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Everything posted by RickyGene

  1. Simply breath taking build. Is there a build thread for SOS. Seeing your build and how wonderful she can turn out, has me chomping at the bits now for mine. But will take 12 months to get all the material. Did you order any plans/drawings while building. I can order a set from the Dromedary in Texas, but they are not cheap! Thanks so very much Eddie for sharing your craftmanship and skills. Rick
  2. I have this kit and have as of yet started it. Yours turned out most excellent. I have a old Ships of Scale mag's, that covers this vessel with scale drawings and scratch building it. Amati did a wonderful job designing this kit that they market as a beginners kit. We all know what that means, as long as you have a few under your belt. The hull shape as you have pointed out is not so easy to plank. But you just got to love the pot belly shape. Amati did their home work on this one, but there is a interesting detail they did not do, the upper main deck on my plans of the vessel show a hearing bone lay out of the planking. Research showed the idea for this as practiced was to add strength to the upper deck area, or so as I understand it. Anyway, will catalogue your build to refer to when I decide to build this wonderful little cargo ship. Rick
  3. Like your mad skills. This is one of my bucket list projects to do someday hopefully. About 10 years ago a fella offered me a book, full scale drawings/plans and lost wax castings for the all the fittings/figures. He was a kind soul who wanted to know it would be used to scratch build the Vasa. I believe the scale was 1/72 if I remember right. He was asking $500.00 and I had just moved into a new built house and funds were having to be used wisely. Sadly I passed on it, but if ever again, will be purchased. If I remember correctly, the plans were drawn up using the real Vasa. The lost wax castings were brass and miniature pieces of art. The plans, 8 sheets covered as much of the hull as built as you were willing to put into her. The full size profile would have been magnificent framed. The book covered every aspect of the History and the build. I have never again seen this anywhere offered for sale. One of those once in a life time. Enjoying your thread. Also noticed you are working on a De Agostini Sovereign of the Seas. I have never tried one of these parts as you go kits, but they were offering her for 1USD + ship first months pkg and 25% off the remaining order as they ship. Pulled the trigger. Rick😎
  4. Not too hi-jack your thread, but I want to build/color as I go. Have you ever or for anyone who reads this, used India Ink to precolour your planks. I want the ship to have the feel and look of a planked vessel. Paint does the job yes, but it obscures the plank detail. Have read others say they have used this method. Just wondering if this is not a messy way to do. Rick
  5. Thank you sir. I sent a e-mail to Occre and yesterday they replied the replacement parts were on the way. I too would have went on with the slight bow in the FK and as you know, if doable can be straightened out. But factor in a twisted deck too boot, and you have a lot of torque going on. I have had hulls turn out just fine today and a few days later, you notice a odd look to some area. So rather than play with it, I thought it prudent to just request the correct profile parts. I have to give props to Occre, they reacted fast and no hoops to jump thru. Can not say that about some I have dealt with. So, looks like I will have a Winter project after all😁. Rick
  6. Contacted the mfg. I have learned from the past, you can not keep a twist/warp/bow out of ply. Yes it will flatten out for a period, then return. Seems to have something to do with one side drying out and inducing the warp! E-mail sent requesting replacements. I ordered as I said from the UK, got the kit for a better price that way. But for this kits $, replacement parts should not be a issue! Rick😎
  7. Opened my kit today. The plastic box had opened up during ship and small parts were everywhere. Over all the kit is very complete and well thought out. Would have liked to have @ least one full drawn sheet with profile and deck. The deck is included, but that will be used as you did to properly place items on deck. I did encounter 2 areas that gave me pause. The FK has a very slight bow and the deck has a slight twist. Will break out the steam iron, then after wet enough, will place these 2 items between sheet glass and leave for a week and hope that takes care of the issue. I ordered this from the UK and had w/in 5 days to the USA. Now that's a efficient mail service. I have noticed that kits which leave their laser cut parts attached to the sheet cut from, are less likely to develop any twist/bows. Anyhow, all parts accounted for and as soon as the issues are addressed, will start my own build. I believe I will go w/color vs natural wood finish. I am also toying with adding skids to one of the ships boats. Rick
  8. Wow, will most certainly be watching for availability of the kit. Look forward to more of the thread. Rick
  9. Looking good my friend. Your videos put a new spin on a build thread. For some reason I am amore w/this vessel. I am as all, am a fan of the famous HMS Victory and have a kit tucked away. But I also like the lines of a Man of War and this vessel happens to be one at the top of the food chain. Looking forward too more of your build. Rick
  10. I am curious about one of the details as applied by Occre to the kit, the chain running down the deck. Should it be a chain or a rope f/this time period. A heavy chain would seem to reek havoc on a wood deck w/o any protection? Rick
  11. Really nice build for a 1st attempt @ a wood ship kit. I have one too. I am not sure if I will paint or as you have, stay w/natural wood finish. Keep up the great workmanship. You got her whipped and now should all be down hill. Rick
  12. From my research, the kit as any other kit is not 100% scale/accurate. However, I have the HMS Terror and from comparing too a set of drawings and from the WEB. Occre has done their homework. Sure, you might want to double check all the chain work and a few other small details. But I feel you would build a very resealable representation of this Historic ship. I am very impressed with what they have put on the market for the price. Rick
  13. From what I see of your build, you will correct and continue w/this excellent build. Rick
  14. I have the parts of the FK marked, ready to glue up and then add rabbet strip. I am retired and have no problem taking my sweet time during each step. I have spent hours studying the plans. I will place a order for the lumber w/in the next week. I have not ordered the lumber pkg, I am playing w/using pear and ebony to plank the hull. Of course, the ebony is for the black painted areas of the build. Just kicking around using colors of wood to replicate the colors as given. I have checked out the video and every build thread f/Cheerful. Rick
  15. Thanks guys.
  16. As always great to see my ole friend still here too. Rick
  17. Charlotte, NC
  18. Have this thread saved to Favorites for fast access. Wow, you sir, are a Master, and I only wished I could do 1/2 the quality and craftmanship you share. I purchased the frame/starter package and all the then available fixtures. I just retired last year and I purchased this in 2017. Should be placing a lumber order this month. Thanks for the opportunity to try a scratch build, albeit w/your most excellent starter set. Have laid out now! Rick
  19. Howdy Oldmate, just wanted to know if you have made any progress and any tips on your frame build. Rick
  20. Am watching your build. Looking forward to more of this project. Do you after getting the frame too this point have any tips for what you had to think on or encountered during this assembly. I purchased this semi-scratch parts project back in 2017. Have it laid out on the work table just starting to clean and prep f/rabbit. Rick
  21. Just wished to say hello, Have been away for awhile again. But I have retired and have cleaned out the work area to again go into the daunting task of ship modeling. I enjoy working with the traditional materials of wood and card. Thank you for letting me be a member of this site. Rick
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