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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Jan... I note earlier he was going all gooey.... I hope we're not too far gone for spinach
  2. *Sigh* A bad poem and more popcorn to clean up..... Obviously the rat trap didn't work.... Maybe I need a bear trap.... Andy
  3. Oh crud..... He's started again... I'm not sure but I think that's what attracted the vermin (rats lobsters etc) in the first place.... I'm going to need a broom and an extra large rat trap.... Andy
  4. If I remember correctly (not discounting any questions of historical bias or accuracy), in Nordoff and Hall's account, the carpenter was allowed to keep his tool chest, however most of his tools where kept by the mutineers. He was left with just a few basics. Andy
  5. This post serves no purpose beyond being yet another frivolous post. Mark... I'm already overrun with lobsters.... Please don't unleash any rats Andy
  6. Geez... I better get my mallet out.....shoo those pesky overgrown cray fish outta here! Otherwise it's smashie smashie! Andy
  7. Better check those lobsters.....I think they went a little funny on you... At least I hope that's the problem.... Andy
  8. Popeye... Do I need to leave you and Sjors alone for a while? Andy
  9. You? Interfere in a discussion? No...never This place is like the greatest hobby shop in the world... That doesn't sell anything. (Which should keep certain people happy) All the free advice and guidance anyone can ever ask for. And some of the funniest characters...just to keep you honest Andy
  10. Flush cutting nippers would also work to get rid of that protrusion. Andy
  11. Looking good, Peter. In short order I'll probably be referencing your build for the spars etc. Just one trick I found, if you want the handrail around the companion ways taught, bend in the end stanchions a bit before tying the knots. That way you get a little slack to tie with, and when you're done you just straighten up the stanchions to get the tension back. Andy
  12. I don't disagree. Seemed like yesterday, in particular, was a bit of a free-for-all. And it was fun. Since the crash the fellowship of the "surviving" members is stronger... And I think everyone is trying to reinforce that. Andy
  13. You know... At a glance it looks like that smiley just gave me the finger.... All for a few kernels of popcorn.... Cheeky bu**er Andy
  14. Go big or go home.... Good on ya for not shying away from a challenge! I look forward (along with everyone else) to your progress, pitfalls, pratfalls (whatever they are) and successes with this build. Andy
  15. No it would appear it is exactly what it says at the bottom. As a veteran of the old game... I would put forward that as a new comer he should be given a second chance... Andy
  16. Um... You know.... You should edit your pictures before you post them... I'm assuming that's her name at the bottom.... Andy
  17. Thanks Mark I would have to agree that the popcorn salesman might be his own best customer Andy
  18. "Call now and well throw in a second set absolute free" Andy
  19. A banker's lamp is a very useful light to have. Between that and a halogen light over my shoulder, I get really good lighting at my desk. You should get yourself one! And thanks for your compliments too. Andy
  20. You must have a good sized stockpile of those things kicking around! Interesting thing though... it keeps poping corn... but not filling up... anyone else alarmed by that? Or am I just nuts? Andy
  21. Whoa.... where do I start?! Augie.. I don't have to do that anymore, I'm Chief Officer... I get others to do that for me Sjors... I'll deal with you later Grant.. I've never counted how many times I've had to tie clove hitches in heaving lines when we pass through the Welland Canal, or the Seaway, but in real life, I'm probably way above that number (That's also not counting the number of routine times a clove hitch has come in handy....) Patrick... Stop encouraging Sjors... you'll only make it worse I have to take the mesh down to the spray booth at the railyway club this afternoon, make it all nice and black. At least, thats the hope. Mark... Shouldn't you be building something? ...all this popcorn eating... can't be good..(Although I bet it's enjoyable) Bummer (Eric if I remember correctly)..I take it you are easily distracted.. only 5 rows since August... hrm... maybe you need to stop by Dr Per's Therapy, get some focus back... (thanks about the lamp nonethe less ) Popeye... I agree with Sarah... there's got to be a bad pun in there somewhere... Sarah.. Sorry to disapoint, but sails are not going to happen on this one. Maybe in the future. After this build, and my next (the Condfederacy), I'm thinking of looking into HM Snow "Ontario" (A Snow is basically a brig with an extra small mast for the driver sail), as a scratch project. Maybe I'll put sails on that one along the lines of Frank's "Supply" And finally John (I didn't forget..) Yeah... rigging-less bulkers... If you want to see a modern day nightmare, have a look at some of our older Self-Unloaders with cable stayed unloading booms. Give me hyraulics any day over ever having to re-reeve one of those ********* And now for Sjors... I know you like your photos, so here are some of the start of my work on the chains. That string hanging down in the second photo is my alignment thread so I can get the angle close enough. I think I still need to make a few adjustments here and there... Andy
  22. Geez.... I wonder what I did to inspire such confidence in you people? I've still got a ways to go yet before I tie a line on.. Soon enough though... Andy
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