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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. Welcome Keith and rameyke. I am not making any real progress yet and was just wondering if the deck is supposed to be as bowed as it is in the lower picture or should the deck be flat? Sorry for all the questions but I just want to get this right.
  2. Thanks Augie just what I need another excuse to delay another day lol....will let you know tomorrow
  3. Ok so wetted both sides and finally found a use for those weights lol will let dry and check.....
  4. Lol Augie I am not too proud to steal good ideas ( even secret ones )
  5. . Can see that the keel is not straight pics may not be real good hard for me to judge where to take pic from IPad . Gonna try wetting outside and putting weight on it to see it goes flat.
  6. I never thought to use the blocks for the middle sections that may solve my tilt problem Thank you
  7. Thanks Augie I will relax knowing that whatever it is can and will be fixed
  8. Thanks Ben for stopping by I will need help to make it through my journey and happy I found such a great group of people here
  9. I kinda noticed this and not sure if the keel itself is slightly bent to make those 3 tip......any ideas on how to fix this if it is the keel? I only sanded the middle where they slide into each other
  10. Wow your Trinadad is certanly coming along very nicely. I will try to follow along and learn ( not easy for me lol ) Thank You
  11. I am at work today(not sure i want everything here of my hours) I will take a pic of the side and post in morn. If I remember correctly the first bulkhead came a bit past the bottom of the keel but others lined up near where the first strikes come to. And Augie please do chime in with any and all comments
  12. I did see that but it was magically from frame to all first strikes on to second on lol thank you. The pics did help
  13. Ok got em filed down and flush on top just dry fit so far............
  14. Ok am in the process of removing the bulkheads to sand the middle so they sit better.......have to listen to my wife and not use my brute since I broke one in half getting it back off....glueing back together now lol
  15. Ok got the bulkheads cut out of the wood and sanded them to get rough spots out. I dry fitted (sort of ) my question is are all the bulkheads supposed to be flush with the frame?
  16. Ok so read the 40 page PDF http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf and to be honest it's a lot of information to try to understand. Hey Sjors did you measure out the bulkheads and make a count for how many strakes you needed? Well I guess fist I need to get bulkheads in place and get those nice and square.
  17. I am both excited to begin but a little nervous at the same time.....I have seen such wonderful ships here and have read a lot of info but doing it is whole other ball of wax lol. I will try to get the nerve together to get started soon.........
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