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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. and welcome to MSW
  2. A couple hours last night, and experimenting with darkening the panel lines, not having as specifically made paint for it, I've tried a Games Workshop/Citadel armour wash on the rear wings It looked OK, so did it on starboard main wing, Not so good, I'll try citadel black ink. Also I dry fitted everything in the fuselage, the fit of the parts is really good, no gaps to fill. The seat belts are decals, not sure if I like them that much.bomb bay minus the doors, they'll go on after painting is done. I had a go drilling as @yvesvidal suggested, three barrels wents ok, one barrel the drill bit went awry, my fault for not being careful. Thanks for the likes and comments, all is appreciated. Cheers
  3. I'll give it a go, thanks for the tip!
  4. I've been working on the cockpit and bomb bay with the aircraft option I've chosen the bomb bay doors will be open the nose cannon and the control panel there is a decal supplied for the cp dials but it is slightly too large, so I binned it and drybrushed white over the raised details. the radio room!! Thanks for all the comments, advice and general interest. Also for hitting the like button. Cheers
  5. When I first started work, the bricklayer I learnt from wore a suit and tie, under overalls. He always looked dapper when going home.😉
  6. No apologies required brother, I WAS careless and have learned from my mistake! Ain't that the way we all learn. These logs wouldn't be half as interesting without the admission of errors, the conversations on what and how it went wrong and how it's put right, with the advice received and diligently (although not always😊) used. In hindsight, text didn't convey my humorous aside very well🤷‍♂️.
  7. Careless application! That sounds like just what I was doing😔. I'll consider myself reprimanded🥺🤭😊😉 Thanks for all the information gentlemen .
  8. This is the stuff I've got coming with the paint I'll have a look for that stuff though.
  9. Well done to Miss CDW on graduation, and a big up for doing it debt free😉
  10. Welcome Jack, the show's only just started.
  11. Welcome to the show OC. Yes I recall your mossie build. I've got a extremely high standard to match yours!!😊. Hopefully I'll do it justice.
  12. They were quite thick, and no I didn't prepare surface with Pledge etc. I shall do it this time round. Thanks Ken, and welcome everyone to another plastic muddle thru😁
  13. Hello again! With the F4U-1A finished and waiting for Santa Clause to deliver chapters 4 & 5of my Winchelsea build, I've got a couple of kits to tide me over. This being the one chosen to do first. I believe it is a recent (less than ten years old) kit. I love the sleekness of these aircraft, and they always reminds me of a Sunday afternoon watching "633 Squadron" on the TV as a kid with my dad. The instructions begin with the assembly of the engine nacelle and wings. I dry fitted the parts, they go together well, so the glue went on next was the main landing gear That is as far as I got. I've got a Mig Ammo RAF paint set on order along with some Microsol decal solution, because I struggled getting them settled properly on the F4U-1A. Any advice, tips and hints will be welcomed warmly. Cheers until next time.
  14. Well, I'm going to call this finished. Placing the decals was done, canopy fitted, and the aerial cable being the final job I put the flash on for these next photos And finally a view through the canopy Thanks to everyone who's followed this build, it's been greatly appreciated. If ever I go with aftermarket parts again, I'll be sure to get the appropriate kit designed parts. The cockpit was a real bear to get to fit! Anyhow, it's on to the next one soon. Cheers.
  15. Thankyou gentlemen. I'm sure yours will turn out great, probably much better if I'm honest EG.😊 I did a dry fit of the canopy, and was surprised at how much could be seen, which after what I had to do getting the cockpit to fit in the fuselage is quite a relief.
  16. A wooden ship time capsule, so to speak! Nice little touch! I will now be able to use your Winnie log as a reference, now that you are passing where I've got to😉🤗 on mine.
  17. Still doing the tidying up, paint touch ups etc.. Started to put the decals on Thanks for the likes and looking in. Cheers
  18. I've been plugging away on the little bits, like the wheel well doors and touching up the paint. the engine is fitted. Prop on a dry run just a few little bits to do and soon the canopy will go on! a reminder of the cockpit before it is never to be seen again!!!! Thanks for looking in, the likes and comments. Cheers
  19. I'm in, this is one I looked at but it was out of stock so I got the Pup. It's still out of stock at draf models😔
  20. My thoughts exactly, the prices of what used to cost a couple of quid or less, is getting ridiculous 😵‍💫 My recently acquired Bf110, if brand new would have been, between £59 & £70 depending on who stocks it. I paid £16 on a fleabay auction.
  21. A brilliant set up for an excellently finished plane, great work Craig!
  22. Shame about Ramey Upcher, but it looks like you had fine weather and plenty of other things to see. Is that plaque in Sheringham itself? I can't say as I've ever seen it🙄😔, quite a claim to fame though. The pub looks nice, hope the lunch matched the appearance.
  23. Looks good to me. How was your break? Norfolk wasn't it?
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