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About kier

  • Birthday 02/02/1966

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  • Location
    West midlands, England, uk
  • Interests
    nothing but modelling boats, but scared of building a build log. sorry, I blame the camera

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  1. Hi Vane, Blimey, I can't believe how quick your building work is going. she's coming along nice. I love the hull work.
  2. I now realize that Druxey, that's one thing that will not be forgotten. ( already imprinted in my head) Cheers Kier
  3. Well I must say Nils and spyglass, you both have made things so much clearer too me, I new there was a certain way of doing it but didn't know how. Since being a member a good few years now I thought they were fixed in a totally different way🙄 Many thanks , kier 🙂
  4. Hi you fellow shipmates, can any one help me for in the future of possibly attaching brass pedestals to a model ship? It is something I have always wanted to do in the future so that in the future I could possibly display the model on perfect display in a glass cabinet. Sorry for asking but I thought it would be a subject that should be bought up as there are probably not only myself that doesn't know, but other builders. Any help would be most kind.
  5. HI Ricky, in response of the so called deck chains, rope and capstan . As we all know what a capstan is and what it's used for which is of course powered by sailors. I was anle to find out that the capstan is not only used for hauling heavy ropes but also for hauling heavy objects such as anchors. weather HMS Terror had chains to be used with the capstan for her I do not know. also I am unknown of her other ship which accompanied her on her on her arctic expedition HMS Erubus. so Ricky I am a bit stuck with being able to help despite looking at other build logs including scratch built. Sorry🙁 kier.
  6. In response of your question in regard of the capstan and chains, I myself have only known a capstan for the use of rope only,. you now have my mind ticking as to weather one or the other maybe perhaps both. I will try to find out, but if I can't find the answer maybe some other shipmate looking in on your they can possibly help. kier
  7. 'HOORAY' 😊 that's another 'HMS Terror', on the way. I will be sitting in the front seat to follow along as she is big and brutal ship. Good luck forward and enjoy. kier
  8. I only recently discovered your build of this mighty warlord, she's beautiful. I love the lines on her and I think if I was in the process of building her I would be crying as to paint her or not? either way she would look this beautiful. keep up the great work she is a ship to be admired.
  9. Well congratulations Peter. . You made a nice build come to life. It's been a lovely build to follow with many tips and tricks that we will never forget. . I myself will be looking back on your build and like many of your followers will be firmly rooted waiting on the next build. . Top marks. . kier
  10. Thankyou Peter for your info. Maybe its because of being a AL model and all there similar boats are the same, but I wouldn't know. . Thanks anyway for your help. . Ps keep your build going, it's a fantastic build to follow with many tips included. She's looking great. . kier
  11. Hi Peter, . thanks for the info Peter it has allways been on my mind as I to like the ships of that era and may think about making one in the future. . At first I thought you didn't put a rabet into the false keel was because maybe the lower bulkheads came down to far to the main keel and just wondered if other similer builds such as the pints have the same issue. Many thanks. . kier
  12. Hi Peter, . excuse me for bothering as well as going back a few months, but did you form a rabet at all prior to planking your hull. If so was it put into the false-keel or the keel itself. I maybe am totally wrong but so called barking up the wrong tree for example the keel was glued straight on after the planking? Sorry to bring it up, many builders have different ways. Me, am just curious and wondered how you did it. . kier
  13. He'll Petta_V . thankyou for offering I would like to see that, and am sure many other ship builders would also. I like the fact of what I see is the longer length rather than short which I presume can be a lot more helpful rather than the short, Thanks . kier
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