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Everything posted by slagoon

  1. Hey Mark - yeh it was quite a bummer for me too...Luckily I had a nice relaxing project to drop back to. I know - work is such a bummer. I heard about a guy who makes over 70k/year building scale ships on commission - maybe I should change jobs (probably would stop being so fun then though) David Thanks! I'll be getting back to it Friday or Saturday this week - so you don't have to wait tooooo long!
  2. that is gorgeous. I love how you did the convertible top on it - it is really top notch.
  3. Good idea Robert. I'll try that with some scrap I have leftover from my stand.
  4. Thermopylae?
  5. This is a much cuter model than I thought it would be based on seeing the photos on the front of the box in the past. I can't wait to see where you go with it. Book binding? What other hobbies do you have hidden in your talent drawer?
  6. Buck...you should consider grabbing one if/when you see it for less than $35 with shipping on ebay. That ends up being a rather fair price and it is a fun boat that isn't really causing stress...just a nice step back to super simple (simple doesn't mean quick and mistake free....just that you are doing a basic thing and trying to do it as well as possible.) I added the "Canadian Canoe" to my wishlist - that'd be neat too. Keith - you mentioned a striped one...what about a gradient one where you start with ebony at the top and work your way to holly at the bottom (or vice-versa) that could be amazing looking.
  7. Magnificent!! they just accentuate the straight and precise cuts of all the rest of your timber.
  8. Michael - I think it would be a BLAST to build a full size one - though I'd go more for a Kayak as I'm not fond of canoeing, but love kayaking - something about the double sided paddle I guess.... Keith - those scrapers do sure look nice, and thanks for the sources of the pumice and shellac flakes...I don't know if I'll do that or the oil yet. Well I can always build a second one - like you said I'll have the forms!... Also here is a link to the homemade tools post I mentioned. Dan's Clamps Here is another post with a different solution Floyd's clamps
  9. My HERO!!!!!! Thank you!!!!! Oh this helps immensely. Keith I believe the red, yellow and green lines are technically running rigging but they would still (I believe) be there regardless of if sails are there or not.
  10. Augie, I'm thinking either the French polish like was done here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/839-cw-morgan-whaleboat-by-salty-sea-dog-al-scale-125-wood-pof-first-wooden-boat-build/ or tongue oil. Not sure which
  11. Steve, thanks I'm excited about it after seeing how beautifully Keith's came out Keith, I haven't tacked the keel down. Should I shim it or leave it floppy? As far as the clamps.... They are ok, not amazing... But they do help... After seeing them though you could recreate the concept easily enough using binder clips and wire. Dan vad (I think) has a post with a set of homemade clamps and other tools. I got them as part of a whole set of tools from the model expo sale on tools. Really though, I probably wouldn't buy them again. (But I may as well use them)
  12. I made an error on my Harriet Lane, and was moving so slowly that I knew during my workweek progress would feel too slow for me to bear. Inspired by TheMadChemist I picked up a Peterboro Canoe by Midwest off Ebay and had it in the wings for this exact type of occasion (actually it only arrived on Tuesday! so perfect timing) My husband very nearly took my Harriet Lane away from me telling me that I needed some time away from the mess I'd made (he did put it very nicely and I am actually the one who removed the ship from my view) but I came back with my big yellow box. All the papers were rolled up so I have heavyish things on them so they don't curl on me.... I figured I'd only get to sorting things, but immediately was giddy with all my new bits and pieces and had to dive in. I did restrain myself enough to fully sort through ALL the wood and mark it so I wouldn't mistakenly use the wrong piece later. So this is a different sort of planking than I've done before, what you do is build a jig with what the inside shape of the canoe looks like and plank on those without gluing to them - so it is sorta like plank on bulkhead -but you don't glue to the bulkhead AND you take the bulkhead OUT. Here is the building of the jig. you start with marking the center lines on all your jig pieces using the handy dandy drawings... Then you glue them to the board that you also have a center line on. Then you take your stem (front and rear) and glue it to a piece you've cut to size based on the plans. Turn that upside down and glue the tops of the stems (the downward most point since we are upside down) to the jigs. It said to lightly glue, but I ended up needing a lot as this kept coming free. The first set of planks (one on each side) I had a real hard time getting to stay so I used CA glue, which I don't like using much, but after that the rest have been applied with wood glue. The kit gives you one strip of mahogany to put in as an accent stripe...but I grabbed a couple strips of teak that I had and added a second accent stripe, why? Because I love the look of contrasting wood...and cause it is my build So here is where it stands as of the time I went to work today. More to come soon! Thanks for looking
  13. Seriously guys, this looks soooo great in real life - the photos just don't do it justice. Harvey, thanks for a fantastic tutorial
  14. Floyd, I think themadchemist (keith) does a decent job of explaining splying....SWIFT I didn't do mine this way on the jolly boat - wish I had...next time! If it still doesn't make sense let me know and I'll try to write it out myself.
  15. Your build looks good- that's the great thing about the forums, we all can participate regardless of skill (though I don't think you have anything to be sheepish about)
  16. Harvey, I have a 1:2400 (no there are not too many 0's) of the Missouri...I have a problem with insanity...
  17. Thanks Danny - that's great advice...I don't think it looks very great, not compared to my wood models BUT I figure if anyone tries to do this same boat in the future they can see some of the steps (and what not to do). I'll get better...someday.... until then I've gotten my masts in the mail finally so I can probably get started on finishing the boat later this week
  18. Keep it up Wayne, can't wait to see Pictures (I'm taking over for Sjors while he is at the Dead Man's Ridge Walk) Picture Picture Picture.... NOW
  19. the lobsters look great! I like the starfish - but would they really have caught one in each trap? I'm still on the fence on the weathering - it is definitely well executed, but I just feel sad for ships that look unloved.
  20. Haha yeh - I already broke the top of a mast off, and took pics of how I fixed it to add to the mistakes thread....will add those soon...Thanks for the encouragement everyone - it really does help. I'm glad I have a backup project that I can do that is letting me get back to basics a little...something with relatively quick progress. Since I was making such slow progress (remember I had about 8 hours a day to do what I was doing, so I wasn't exactly rushing) I'm going to keep working on the canoe during my work week (which officially began today) since I only have 1-2 hours to play...I figure that will give me more satisfaction than the 1 line per day I might get with the HL. I'll start a build log in a little bit. Again thanks for all the encouragement. I'll have my next update on here probably in a week. Don't worry I'll have my canoe so you don't go through Sarah Withdrawal.
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