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Everything posted by src

  1. Rich, Lawrence brings up a good point, sometimes a break is just what is needed. Or, if you REALLY have to have it, see if there is a kindel version. Then you can honestly say you left it at home!! Somehow I think the Admiral wont see eye to eye with me on that one...Perhaps you might rethink that advice; nothing like a grumpy Admiral with you when on patrol. Enjoy your trip, Sam
  2. Ahhhhhh I see now! What I read was you cut the knot off after the CA! Back to you Rich, Sorry, didnt mean to steal your log. Sam
  3. I have been wondering how you will do that also. Fiber optic? if you kink it around your butter knife some light will show through the sheath, however you will get progressively less light as you travel away from your source. Maybe that would work scale wise? Instead of a torch, what about a hair dryer or heat gun on low to bend your plastic? Your on the right track with your explosion, looks good. Sam
  4. Bill, what does knotting the line then cutting it off after your CA dries do for you? Sam
  5. Do not wear gloves or a ring. No loose sleeved shirts. Do not wear gloves or a ring. No loose sleeved shirts. Do not wear gloves or a ring. No loose sleeved shirts. Do not wear gloves or a ring. No loose sleeved shirts. Cant repeat that one enough!!!! Think of putting your hand/shirt etc into a rose bush and pulling back HARD. That blade is going to grab those gloves, shirt, pony tail, whatever and go to town on you. A 40 tooth blade at 3500 RPM is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2300 razor sharp knifes gobbeling up irreplaceable fingers PER SECOND. Nope, Do not wear gloves or a ring. No loose sleeved shirts. Not trying to scare you out of using a very productive and SAFE tool - with the right respect, but few weeks ago we had a guy at work remove part of the pad of his thumb on the table saw. He reached around the blade with his left hand to retrieve some cut off and brushed his thumb across the blade. It happened so fast he really didnt realize what he had done at first. Of course his first mistake was removing the blade guard. Had he been wearing gloves he would have mangled, at best, his thumb. More than likely some fingers would have been mangled or amputated also. As others have said, your best defense is common sense. Sam
  6. Rich, Just my two cents; I would try to do as much off ship as you can. The tiny bit of rigging I have done to date seems to indicate that's the best method ( at least for me) Like the others who commented I'll be watching and learning with you. As I get closer to the real rigging on my build I had planed on posting that question in the rigging forums - unless I found somebody beat me to it!!!! ;) Sam
  7. KP, Now that I have seen it on something besides my cell phone, that effect is even more impressive. Nice paint work n the car BTW. I am curious how you plan to hide the wires? Sam
  8. Rich, Enjoy your trip. Too bad your not making it to the West Coast. Sam
  9. Rich, Cant help with the black stripe question but I can say, "Go cook your wife a nice dinner and while SHE is cleaning up you go make a mess in your work area." Shell never know, promise!! Sam
  10. I agree Sjors. Where do you find the time?? I am still plodding through my quarter galleries and rigging my carriages......... Sam
  11. kp, That's a pretty cool effect. Are you using standard led or programming in a flicker/flash effect? Shouldn't be too hard to program an arduino to flicker a couple of led to give the light a bit of action. Or maybe so. 5051 WRGB LEDs. They are getting pretty cheap these days. Sam
  12. Rich, she is looking great! that light switch in one of the pictures gives a great reference as to just how big a build you have there! Sam
  13. Well, you've had a birthday in the last 12 months haven't you??? Sounds like you're cleared for take off!! You mentioned this will be a meter tall more or less but your not boxing it in; what will support all the airborne items? Sam
  14. I was thinking along the lines of ScottRC. i wouldn't want to tell you how to do your build, but it might be cool to a shadow box style diorama looking out a canopy or gunport or something. Makes since that the movie studios use the same technique since they too are in the world of make believe. Sam
  15. Welcome back!!! Was wondering what happened to you. Sam
  16. It's called forced perspective. You see it in theme parks like Disneyland regularly. The entire main street of the Los Angeles Disneyland is forced perspective, everything on the upper floors are 4/5 (IIRC) the size of the lower. The castle also I believe. I know the inner rooms are. Anyway, this sounds line a fun project I will be following along. Sam
  17. Sjors, The clothes make the lady in this case, she looks great! Vivian, I dont know what is worse, not looking or looking and saying "thats cute" Sam
  18. Interesting. Not something that would pass an OSHA inspection. The things you learn on this site. Sam
  19. Looks great Rich, Now all you need are some shot and balls, some powder, picks, sponges etc...... dont shoot me! Ahhh Sapele! Make a pact with me, next build that comes with Sapele we order some nice pear wood or cherry and use the Sapele for fire kindling? Sam
  20. Jp, always enjoy your creative solutions. The beaminator, something else to file away for future reference. Sam
  21. And as far as Sjors, the Ratline King is concerned, my friend your light years ahead if me experience wise.
  22. Thanks everybody. Sjors I will loan you my rigging gnomes if they can wrAp their heads around this. Cog. It appears from the drawing the block with the line seized to it will hook to the carriage and the free end will exit out the block hooked to the bulwarks? That seems to make sense. If that's the case then pre siezing like I am should work. On a different note I was able to sit long enough to get a set of mullions into one of my frames. I may get those windows done yet. Sam
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