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Everything posted by cog

  1. As requested Flying Dutchy ... I sprayed the hull with clear gloss so I can fiddle with the decals, haven't put a decal on anything for 30 years ... that will be a challenge for a change ... the chimney sweep can come, since I do not have a replacement chain, I'll work with what I've been given for anchor chain. 3rd picture, you can see a blob in front of the range finder, which is the range finder control, missing in the kit ... Paravanes ... a real pain in the brain (I shouldn't feel anything one might say ... or is it a no brainer ...)
  2. If you want to, we can keep nagging you to give us something new to look at, but we cannot tolerate lesser quality ...
  3. OC, I heard a lot of noice from the West, seems you woke me up frome me beauty sleep with your sledge hammer. Nice choice, if you are painting it with a brush, ... hat off to you mate ... I'd sooner get me a rattle can! Spoiled with an airbrush. Will you be adding parts not in the kit, or replace certain items due to low quality? Time to sit back relax and enjoy the view you'll be modelling ... By the way ... do you ever sleep!!!
  4. Next time don't tell me ... surprise me! Your Missouri will be even slower ... a 3 or 4 years build ?? ... you'd better get used to it if you have your workbench elsewhere, Scott ...
  5. You're welcome Antony, any time. Which set did you buy?
  6. Jack, Denis, OC, thanks, less programming, more management ... pay still sucks ... Denis, PE railings do not stink, or brass must have gotten a strange odeur ... they are a pain ... very much so, but only if you let be this thread might be interesting for a.o. it's drawings. The big blob on a stick in front of the range finder is the range finder controler ... you can see that in the afore mentioned thread Cheers
  7. Jackpot Lou ! First you tell us you'll be building weekends, now youstart taking them off ... this will be a very slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww build ... have a nice stay at Cape Cod
  8. I replaced the 1/5" heigh vent pipes by brass rod with a dot of glue on top. Easier than cleaning up the ones from the kit ... you'll see. Drilled the holes for those too, for a somewhat firmer fitting. You are progressing nicely, Denis. I found a detail drawing, and picture of the bridge, which may be of interest to you, some more tidbits to add ... Post it for you later this evening (by the way, already got a new job ... pulled a fast one .. me thinks)
  9. I think the Dutch value their money, OC ... besides, it's better to buy a complete kit, then wait until the next part arrives ... probablynot a species with lots of patience ...
  10. Much appreciated, your vote of confidence makes the challenge even bigger, Steven Nearly forgot, Yesterday I got the paravanes to replace the kit's ones, started on the winch, which took me about an hour's fiddling, nearly ruined the thing when I squeezed just a tad to hard ... fortunately I could correct it without the usual breakage ...
  11. The interior decorator has been set loose ... now it's going to happen, and about time mate Have a swell weekend Cheers
  12. picking on me country ... that's low RGL you should take someone of your own size, preferably bigger ................. hmmphfff Steven saw your topic. Very nice, a pitty Greg didn't come up with that information, but wha can you expect ... Canbrrrr
  13. Thanks for that Steven, if only I lived a few miles closer ... maybe just the reason to visit downunder ... You just didn't look hard enough, or you have a somewhat foggy view mate, need a new prescription on your glasses ...
  14. Yupz, we decided, bossman 'n me, it was not to be, so it wasn't hard to decide to get going ... You'll think you will ever need ... You are pulling a fast one ... as usual in the beginning, but ... then you will come up with the tiny omissions/changes/addititions/improvements ... maybe I can even twist your arm to do some out of the blue ... The red looks rather like flat red on the sheet, but it isn't. Wrote that somewhere in the beginning. RGL built it up with several shades, besides the real shading, and highlighting he added. Look at the Tamiya linoleum decking for the colour, that comes quite close, especially if you add some red, or add that to some red. Which one has got to do with the quantity of paint required to get the right mix - when adding light to dark you require more paint, than the other way around, quite logical, but often forgotten in the heat of painting ... examples: pink - add red to white, soften up red - add white to red. darken red - add dark grey (for modelling, do not use black) So far paint lesson #2 or is it #3 ... I would have expected the camo to be more sharp lined not so much roundish, at least that is what I've seen mostly, some times a large round line but mostly sharp turns e.a., the RN G & H class destroyers didn't have the female touch in camo. It did turn out well ... she has something wild about her ... first see how it turns out when you added camo to the structures above the deck ... that will be a challenge ... so far ... well done Denis I don't know what they added to the bow, that large squarish crate. The aft torpedo's should have been replaced by 20mm oerlikon or pom-poms, it'll probably have been the oerlikon, straight from the USN
  15. Stewart ? Stuart probably, can't find the former in the building lists ... I don't know about Waterhen ... sunk after heavy damage ... to easy, just an empty display ...
  16. Greg, I find it's not just the price. I built the ZMS O16 (sub), there isn't much fun in doing it either. Not a lot of parts, e.g. hull and deck are one piece, or when I compare Tamiya's I400, the bridge consists out of multiple sections, not just a bridge, antennea,and persicope. I can undersand why, but to me it takes the challenge out of it. You can replace parts with after market, or add missing items, but it would make an expensive kit even more expensive. ... I wonder what a Yamato would do at 1/350 resin ...
  17. Finally time to pick on you (-r build)! I am very taken by the look of her, your oil canning, and shading turned out beautiful - practice makes perfect, and it shows in your painting. You made her come alive with the (little/significant) changes you applied. I know, for I've got the same box content, and can see what you did add, and/or change, or ommit. Your weathering isn't over done, I wish I could say otherwise, but it's spot on. The bottom hull is to dark to my taste (now I'm getting picky), and only three rafts were available, whilst you put on four (builders prerogative?) Blame these remarks on my just not liking you finishing first ... a very sore looser ... o, helll ... it wasn't a contest!!! darn, wrong build log ... must be the age ... Still waiting on international snail mail ...
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