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Everything posted by cog

  1. Thanks Denis, I'm not there yet, so you can still double me in the fast lane ... A heads up on PE (for those who aren't used to working with it). When you cut PE, use a firm undergroud ... I use a tile, some use perspex. If you use a cutting mat or wood, or any other softish material, you'll deform the PE whilst cutting it ... often with irreperable results. Better to change your knife regularly too. So far for the PE, be warned. Paravanes ... you can do it with the ones from the kit ... but Greg was right when he said the winches were, actually are, far from real, especially when you see what's available as after market ... it does mean additional cost ... (admiral's consent for some ...) I wanted to get mine from BNA (Australia), but those are out of stock, so I got them from Hong Kong. Additional PE ... it's mainly what you find important for your build and what not to replace, or what you can accomplish with limited resources for whichever reason ... can't wait for Wednesday!!!
  2. Mark did you take into account the forces on the top of the mast. Those would be tremendous, and I wonder if the mast top would be able to withstand those. I would expect the top to split without the aid of a metal band - which wouldn't be available at that time, at least I presume it didn't ...
  3. If group builds tend to have a high threshold, and you want to get newcomers, or inexperienced builders to join in, why all these difficultish builds? I have read the suggestions, but as a newby I would run in the oposite direction. Personally I would go for the type of boats Russ builds, maybe the same type of boat, but from different countries, like US, France, Spain, Italy, Norway, maybe a fraction smaller like the fishin boats from Malta ... people tend to identify themselveswith what they build, often through their country ...
  4. As stated, paravanes stuck on a.o. the deck, racks in place (next to the funnel) need to do some touching up on the top of these latter ones, dinghies ready to tie down ... every time I think about the zillion things I still have to do before this thing ends ... some more eye sore ...
  5. Nice progress OC. Looks like a pritty solid colour to me ... so you'll be repainting your acoustic tiles again?
  6. No, no, no, no, no ... you are changing priorities, it wasn't to be the next build, but the next, next build if I recall well. Rigging ... you are kidding me, rats ... all those lines ... first some more paint work. Got the paravanes, another reel, and the rack to tie the dinghies to in primer. In a few hours time they'll be ready and I can stick them on. I saw I missed some AA guns on the aft deck, need to fix that too. I haven't made the galley funnel yet, not a lot of work, but it needs to be done too, get the dinghies on, fit the boats, enough left to do before I even try to find my elastic thread ...
  7. Thanks for all the likes and positive comments (Greg, nothing to nag about ...?) Steven, It's not so hard as i seems. Some elements are not much more than a piece of brass rod, tipped with some glue, other elements require a bit of patience, telescope eyes, and nimble fingers. Something like you need for your build ... so 'at off to you sir Finger control ... I thought I neede what the Germans call "fingerspitzengefuhl" ... darn, now I need to get me a control box for each hand ... cheers
  8. Good on you, I still find it hard to remember what the '"+" is for, so I crash and burn after the 2 Since when is it that laptops do not have a desktop ...??? I'm a programmer, and will not use anything over Windows 7, i.e. if I really have to use windows, so I can relate to your sticking to a stable system. I shan't advise you on a newer OS. Keep what you feel comfortable with. Most changes are for the worst, despite the attempts to convince you of the contrary. Let's leave it at that, and stick to model building ... how's your plastic press (lbs or kgs?)
  9. Thanks Lou "desktop" Lou ... I thought you were sharper than this ... alas ... No a Bling , unlike me OC, I use a rattle can. I've tried the airbrush stuff, but that didn't turn out the way I wanted ... so I got my info, and bought meself a gloss and a matt clear laquer can from Vallejo. You have to get used to it, but whilst liquid, you can still "suck" some off with a paper hanky. I like the way the gloss turned out when you look at the stern in the first picture from this post
  10. No, I bought the book through a Dutch ebay type a site ... I mean this one: “Theoretisch en practisch molenboek: voor ingenieurs, aannemers, molenaars en andere bouwkundigen“, G. Krook, 1850. click the link, select the full screen button (the four arrows pointing to corners) and then you geet a button with PDF/ePub download
  11. Thanks OC, after everything has been stuck onto her, she will get a final coat of clear mat laquer, after that I don't need to worry about damaging paint e.a.
  12. Thanks for all the likes and comments. No painting done this afternoon, have been detached for garden chores ... no painting either this evening, web server configuration
  13. I have the original for the six and eight sided windmills including the drawings, costed me a few Euros but worth it's while. Some mill related news Last week on the Dutch telly the Earl of Dikes (lit. trans., i.e. the person responsible for the maintenance and level of water & water related systems in a province) in the province of Noord-Holland (North Holland) got offered the use of the remaining wind driven watermills to move the water when the modern pumping stations cannot handle all the surplus due to the current climate changes. We have more water to disperse annually, both from an increase in rain, as from the increased river levels from abroad - most likely due to the same. FYI. This year we had some "minor" flooding (compared to elsewhere) as the quantity of water to disperse in a limited time increased drastically. To avoid flooding, water is pumped to special reserved places which are meant to be flooded, like what we call "Uiterwaarden" the land between the river and the dike, sometimes there are two dikes, which implies the water will be stored in between. These last decades government has appointed certain regions to be made available for flooding. However, you still need the system to be able to cope with the quantity "offered", hence the windmills
  14. Personally I would ask the owner of the dryer to vent the dryer to the outside. Everybody is affected by his/her appliance. Even the wooden slatting will be prone to rot in due time. If you want to keep your personal affects in a good state, you will have to store it in airtight plastic boxes under these circumstances ... I think it's a reasonable request. You just shouldn't mention that you request it because you want to be modelling down there, but your storage will be affected anyway, so hat's a valid reason It's odd, for we have in appartment cellars concrete walled boxes. It's forbidden to use electric appliances like dryers and washing machines, because people leave them unattended (fire risk) ...
  15. thank you all for the likes and supportive comments, naturally but for one ... he's even threatening with thumb screws and the iron lady to force me in another modelpartnership ... he really is freightning like this ... glad Pat & Steven aren't like that, or I would think all Aussies are By the way, I told him I would like to build the zeppelin ... I won't say "Yes", but I won't say "No" either ... I have presently six builds on the desk including this one, 2 destroyers, 2 subs, a battleship, and an airplane - all plastic, so I won't be mixing up parts as long as I let them on the sprue, and no leave them on the desktop (no Lou, not the PC's), lucky me, but that doesn't mean I've got less brass bling tumbling through the air. Yesterday evening (more like this morning) I finished the paravanes, added the decals - with the glossy hull that was easy peasy - erected another ladder for the gunplatform, replaced the asdics on the bridge's wings for the ones I initially made were far to big. Next thing is to paint the paravanes, and after that leaf through the instruction manual and check what I've done with what I really had to do, or planned to do, and compare with the remaining items on the sprues ... pictures later today
  16. An' y'think the admiral lets ya ... Nice space Scott, good place to park semore's butts ... Now you've got three builds
  17. We're already your guests ... so we could have been nagging ya all this time !? "No dining room table! " ...So where do you get your meals ...
  18. Impressive, very, marvelous job on the brass fittings and scates, a very remarcable build ...
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