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Everything posted by RickyGene

  1. Ok, sorry the site I saw ID as the Cutty, sorry for the miss info.
  2. Apparently you do this for a living. Wow, oh yea, wow! And the Fair-A-Frame, you are the 1st one I have seen make that thing work. I have purchased twice and never would have thought of the mods. Do us a favor and post diagrams of those mods if you would be so kind and not to hold up your piece of art you are building. Watching you work has made me want to build the Bluenose again following your lead. I am impressed to say the least that you have done the Model Shipways kit such justice. I am a fan of the Billing Boat version, but yours will do. Here is a little sum thing to say thanks for sharing your build.
  3. I was floored when I came across this and for the 1st time realized the figure head was painted and not just white as so many depict. But again, as the builder has the option to paint as they wish. From what I can find, the photo is just before the end of her last runs of the seas. Hope you enjoy. Rick
  4. I shared this w/another member and as seeing your excellent build, I thought I would also share with you. Can you guess the name of this lady.
  5. Your craftmanship is top shelf and I thought you might enjoy a photo I have of this beautiful lady. Much to glean if one looks.
  6. Might be awhile before I get to her, in the docks now......OcCer HMS Terror, Aeropiccola French Chebec Indescret and last but not least Billing Boats Esmeralda. The French Chebec seems to be getting all the attention right now. The Billing Boats Esmeralda is just in the keel laying phase. The poor HMS Terror, just sett'in on a shelf. I have always had a hard time staying on just one project. Albeit, some time does pass before one is completed. But I have found that I seem to complete more this way than if I try to stay on one and lose all interest. I am cursed with the most dreaded affliction….perfectionist. Oh for the days of just building for the fun of it. I hope you never have to deal with that curse, but sadly if you stay at it long enough, she will ever so slightly creep in! Rick8)
  7. Again, a fine build so far. I have read several builds over the years about this little vessel. Some gave up because of issues with the hull and how machined. But you have shown it is a beauty if one persist. The addition of the copper plating has really made this a eye catcher. I have followed and will return I am sure many times when I break down and build the one I have. Looking forward to the finish. Rick😎
  8. You sir are a kind soul and I whole heartedly agree. Probably was fate and very well could have been more than I could chew. I do have a kit that I am daunted by already, HMS Cheerful......not that I feel unable to execute, just have seen so many done to Museum quality.
  9. She is Bewitching...……..
  10. And of course the actual vessel.
  11. Here is the only photo I could find of a completed hull f/Esmeralda.
  12. Well since the SOS is a no go, I was haunting eBay again and came across what I took to be an interesting vessel. I am a sucker for Naval Training Ships. Plus the price was well below half what a new kit cost and this was a NIB. I pulled the trigger and this what I purchased. The Chilean Navy Training Vessel Esmeralda in 1/100 scale. This is the older version, no laser cut. All fittings included and this kit retails for over $500.00 f/the laser cut kit. Searched the WEB and read all I could find, not too much but some. Found only one build thread and the site is no longer available. So this will be my next project. Any comments would be helpful, seems I can find no builds anywhere and any tips would be helpful.
  13. David56 I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But I and DeAgostini USA had to have a annulment of our marriage. I made the required arrangements for the monthly subscription of the kit. The 1st month was right on time. 2nd payment removed from bank and no 2nd pack received, 3 weeks later. Now I am heading into the third months payment and contacted them as to where was the one I had paid for 3 weeks hence. I had just finished reading the reviews from DeAgostini USA and upon asking the person on the phone why the delay? I got the exact same answer I had read just a few moments before of order being held up for free gift, and to add insult to the matter. It was the exact item the others had complained about! Now look here, I was born at night but not last night, and I know a standard makeshift answer when I here it. Call your cable company and you get the same. So after asking why hold the order and not just send the free gift when it comes in. There was a pause and the person on the other end wants to get quirt and say I can accept as it is or not. So, see I am no child, not for 50 years now, I told him he is right and un-subscribe now. Refund payments taken and rest assured, I would never again bother this subscription purchase of a kit again. Now I know there will be the I have never had a problem remarks, but I have the curse of Murphy's Law. Funds were returned and me and DeAgoatini USA have parted. So, I am afraid, that brings this project to a abrupt halt.
  14. Really clean precise building and the rope work is top shelf friend. I just purchased Billings Esmeralda. and I hope I can do just 1/2 the job you have done. Look forward to more. Rick
  15. Bingo CDW, that be her. The kit is very impressive for a kit mfg'd in 1971. This is a builders kit, no laser cut or PE. The plans are in Italian and requires one to study till you go cross eyed. After that begins the puzzle. Test fit, adjust and fit again until it goes where it is meant to be. I have spent over 30 hours prepping before the 1st piece was glued. I hope to have the frame work complete by the EOW. I lucked up and purchased from eBay. Appears the kit has been well put up/stored. Three ply formers are very slightly bowed, but other than that. Everything is perfect and useable. I have tested the planks and they seem like they will be ok and I want to use as much of the kit as I can. However, wood can be replaced if needed. The fittings are some of the best I have seen in awhile, not cheap molded white metal, lack of detail resin or flat PE! The cannons are brass and the best I have ever got in a kit. The model is impressive and for the type vessel it reps, will be a big display piece when complete, but hey I am getting ahead of myself and I sure hope I have not hi-jacked this current thread. Rick😎
  16. Outstanding and the correct CS Flag is displayed. I once used the flag, not the Battle Flag, on another Forum and was asked if I would remove as my Avatar was offensive to one of the members. Thanks for posting. Rick😀
  17. The kit is from 1971. I have spent 30 hours correcting and making parts fit correctly. As a matter of fact, epoxied the 1st part today. If all turns out well with the initial build up the frame, I will post a tread. The likely hood is good I will post a thread. Thanks for your interest. Rick😎
  18. Howdy Alex, glad to see the Baby Carrier posted here as a thread. Keep up the good work. She builds up into a impressive piece of US Navy History. I built the Bluejacket version many, many moons ago. And yes, the paint scheme is daunting, but with care is very doable. The paint set for the Bluejacket Gambier Bay was very expensive then and a lacquer base paint. But when applied as recommended, she turned out nice. The only fault I had with that kit was you did not get enough aircraft F4F Hellcats. The kit is no longer available, so if one wants to build a Gambier Bay will go the route you are building from a Hasegawa kit. Look forward to your next up-date. Rick😎
  19. Looking good my friend. I have been many times to your web page and oft wondered if you built or just produced/sold. Guess it makes sense you are a builder too. Looking forward to your next up-date. Rick😎 PS I have the True POF America kit. I bought from a fella from TX you sold too back in 1995. Everything is there except for the small tree nail dowels list says 30, are these still available for purchase. The kit came w/2 sets of ribs, one for the Jeff Davis and a set for the America. There is another here on the Forum is building self same kit.
  20. Hey credit is due, where credit is due. Your hull has turned out nice for a novice (your word). We all started somewhere and my 1st sure did not turn out like yours did. So you are going with the USS Perry. Quite a jump, but glad to see you are willing to stretch your skills for something a bit more involved. Solid hulls are a great way to build ships. I have many un-built and shelfed f/future builds. One of my most ambitious builds was a Bluejacket 310' Destroyer. I horse traded w/a local then Hobby Shop because kit was a very expensive purchase back then. After I built it, took a couple years, the same guy who owned the shop bought it back and as far as I know, still has. I have been eyeballing one of their (Bluejacket) CSS Alabama's and or Portland. But being I am retired, I have to really want it bad before I buy now. I no longer buy to shelve, but too build. Looking forward to you completion of this project my friend. Rick😎
  21. Have you figured her out yet. You know I am following this to see what you have to correct before I build mine. Look forward to more of your work. Rick😁
  22. Did you know the CSS Alabama got her shots off 1st. But in the end she was beaten because the USS Kearsarge had employed a ingenious armor made of chain to protect her vital areas. At one time there was a gun from the USS Kearsarge on display in a Park, but sadly was melted down for the WWII war effort.
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