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Everything posted by SIDEWAYS SAM

  1. Really coming along. Looking forward to the fire buckets at 1:96 scale. Sam
  2. Happy you are having a good long think about the cannon and carriages. Your build deserves better that the kit supplied pieces. Check out other builds on the forum especially the scratch built logs. Regards, Sam
  3. A good looking build. That standing rigging is superb. Sam
  4. Agree with Chris. Your build quality deserves better than the kit bits supplied. Research first to find appropriate style, size and time slot for cannon to suit this build. Check if iron or wooden wheels are correct also, carriage style. When you have all the relevant information compare with supplied material. If you can alter to be more authentic then alter. If not and, it bugs you, you will have to replace. I agonise over using kit supplied cannon on every build. Usually replace. At a scale of 1:51 they will stand out more. Good luck, Sam
  5. Hi Phil, Good kit bashing at 1/98 scale. The more you fit the better it looks. Keep safe, Sam.
  6. Hi Rowboat, First - That planking is neat. Good job. Like the contrasting colours. Second - Why didn't I think of your method for marking out the gunports. Like most good ideas it's simple and it works. Much simpler than what I usually do. This is turning into a good looking build. Keep safe, Sam.
  7. I am really enjoying your build especially at this scale. Keep up the good work and keep safe.
  8. Phil, Enjoying your approach and the build. Those pillars look good. Keep safe Sam
  9. Good tip tying off the stays. I have struggled for years with this problem and, it can be a real problem. Balancing standing rigging can be a frustrating. Thanks for a quality build, excellent posts and good photo's. Regards and keep well, Sam
  10. Second planking shouldn't really have gaps. Planks usually thinner than first planking and should be shaped to fit snug. Use stealers where necessary. On curved parts of the hull bevel the plank edges - this will make the gap between them smaller.
  11. Looking good. Most hulls require stealers as well as tapered planks. Steep learning curve with the stem. Will work out ok. Regards, Sam
  12. This is a very detailed and complicated kit. Sails or no sails I will be following this build to the end. Sam
  13. Hi, The end result will be well worth all the care and skill going in to this. Do you intend rigging sails ??? Regards and keep well, Sam
  14. In my experience your hoops problem applies to most kits. Your solution is elegant. A build well worth watching. Regards, Sam
  15. Phil, Agreed. The name Baltimore Clipper covers a very wide and complex subject. I am finding that putting a name to a build entails a whole library of research. I do enjoy this side of the preparation and the more I read, the more I appreciate your log. These are beautiful craft and fully deserve the extra work involved. Keep up the good work. Sam
  16. Hi Rowboat, Normally I would fix the stem and stern before the second planking. Cut a rebate in the stem piece to fit the ends of the planking (will look more like full size construction. Plank the inside of the bulwarks if the capping rail is wide enough to cover double planking and/or the inside face of the first planking needs tidying up. However befor or after are both correct. Good luck with the sanding and WEAR A MASK please. (Excuse shouting please but important). Regards, Sam.
  17. Enjoying your work on the cannons. And your attention to detail. I usually have to replace cannon, gratings and some blocks. A few kits tend to supply the nearest obtainable (usually oversize). Keep up the good work. Sam.
  18. The best tutorial on this subject I have ever seen. One fo my reference file. Thanks, Sam
  19. Hi, Agree with your approach to gun tackle. I have problems at 1/48 scale. The thought of working smaller gives me nightmares. Sam.
  20. Tim, Clever solution for the ratline knot problem. Perfect choice of lubricant. Good to see a Bounty kit posting being rigged and well on the way to being finished. Some on MSW seem to fall by the wayside. Sam
  21. Like most simple ideas it works. And works well. Will be adding this to my "do it better box". I enjoy your approach and results. Keep at it. Sam
  22. Hi Dr PR, That was one of the best tutorials on cannon rigging I have seen. Good photo's and descriptions. More importantly valuable sourcing tips. I will be using your methods in the future. (With your permission of course). Thanks, Sam.
  23. If it's the Artisania Latina kit then you will need a lot of help. Some CURRENT logs on this site are - HMS Bounty by Tim Moore. HMS Bounty by Trig. Both excellent logs, excellent builds and well worth following. Also - Anatomy of the Ship series by Conway Press - The Armed Transport Bounty by John McKay. Only available second hand and eyewateringly expensive but I think indispensable. Hope this helps, Sam
  24. Hi Jobbie, I hate using walnut planking, even when soaked. Started swapping walnut for Pearwood or, Boxwood if I can get it two builds ago. Building up quite a stock of walnut. It doesn't even burn well. End of moan. Your build is progressing nicely, very impressed. Will be following closely as I intend to build this one next. Sam.
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