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Everything posted by slagoon

  1. May I join in the Libations Sir? I offer a bratwurst.
  2. Jan you are correct... Your turn
  3. no...really I'm not .... but here is a new photo...again with sails hmmm upload failed.....odd dunno what is going on with my account but I can't upload ...and it isn't keeping my smug mug photo....
  4. Is it "Ella's Pink Lady" sailed by a miss Jessica Watson sailed and hit the Silver Yang?
  5. Daniel, just post a new one The other person who made a mistake got another try...go for it.
  6. We just got the one from Harbor freight...it works just fine so far. It definitely falls into the low cost level.... http://www.harborfreight.com/16-inch-variable-speed-scroll-saw-93012.html
  7. Daniel you need to rename the file next time.... the name is in it (which I realized after I found the ship!)
  8. The Latina ships are ok, they are generally good wood, but both my kit and my husband's kits from them were missing a couple parts ... not a big deal if you are creative, but their price is definitely lower than some other brands on the trio you mentioned. Also the instructions seem to be written in Spanish first and then translated to other languages. I'd assume by your location that you can read it - so you'd have a leg-up in that regard being that you'd be able to understand what's going on when the translation is, um, lacking.
  9. Incredible work! It shows so much detail of a physical build! Thanks for showing all the interim work to get to the more complete-looking model.
  10. Ding Ding Ding, you, sir are correct Mr. St. George http://www.nautilusminerals.com/s/2008Programs.asp The Nor Sky is a mineral exploration and research vessel. She's not especially famous, but she is really neat looking Congrats.
  11. Just woke up to find that I'm a winner :-D Well I don't know if it will be easy or hard. I did remove the name ON the ship in 3 spots...hopefully the photoshop job isn't too bad but I thought she was a rather neat ship. I will give hints in 12 hours if no correct answers.
  12. Ok I'll say it more straightforward SS Egypt? http://www.deepimage.co.uk/wrecks/egypt/egypt_mainpages/egypt_history.htm
  13. easier said than done. He is actually finished with the model...he is just getting the updates in as he has the time.
  14. No it doesn't seem to have been. If Wikipedia is correct it was actually a passenger liner that was torpedoed by a submarine in 1916...she had a sister ship the Egypt who looked similar who did work as a hospital ship during the war... I suppose it could be either one of them...they look VERY similar.
  15. Is it the P&O arabia? http://www.simplonpc.co.uk/PO_Liners1.html
  16. I want to be at home working on my chainplates! Work is boring me to tears today.

  17. Ben, I thought that at first about the ME paints, but now I take a glop of it on some tin foil, wet my brush and then get some paint on the brush. (you could also just thin it with some water...) and I got some fantastic results. Jason, the boat looks really nice. Can't wait to see it finished.
  18. We'll miss you - but enjoy the time-off...so sorry to hear of the wood massacre.
  19. Yep, my coworker asked me why I wasn't overlapping my planks, and I asked why I would - he, having been a sailor most of his life until he moved to aerospace in his early 50's explained that it is authentic to the real ship's boats (in many cases) to have the planks overlap to create a seal. That looks pretty good there....nice and even.
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