I want one.
  4. Awesome, thank you! That is very helpful, I appreciate the tips!
  5. Going off of this, and it being your first build (yes?), if you're happy with it don't cover it up. That way you can have something to showcase your first build, everything you learned, and how well it paid off. Yes the copper plate would be really cool, but would it be worth covering up all the work you put in? Just my two cents.
  6. Ohhhh I like that. How did you get the color on the keel without affecting the rest of the hull? Something I'm concerned about is leftover glue. Is it as easy as sanding/scraping off any excess glue before putting the varnish on?
  7. Slowly making progress on the strakes. I still have 5 sets of strakes left to attach. Once those are done, I need to drill holes and figure out what finish I want to put on the hull. I've seen a lot of people use tung oil or teek oil. I'm not familiar with wood finishes, so I don't know what a good option would be. I'll probably use a natural finish on the deck planking. My goal is to have the hull a darker color than the deck. Any suggestions?
  8. Caught up with your log and you have a beautiful looking ship there! I'll be following along from here
  9. I had to look up what this barge looks like. This model is going to look amazing once completed. I'll be following along!
  10. Ha that is amazing! I imagine for work of this scale, you wouldn't always need an actual lathe. Just something to spin it for a few quick cuts? I'll have to remember this one for later.
  11. Awesome, thank you! I will keep a look out for these to add to the library. I appreciate the information!
  12. Here is my progress so far. I spent some of the day working on the strakes. I had forgotten to sand a taper on the ends of the first 2, so it created some small gaps near the stern. I sanded the next 2 so I hope it won't affect their placement later on.
  13. md1400cs - haha I just picked up the show again to finish season 5! I had introduced my mom to the show and so she got me this kit =D Peter Y. - You would be correct! Currently my wife and I are in a one bedroom apartment so my "workshop" is our dining table. I only had the overhead lights on for those pictures and hadn't realized how dark it was outside. MESSIS - I'm really enjoying it so far! I've enjoyed modeling in the past, but have never taken on something this detailed. I just hope it turns out well for my first build. Welcome aboard, all! Thank you for following along and the kind comments!
  14. This build is excellent and very educational. I have always been fascinated with Japanese history and architecture. I recently joined MSW and did not expect to find that I also love Japanese boatmaking and carpentry. I will have to pick up The Genius of Japanese Carpentry and give it a read. It would be an awesome addition to my book collection. Looking forward to seeing how you finish this off!
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