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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. I'm not so much worried about the appearance of any ratlines I may tie in the future....more the number of them. And while the Pegasus may not have the most when compared to other models... there's still a s#!+ load of them But thanks for your votes of confidence, nonetheless Andy
  2. I agree with Ben. Although I don't have any personal experience with that particular kit, I can attest to the thoroughness of Chuck's practicums. And with the offer code from Model Expo, you can get it for a great price. Andy
  3. I believe it is what as known as "The rule of 2 square feet" No matter how hard one tries to keep clean and organized, every hobby space will inevitably reduced to an area of 2 square feet. I've tried to be clean... but honestly it just doesn't work. Can't do it. It's only clean when I'm gone away to work. Andy
  4. I've found one thing that helps with the respiratory issues of CA is air flow. I have a ceiling fan that I keep running when I'm doing some major CA work like coppering. There are many different grades of CA, most of the cheaper ones at hobby shops or hardware stores are more volatile and allergy inducing. I've heard (but can't confirm) that the surgical grades of CA are better for people with allergies. Of course you could take Yon's approach and go with a full on respirator and rubber gloves. Andy
  5. Give him a link to the Ashley Book Of Knots... That would really keep him busy Andy
  6. Wefalk, there really is no true "G" Scale, not like O, OO or HO Etc. There are actually many scales that use the same #1 Gauge track. The reason you may not have heard of 1:29 is that it is a scale put out by an American company USA Trains, and may not be common in Europe. Andy
  7. Wow.. that looks brilliant. I realize now more and more as I build myself inexorably towards that point on my own ship... I'm in for it! Andy
  8. So time for a real update at last. I think I'm finished eyebolting the hull... I hope. A few of those little bu**ers may have been missed, but I'm sure I got most of them. Also set up the hammock cranes. I have some mesh material to fill in, I just have to figure out how to put it in.. oh yeah... got to paint it too... And the big news... started the sparring process. Got the lower masts and bowsprit cut to length. I'm planning on first getting the chains done, then moving on to shaping and the rest of the spars and what-not. I hope that will buy me a couple days of peace from you-know-who Andy
  9. Sorry.. Dry bowl of Shreddies and a large glass of O.J. (I know... I'm weird ) Andy
  10. I left my opinion on the other thread, I think it has merit..... And should be given a place of distinction around here (the story, not my opinion ) Andy
  11. Oh yes.... That was the intent of my query I recall the enjoyment and laughs that everyone had with it, and although nothing was done at the time, it would be great for it to become a permanent part of MSW. Andy
  12. What can I say that has not already been said? She's looking real nice... And huge! Everyone who's slobbering over Chris Watton's Victory project should bear that in mind... I imagine she'd be "huge-er" Looking forward to more updates in the future, Andy
  13. Speaking of figures....Kester, you didn't happen to keep any of that great story about the demise of the Royal Caroline's Captain, did you? Andy
  14. I'll just keep in mind that Sjors would like photo-documentation of the minutiae of our lives.... Save having this "miss-understanding" in the future Andy
  15. Have you tried model railroad figures? Look for "G" scale figures (1:29 or 1:32). You'd probably have to do some surgery, like Dafi did, only a little larger. Andy
  16. I was thinking a nice piece of plexi glass with a cutout shaped like her hull at her waterline, where she could rest. Would give the appearance of floating... Plus the "sea floor" could be scenicked as well. Andy
  17. Wow... Impressive. She really looks like a working ship. Any thoughts on how you're going to display her? Andy
  18. Very nice. I found with my rudder, the rigging lines for the tiller do a pretty good job of holding it in place, while providing enough spring so that should it get knocked about, no damage will be done. Andy
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