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    edmay got a reaction from Canute in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hello Dave, Many prayers for your family friends and township .Edwin
  2. Like
    edmay got a reaction from JesseLee in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hello Dave, Many prayers for your family friends and township .Edwin
  3. Like
    edmay got a reaction from Bill Hime in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hello Dave, Many prayers for your family friends and township .Edwin
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    edmay got a reaction from Omega1234 in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hello Dave, Many prayers for your family friends and township .Edwin
  5. Like
    edmay reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Thanks Ed....
    Update - Worst is over, except for water pressure. As of this morning, the official word was that it will be at least two weeks before the city water system will be repaired and back in service.
    Meantime tractor trailer loads of bottled water keep coming in.... distribution centers are set up at several parking lots around town.
    I am using my neighbors swimming pool water to flush our toilets.
    Heating water in pots in order to bath, shave, wash hair, etc....
    Could be much worse. Some of our friends have lost everything.
  6. Like
    edmay reacted to EdT in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Glad to hear you weathered the storm, Dave.  For some reason I remembered that you lived in Lumberton and thought of you while watching the news. All the best.
  7. Like
    edmay reacted to JesseLee in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    So sorry for your loss Dave.
  8. Like
    edmay reacted to Omega1234 in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hi Dave
    Good to hear that you are well, but sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.
    Take care.
  9. Like
    edmay reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Good question Vic.  I'm surprised I didn't address this way back when I created those little shingles.
    Best pic I have found to explain is of the belfry top seen below....

    Rather than cut each shingle individually, each row is cut and shaped as a single narrow strip of black vinyl, shaped with the individual tabs along the bottom edge.  The tips of each shingle is painted with gold metallic enamel prior to gluing in place, staggering the shaped edges to give the illusion of individual shingles. 

    Hope this helps.
  10. Like
    edmay reacted to riverboat in Red Dragon by riverboat - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - Chinese Junk   
    UPDATE .......      Hi Lawrence ...Thanks for looking in and your nice comments.....Well it's time for another update!!  Slowly but surely things are coming together. All the deck pieces are finished, stairs, ladders, and a couple other thinks I added. The following pictures will bring you up to date with my progress. Again, thanks to all who stop by and comment, and thanks too for all of you that have pushed the "LIKE" button.





    This I over did the hole for the ring so I made something different.





    This is the window that came with the kit, I didn't like this so I made some other windows









    I added a couple posts on the stern upper deck to tie some rope railing

    That's all folks!!.... Thanks for lookn in!!
  11. Like
    edmay reacted to dvm27 in Best general book on ship models?   
    Ship Models, Their Purpose and Development From 1650 to the Present, by Brian Lavery and Simon Stevens and The Model Ship, Her Role in History, by Norman Napier Boyd. Every ship modeler would want these in their collection.
  12. Like
    edmay reacted to trippwj in Best general book on ship models?   
    Now, if he is only interested in the subject of ship models, as opposed to ship modelling, and also not a fan of the coffee table (that is, mainly photos) book, there are not a lot of options out there. 
    For just one book, I would recommend R. Morton Nance, 2000. Classic Sailing-Ship Models in Photographs. Dover ed. Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications. This modern reproduction by Dover books is from the 1924 original by Nance, R.M. Sailingship Models, a Selection from European and American Collections. Halton and T. Smith.  The 2000 reprint is available for under $1 USD on Amazon (not including shipping), or for the Kindle (and other ereaders) for $9.99 USD via Dover (or Google or Amazon &c.)
    Other possibilities include some of the research articles in journals such as Mariner's Mirror.  See, for example, Laughton, L.G.C. 1925. The Study of Ship Models. The Mariner’s Mirror 11, no. 1: 4–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.1925.10655300.
    Unfortunately, in the same manner as there not being one exemplary "how to" book that meets every beginners needs, there is not a signle all encompassing book concerning the history and development of ship models.  The book by Nance and the collections listed in the Laughton article are, perhaps, the most comprehensive discussions of which I am aware.
  13. Like
    edmay got a reaction from Piet in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Your thoughtful progress is very impressive, a joy to watch and often learn, extremly good looking build,Edwin
  14. Like
    edmay reacted to cobra1951 in Greek Bireme by Robin Lous - FINISHED - Dusek - Scale 1:72 - First wooden ship build   
    Yep the old tools are still the best
  15. Like
    edmay reacted to MESSIS in Greek Bireme by Robin Lous - FINISHED - Dusek - Scale 1:72 - First wooden ship build   
    http://www.evaggelosgrypiotis.com/ have a look at this link the engineer was awarded from the Athens Academy for his research. The ships u ll see (more than a few) there they have published as post stamps of the State Postoffice of the Greek Republic
  16. Like
    edmay reacted to TBlack in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I've been following your progress and artwork for some time without comment. Now, I feel compelled to comment. This trawler is much more sophisticated than your previous builds. You've been hiding your talent! Well done; a crisp beauty she is.
    BTW, what kind of soldering iron do you use for that intricate work? I mostly use a torch; not always appropriate for delicate work.
  17. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thank you so much for the generous comments!     I'm far from genius,  but I do think well on my feet........if I were to put any though into it,  things don't come out so good.   but,  it's all good fun,  and that's what counts.   I see so much here........it's great to be in a community of like minded folk!   I did get the railing and spotlight painted....still thinking of what to do with the spotlight.   it's been busy here.....not much time at the table.....and the work week has taken over.   there will be more progress soon  
    thank to all who hit the like button as well  
  18. Like
    edmay reacted to BANYAN in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Great progress Denis; you'll be finished before you know it now
  19. Like
    edmay reacted to NenadM in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Very nice. Looking with attention abd collecting your ideas. Please do not stop having ideas!
  20. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks Nils.........I wanna be as good as you when I grow up       I see some of the stuff you do ....and I'm blown away.   the marriage of wood and metal is really cool.......time to add some to this build.   thanks for the good word  
    I hope you all enjoyed my little bit of creative writing in the heading.........I think back to when I started,  and I got caught up in the moment  
  21. Like
  22. Like
    edmay reacted to captainbob in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Funnel/cabin?  Evil thought?  Oh boy, he's going to do it again.
  23. Like
    edmay reacted to Omega1234 in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Hi Denis
    I agree with Carl - top job!
  24. Like
    edmay reacted to cog in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Magnificent soldering ...
  25. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    for those just starting out:
    oh my........what have I done to myself.   I used to be this happy go lucky guy,  playing with my plastic models,  in the seclusion of wherever I opened the box.  I even had a solid mantra for myself.....only one build at a time.  then one day {those who have heard this before,  can start yawning now},  a wooden kit fell into my possession......and that opened the floodgates to a new and wonderful hobby {more like a Pandora's box,  in my case}.   that was in 2009..........
    I've come away wishing it was a lot sooner...........a whole lot sooner  
    I have evolved toward having two tables....the main table,  and a side table,  in the event I wish to do a second build.   I have gone way beyond that!   we won't go there at the moment.......I'll leave it as "I'm pre-destined"   I will never lament..........I consider them my children,  born of hair brained ideas and envisioned thought.   there are others..........but I dare not open the lid again,  fearing that they'll escape.   ..........and they will,  you know................they always do.
    of late,  the main table is a collection of tools and cast off wood,  with metal bits scattered for good measure.    the trawler sits at one end of it,  waiting eagerly for me to add more to her............the second table has become more of a catch-all at this point in time,  as I look for suitable parts to feed the aspect being worked on.

    the frenzy has also manifested itself on my desk as well,  hosting my latest idea and a build in it's own right.........the Flattie.

    I sometimes daydream of a room..........a medium sized room {I'm not greedy},  with a work table,  that lines three of the walls {in my dream,  I don't even allow for a closet  }.   the fourth wall is dedicated for supplies and of course,  the entrance way into the room.   I can close that door....and leave the mortal plane behind.......and enter my own imagination.   there is a freedom here..........but before I can get too cozy,  I get roused to the present by the admiral, asking a question about something or other.........I never stay there for too long  
    oh well........here I am      I've moved to the stern on the trawler.   there's more to do with the fore deck,  but it's a lot of small stuff.......it can wait till the mast is permanent.   I seem to have graduated from ladders to railings lately.....that's what I've begun to play with in this session.   I have only seven of the 15 mm three hole stanchions...not enough to go the entire span of the stern border.   so,  what I've done is run the seven around the center of the span,  and fill in the sides with the 15 mm single hole stanchions.   I have enough to do the stern span with these,  but I think it would look naked with them.......I'd have to try and fill them in somehow,  with a second railing.   this set up will also make it look a bit more interesting....and if I don't like it,  I can add the extra railings.   here is the stanchion positions that I have described.

    my eyes were play'in tricks..........I mentioned a problem in an earlier post.   it seemed like these stanchions were a little taller that the three hole stanchions.

    in order to get a better picture of this,  they were strung on a length of wire.   I was amazed that the difference is greater than I thought it was..........at least 2 - 3 mm   {I was too miffed to measure}.
    the original though was to simply counter sink the single hole stanchions into the border,  correcting the height issue.    I can see now that this can't happen.  I want this to work........I think it will look cool...........so I entertained the thought of adding length to the three hole stanchions.
        anyone who has built billing's kits before,  have run into their idea of eye bolts {in some of the kits}.   they look like really stubby buttons with a hole in them.   I will snip off the locator pins on the stanchions and solder these eye bolts onto them......I have plenty of these eye bolts as well.

    setting up the board at my desk,  the operation began.........snipping off the locator pin,  filing it flat,  and solder the additions together.

    it wasn't too tough a job.......but it will pose a problem.  I won't be able to solder the wire rails in place,  the closer I get to the soldered joint.   I can do the top rail........but the middle and bottom one will be very dicey indeed.   I could do it,  but it would take an enormous amount work to retain the shape.   I can simply CA the railings as I have done before.   the big problem is that I wouldn't have an adequate heat sink....bottom line    with them all done and restrung next to the single hole stanchions,  they look much better............perhaps just a minuscule of difference.

    the railings were re-posted back into their holes {I still need to do the port side}.   I did leave enough railing wire on the lower rows,  that I can solder them to the single post stanchions if I desire.   of course,  they won't be strung through a turnbuckle,  like the three hole.   I've seen Bob's railings......I like the way they look.   this will give me the opportunity to try making them......really great idea........functional and realistic.


    now....I will get the port side laid out and solder the top rail,  to lock in the spacing.   then I can decide on the rest of the rails.   I kinda wish I didn't cement the funnel/cabin in place.....I had an evil thought {I can still do it........remember,,,it's an evil thought}......icky mae
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