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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. It goes without saying (I hope), but thank you all for your comments. I realized the other day it has been a while since I acutally posted some progress... mostly because what I've been doing has been tedious and time consuming... and very dusty... I've started work on shaping the fore mast and attaching some of its fittings. A lot of work for not much visual progress. A lot of time was spent figuring out how to go about getting the shapes and profiles called for on the plans. And of course I ran up against that age old issue with these kits... trying to make a 6mm square out of a 6mm round dowel..... (I'm almost certain that when he designed these kits Watton must have been using square stock to begin with, and somewhere along the lines it got lost in translation), almost as impossible was taking 6mm round dowel and making a 5mm square. What I ended up doing was taking a length of 8mm stock and drilling a short mortise in the top, and sanded down a matching tennon in the bottom of the topmast. I tried to get things as close to center as possible, it was a little off, but by adjusting the final position of the tennon, everything lined up ok. There is a little colour discrepancy, but I don't mind as this part of the mast will be painted black eventually. It may look a little rough for a first attempt, but overall I'm ok with the end result. Everything at the foretop ended up nice and square and pretty much the dimensions required. Nothing a little carefull sanding, filling and painting won't hide. Andy
  2. At the risk of giving something away... Looks like a Flower class Corvette.... Can't tell which one though... There were 270 some odd ones.. Andy
  3. Yeah.... What everyone else said.... Well done. While I don't personally see a dip... I hope it does not become an insurmountable problem for you. Have fun lining all those gun ports... Andy
  4. Very nice! Good to see you're finally back on track after... What is the count now? One redone paint job, a gunport error and a misguided attempt to amputate a finger? May Murphy leave you alone to finish your build in peace! Andy
  5. Sonuva...... How did I miss that? Crud! Well I should know better so I'll concede to Anja. Andy
  6. Ok...No injuries from yesterday... maybe a few sore muscles... So back to the matter at hand... Proving that I am not a one-trick-pony Andy
  7. Actually... The ST Crapo is another boat entirely.... Andy
  8. Crackers, yes you were on the right track, but I wasn't going to give too much away at the time Andy
  9. *points to his username* Not just an empty boast! Seen her on many occasions during my travels (Most recently at Quebec City last summer). Now I'll have to think of something again. Bear with me as I will be spending tomorrow skiing, so if it's ok with everyone, I'll have something on Friday. Andy
  10. I'll accept that answer, although in that photo she was already sailing under her latest name J.B. Ford Launched December 1903 and from 1996 to 2001 used for cement storage. The vessel is still in existence in Superior WI. There are mutterings of a preservationist group interested in saving her from the cutting torch. Andy
  11. Beautiful thing... There were literally thousands of them and they were all slightly different Andy
  12. Yeah.... You'd better duck.... And real poutine really does not use "gravy". It's hard to describe really... It's not as thick, and it's got nicer flavour... There's nothing quite like tuckin' in to a big bowl of perfectly fried...fries, tangy sauce and cheese curds that squeak when you chew on 'em. Just remember to wait a bit when you're finished, before trying to move... Andy
  13. Uh... Nope, nope and....nope Sorry.... Please play again... Andy
  14. Any poutine here? I see this wonderful banquet happening here... But no poutine.... Andy
  15. So the rivalry begins anew.. Ask and ye shall receive
  16. Alright... I've got a good one.. I'll have it up soon... Just have to do a little tweaking Andy
  17. We better all hope it's only pictures that fall from the sky... Even if it is only on occasion.... Andy
  18. Never let Jan win....... I think I've seen this one before.... Smit Nordzee (or an identical sister) Andy
  19. Actually, for a change things worked out in real life as well as on paper. By mocking up the masts and running my temporary line down from the future shroud locations, everything lined up right. I missed every gun port (some were a very near miss). Next step is to cap off the channels then I'm going to have to buckle down and get those masts shaped, tapered and fitted. Andy
  20. Not just the prairies, all over the country where there was land that required stone removal. You can still find them here and there, especially among the Menonnite communities who haven't yet given up horse power (litterally). Dafi: A wonderful, humourous little project. Andy
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