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Everything posted by cog

  1. I certainly won't miss this build, Dick. You might like to have a look here as well, I thought about it when I saw your drawing ...
  2. You will get withdrawal symptoms ... maybe you even have them now already ... glad to hear the move went well, so you are back on the move again ... now we only get a two day update per week I will get withdrawal symptoms too ...
  3. Antony, Looking forward to your build. I bought the drawings some two or three years ago, and haven't gotten the nerve to pick them up and start on the (twisted) banana as Druxey called it so strickingly ...
  4. Ken, No radar before WWII, at least not in WWI. I should have known (message to myself: idiot, idiot, idiot) just radio. Hence search to no avail. Bashed the range finder at 0.75cm width, 1 cm height. Next crow's nest, should be a walk in the park ... but for me eyes.
  5. Greg, Did you find anything on radar, I know those have been changed a couple of times type 251 and 271 but those numbers merely get me a description, nothing solid on images. The rangefinder I couldn't get any information on, although, the pictures show a far larger one than the kit supplies. Did you have more luck on those two items? The crow's nest at the front mast is sited wrong in the building instructions. There are two possibilities,: 1 halfway up the lower spar (half above, half beneath) 2 between the upper and lower spar (hight may differ, but no higher than half way) So I ripped it off again, and will make a new one from brass tubing (more in style with the mast) An interesting tidbit from the book: All water had to be pumped to the respective upper containers by hand, whether salt water for the heads, or fresh water for other purposes. That was done on daily basis. I can't imagine that to be much fun on the Notherly convoy duties!
  6. He tried enough times, didn't he! now that's a thought ... it still would be a penal colony though ... so what's the difference, the French being more/less lenient ... your ancesters loosing their heads to the iron lady - in that case, you wouldn't be here right now ... and it would have been the FRN Vendetta ... although I have to admit that you Aussies have used the kitchens of all immigrants far better than the other English colonies - penal or not.
  7. I do miss living in Rotterdam just across the Maritime Museum ... nothing comparible whatsoever in this neck of the woods ... just trees and shrubs
  8. Lou, if I'm not mistaken, the English terminology is "put in reserve", I presume corresponding in the 17th & 18th century with "layed up in ordinairy" ... masts and guns removed until Nappy changed his mind again to yet throw another affort after foolishness by invading England. Never understood, why the French didn't try getting a foothold in Scotland, and subsequently move South ...
  9. When I look at it now ... I'd say it's the Bat-boat ... looking good Patrick
  10. Ah, the: "On need to know basis only" phrase is popping up. Yes sahib, oh sorry you aren't British, yes boss-man. The 1/72 Fokker, nah, 't is a naval forum an' this particular one doesn't float Steven, Welcome aboard! I see you have read the instructions to enter the build as attendant/spectator! No, I won't let the Canberrans fool me, I leave that to the Balla- rats is this the wrong thread? Yes you are a righteous lot, you Aussies, and I for one am very glad you are a half day ahead, so we will be warned in ample time of mishaps or troubles ... I am very lucky I'm merely double Dutch, and thus mean by ancestry Glad I got them nettings put up, so you can slide off at the back where you won't be bothering the other attendants ... maybe I could get you straight into that temple of yours? (Lou, tonight it's salmon, spinach, taters, boild egg ... and to finish it off ... home made strawberry ice cream ... does that keep you awake?)
  11. That upside down thing doesn't help you a lot, weekend Wednesday and Thursday ... yeah right!!! Nice region though, can't recall, but I've seen something like it in France. Perhaps I should start taking pictures like you RGL and write on the back where it is and what it represents ... but then ... I'll be needing a system to find it when I need it ...
  12. You mean at the bottom of a valley ... Any work done lately? I'm presently doing some work on a 1/72 Fokker Dr 1 (plastic) for nobody is moving. It's even very quiet in the rafters ... nuttin' tumblin' down, not even a retiree Pat I just kicked out a squatter, you could take his place ... no I woun't kick you Hmmm, thought there would be a limit ... does it also mean when you're retired, your pictures get shaky? If so I'll not retire for a long time!
  13. OC, I just took a bottle from the red section, added some drops of white and got sprayin' ... It does look the colour though ... lucky streak Keep on breathin' RGL, your head is getting rather red-ish ... or did you play with my anti fouling ...
  14. I read in Preston's book (see a.o. the pages in a few posts before this one) the V & W class destroyers wwere far better than their German counter parts, despite the fact that the German ships had bigger guns. Those however were not as stable as the V&W destroyers which could still operate at a rough-ish sea ... I'm glad you English got something right ... else we all would have been German darn I already am ... partly ...
  15. Got the props installed so I can get out of RGL's (harm's) way ... Anybody in for a test? What's the paint colour of the props ... (brand an' colour[nr] possibly)
  16. Mornin' to all from Oz!!! Thought as much ... a mums boy. So what language do the kiwis speak ... Oi laddy, stow it! Vikings were long before my time ... at least, that's what they told me ... Popcorn ... not again ... Sam, be quiet!!! Thanks OC, at least one whom values my appearance at this build log ... for as long as it takes ... I'm suffering already ...
  17. As are we all ... even the poor sods in the rafters! If you come down Lou, you can get a tot of whatever you fancy ... after that you can go back up again ... if you feel you belong there ... personally I do not feel very god-ish
  18. Got me nets an' chains fitted ... let it rain You sound like a little boy whom doesn't get what he wants ... Greg ... off you go, back to work ...
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