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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. Lol you should bust that out next time you hear Spanish speakers and let us know the response lol :) :)
  2. Hey Robbyn welcome.......I am not sure i would call you a noob at this as you seem to be picking it up and running with it. In any case I am glad to have you here :)
  3. While researching the corsair I am currently building I saw a few references to people who used it for the black pearl. I believe there was a limited run win with black sails. I am not sure where to look as when I decided on the corsair it seems some companies are no longer gonna carry it. But do check into it
  4. Ok I actually glued the bulkheads on and glued the deck on after I scribbled on my lines. I have all my clamps holding right now. Pictures will be a couple more days not that there is much to see. I am not sure why things seem tobe moving slowly but may just be my theme of this build lol. I was nervous to put the glue on but what's the worst that can happen? Trying to put CA glue to hold the deck on was a bit challenging as there is not much time to get all glue down and deck on:)
  5. I will attempt to remember that but might say forget the "rule" and make it easier for myself lol
  6. The nice thing is there is no deadline to meet on the ship....important to take the time you need and get your health right
  7. Thanks Keith I do love the way you did your decking you are so creative.
  8. Of coarse I sanded the planks and have a hard time seeing all the lines lol
  9. So I take the time to lay the planks down nice and now I have to put pencil lines all between them??? Oh man I better ask my wife to that since my lines seem to get of coarse all the time.......... Pics in a few days
  10. I wish you luck in this part....I read through and understood nothing of the rigging so far lol
  11. I know I have not been around in a bit but the build is looking really great
  12. The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.....lol just kidding I have had to take quite a bit of time off to care for my wife. So started up on a few things today and got the deck planked........maybe next update will not take so long lol....
  13. Lol thanks Augie but will not speed things up just yet.......
  14. Thank you Anja, Adrieke , and Sjors . The build will continue soon.......
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