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Everything posted by Wacom

  1. Reading various post’s about rope making I see that DMC seems to be the cotton of choice for many folk. I am some what confused in that here in New Zealand DMC cotton comes in stranded packs used for embroidery and limited to 8 metre lengths. My question is does DMC sell it differently in the states or am I looking at the wrong stuff? Any help appreciated.
  2. Steve, I struggled with this problem until the eureka moment arrived. Instead of trying to make 12 the same I realised that they are all different. I then used the template that Chuck provides and lined up my moulding with each template (one at a time) and carefully cut the angles. whilst my skill level is not up there with the likes of Chuck they are a lot better than all My other (too many to count) attempts. Hope this helps. Your work on the hull is outstanding.
  3. Fred, seems to me you are being too hard on yourself. The work you have done to date looks good, give it a few days and you will see its really very good.👍👌😎
  4. That looks really good.
  5. Tell me about it! I am the same stage Rusty and it takes lots of checking build logs, drawing and eyeballing to get them any where near. Love the colour of that wood😎
  6. Mike, your craftsmanship never ceases to amaze. An inspiration to us all, well done.👌
  7. Thanks druxey, I have the longridge book which explains how the length of the main mast is determined and knowing this the other dimensions should be proportional.🤔
  8. Thanks for the info, this is just what I am looking for. Mark, I am aware of the differences but after much searching cannot find anything of use other than this book. No doubt some one will come along with fully dimensioned plans (I wish) I do believe that the smaller volume you mention is now incorporated into volume 4. Many thanks for your replies.
  9. Can anyone recommend this book by David Antscherl? I am building the Winchelsea by following Chuck’s great instructions. It is my mind to look into the feasibility of rigging (at least to the main tops) this ship. Any help will be appreciated. I see the publishers also offer the plans and I was wondering if these include details of the mast’s, spars etc? Thank you.
  10. Thanks guys for the comments and reactions, always encouraging to know Winnie is on the right track😇
  11. Go fo it Chuck, you mentioned this some time ago and its very much anticipated by me.👍
  12. Finished Chapter Two. Some of the planks widths are "off" but I can live with the ship as she is so far. My thanks go to all you folk who are building Winnie, you are an inspiration to me and an encouragement when the going gets tough, thank you.
  13. Run out best described as wobble, if the drill bit wobbles.. not good..no wobble.. very good. You can usually tell by eye if its OK. Sometimes if the bit wobbles, slack off the chuck, rotate the bit a little then re tighten chuck, this can help. Your drill press looks like a rebadged Proxxon Tbm, if it is then your chuck should be good.
  14. Your skill at converting old floor boards into works of art is amazing. I bet there is some number 8 wire in there somewhere. Following with interest.
  15. No, runs off the mains voltage. Proxxon produce this drill press in both 115 and 230 volt for different markets.
  16. The Proxxon TBM drill press is first rate very accurate and well made. I have only recently sold one in order to move up to its big brother which suits the work I do.
  17. Some of the best ideas are the simplest 😀
  18. That looks like very useful tool, do you mind if I ask where you sourced the aly profile?
  19. Thanks for the comments and likes, every bit of encouragement helps 😋
  20. Finally some progress to report. As I mentioned in Jim’s log, I had the upper planking finished on both sides but felt the the finish on the planking and especially the gun-ports left a lot to be desired. After much thought I removed everything as far as the black strake and started again. This is my second attempt and although far from the standards set by so many others I am reasonably pleased with the way it turned out. I have also faired the inboard bulkheads. All that remains to do is touch up some small holidays in the paint work and apply a couple of coats of Poly to help keep it clean. Then its on to tick stripping and plank sawing. I enjoyed working on the two rows of planking below the wales so am hopeful I will enjoy this part of the build (at least there are no gun-ports to do)
  21. You are not the only one to find this, had me stumped for a while as the measurements were ok. In the end I removed the offending 1/8”🤓
  22. The parts for chapter three arrived this morning. Almost to good to use the fine detail is beyond belief. We are very lucky people to have Chuck not only showing us how to build this ship but also willing to supply the “tricky” bits too.
  23. That is beautiful Rusty, the Cherry looks great with the wipe on poly. Very inspirational.
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