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Everything posted by Rick310

  1. I’ve scratch built probably 98% of my Flying Fish. Takes much longer, but a great way to develop modeling skills and you will be much happier with the results, even if not perfect! There is just something about a scratch built model that stands out! Rick
  2. Rob, ClipperFan, The Buttersworth’s painting of the Flying Fish shows the boats white, while the China Trade painting shows them black. Does not make sense for boats to be painted black as they would be difficult to see in the ocean. I chalk up the China Trade painting to artistic license. Rick
  3. Rob, these are my gin blocks and yes, the 42 links per inch chain are always binding in the block.
  4. Rob, those gin blocks are especially well done! Mine almost killed me! Beautiful job on the helm as well!! Rick
  5. Rob, Yes, I am following the plans. I know of no other source for the double topsail halyard tyes. The model of the clipper ship Challenge, at the Smithsonian has chain topsail halyards that appear to be the same as on the FF, although it is difficult to see where they route under the cross trees. I would think that Staghound was similarly equipped, given that it was larger than the FF. Some very impressive people worked on the FF plans, so they are my default if no or better information is available. As you know, I have deviated from the plans when I felt it was appropriate, such as the aft cabin, color scheme and other minor details. You and ClipperFan are doing a marvelous job recreating Staghound. Rick
  6. Jared, What a difference it makes having the masts, lower shrouds and yards in place! Rick
  7. Nicely done Jared! Although there is a learning curve, I find that I really enjoy soldering! It sure helps when making those small fittings. I had no experience with soldering when I started this model. Rick
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