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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Very nice start on the transom Glenn, I can tell you're already enjoying chapter three, and you still got the really fun part to go😁.
  2. and welcome to MSW Lee, please do a build log when you do start. Good luck with your search.
  3. A very realistic look. The panels with the weapon grooves stand out from the main fuselage exactly as you described them (with the pictoral aid of the actual aircraft) early on in your log. Your perseverance rewards with a great bmf!
  4. Catching up, and now the hammock is slung! Always an interesting trip with your builds Denis.
  5. I'm late again! But I'm in! Fantastic work on all those teeny-tiny parts Craig 😉 Lou, have you got any brittle spare?😋
  6. She's looking great silvered up! Beautiful finish 😊 Yep I experienced the same itchy fingers with MSW down😱
  7. The blare of the bugles is accompanied by the crack of rifles, as the French attack again! Great painting OC! Looking tip top
  8. It looks good, bodes well for a final finish. Your perseverance is now paying out!
  9. welcome to MSW I really hope you find a subject to build! I certainly agree with the 'build something that peaks your interest' reasoning.
  10. I think you've got the blue/grey trousers spot on! I continue to be stunned with your excellent figure painting. Power to your brushes OC😉
  11. and welcome to MSW, have fun with the new branch to your retirement 😀
  12. Yep, they were the ones sent down in line by Silly Billy (Crown Prince of Orange). Apparently, because he'd agreed to ally himself and his Dutch and Belgian troops to Wellington, he demanded some veteran Regiments to command and was given these Hanoverians. The ranks must be swelling now OC! Anticipating another glimpse of the battleground with even more troops on😉
  13. I'm with Mark on that news, I hope everything goes well for you brother 🙏
  14. It may help to cut a jig with the curve of the stern and clamp it at the top of the frames whilst in position, I did this after fitting the fillers with white glue, getting the frames sitting near as dammit, then tweaking them as the white glue allowed some movement.
  15. An absolutely stunning hull!! Beautiful planking job Glenn, now its onwards to Chapter 3, have fun, I know I thoroughly enjoyed it after the initial reservations. I look forward to your interpretation of the stern and galleries.
  16. Dave, my first attempt at a wooden ship scratch build was the Triton Cross Section, all done with hand tools, cutting the frame components with a coping saw. So as lots of the replies state, you can get by without power tools, but they do make things quicker and easier. My first purchase was a 2nd hand scroll saw, the a proxxon table saw and and small cheap and cheerful rotary tool. Good luck with your quest and be sure to let us know what your first scratch build will be😉
  17. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging comments! It's really appreciated 🙂 I think I've done with chapter 3 and with hindsight I find I was wrong to feel nervous about it! With Chuck's instructions and the amazing laser cut parts, even I have a decent looking stern and quarter galleries! Unfortunately at the moment my budget has no spare for the beautiful carvings but they are definitely on the list near the top. The sternpost still has to be fitted. I'm going to be taking a break from Winnie for a while and do some more work on my lifeboat. Also I'm wondering wether to purchase chapter 4 or try my hand at making them myself. As always thankyou for the likes, comments and having a look. Cheers
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