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Everything posted by SIDEWAYS SAM

  1. Hi Tim, My Beadalon needles arrived yesterday, very flexible and they really do work well. Thanks for making rigging easier. Sam.
  2. Morning Tim, I have been looking for more refined rigging tools (been using artery clamps for years) and saw your latest post. Have just ordered some on ebay. Thanks for the tip. Never too old to learn. Your build continues to be impressive. Sam.
  3. Hi Johann, is that gun and rigging really. 1/48th scale ??? Brilliant work. Sam
  4. Hi Dashi, My current build is HMS Bounty at 1:48 scale so I am using your post for inspiration. I would have trouble getting anywhere near your results at 1:64 scale. Please keep the photo's coming. Regards, Sam
  5. Hi Tim, My research also indicates copper sheathing. The only problem is sourcing materials required. At my age I haven't the time or finesse to cut 1500 approx. plates and then nail them to the hull. The only alernative I have found is - Cornwall Model boats, Caldercraft Fittings, Copper Hull Sheathing ref. C83520. - Copper Hull Plates. These are 1:64 scale and I think are included in their HMS Diana kit. The scale is close to Bounty but may not be close enough for the purist. If some sort of sheathing is needed then "white stuff" would be a period alternative. Sam
  6. Looking good, especially the colours. Keep up the good work. Sam.
  7. Really like the waterway/stanchion solution. If you don't mind me stealing this idea I will be adding it to my box of tricks to use in the future. Sam.
  8. Agree strongly with CMB comments. Orders big and small including my last order in which I gave the wrong payment details are dispached promptly. Great to see that this excellent build is progressing again. Sam
  9. Morning RMC, On my Granado I couldn't get my head around any of this. I ended up with a vertical flat bulkhead including a proper vertical door. I'm not saying the kit is wrong, I just didn't like the decals, colour etc. Your door is a good way to go. Sam
  10. Good job on the windlass. I like it the way it is, perhaps one more coat ??? The light finish shows the detail off a treat. Sam
  11. Hi Trig, My Anatomy of the Ship book. "The Armed Transport Bounty" has finally arrived. I have a shelf full (bought over the years) but lacked a copy of Bounty. This book is a must have for this kit. The detail is better than expected. I am already planning extras to be fitted and can't wait to start the kit. Bearing in mind the kit instructions (or in some cases lack of them) I consider this £57:75 well spent. Book from Abe books website ISLAND BOOKS http://islandrarebooks.org.uk Book was as described and extremely well packed. Also try Just Books site. Sam
  12. Definitely looking good. Especially the half columns. Sam
  13. Hi Bryanc, Just found your site, will be following with interest. Regards, Sam
  14. Hi Grendell, Have just found your site and will be following with interest. Keep up the good work. Regards, Sam
  15. Hi Trig, Saw your post on Hellmuht's log reference the Anatomy of the Ship book. I have been collecting this series for 20 years or so and now have a bookshelf full. I am based in Cornwall GB and bought most of these books from second hand book shops. They started out at £12 or so and have finished up at £50 to £80 a copy (depends on how savvy the seller is and how high his overheads are). Most appear to have ended up in America and, for a time, I think that they were published over there. This series of books hasn't been published (in it's original state) since CONWAY stopped publishing so eventually the supply will dry up. I saw the one on Amazon and refused at that price. There is a site called. ABE BOOKS which I used to purchase mine. If you get stuck on anything I am happy to look it up for you. I check your site and Hellmuht's every few days. It will probably be Christmas before I start my Bounty so you and Hellmuht are providing extremely valuable information, tips. and inspiration for when I start building. Thanks very much. Regards, Sam
  16. Hi Hellmuht, Thanks for the invite. I have already gathered some tips from your post especially the Anatomy of the Ship book which I have on order. I have several of these and find them extremely useful when kit instructions are unclear. Pretty good work for a second model especially the old approach. - I really like this. Regards, Sam
  17. Hi Hellmuht, Just found your site. I intend to build Bounty next so will be following your site and Trig's with interest. Your work and approach is very good. Sam
  18. Hi Trig, Just found your post, will be following with interest. Sam.
  19. Thanks for the eye bolts tip. Sometimes you can forget that there are other things out there at the same scale as the boat you are working on. A project this size can get tedious but it is always worth the effort in the end. Keep up the good work. A fine looking model.
  20. Afternoon GrandpaPhil, Have just found this post and as I intend to make Victory my next project I am following with interest. Impressive work so far. Keep it up. Sideways Sam.
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