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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Hi Kees, oh my thats a beauty. that riveting. oh my. i did try riveting on cutty but faioed so i let it go. i still think i will have to rebuild the nose . but about that later. i wish my skill was at least half of yours. im gonna chek that wilhelmina, im not sure i would not spoil your lifeboat seems its beyond my skill as no bulkheads etc... plan would be beneficial of course though. do you have both ends lifeboat not only transom one? and big thanks for headup . cheers
  2. good morning , here comes the time ...:)) seems i will have to build 2 wooden clinkers .... been snorchling on net if there might be a plan for them , campbel says 25" beam 6.5 " and bepth 3" .... dirty shortcut will be to take artesania titanic plan and modify keel a bit but eeergh doesnt seem to me likeable. i found some cutter lifeboats from era on maritime museum plans but not sure if applicable there ,,,can probably someone shed some light or suggestion to this topic please ? i believe all the lifeboats were more or less the same so there must be a way ...thanks a milion in advance Vlad
  3. big thanks for liking and encouragement Rob, I am watching your Great republic in awe , how beautiful paper sails you make and trying to learn from it .... fair wind to the clippers family Vlad
  4. Good afternoon to all, This week was extra productive for me in a positive way, thankfully , i managed to finish fife rails properly to my liking, so only few imoortant things to go before i go rigging yay. Meanwhile I wasnt too happy or satisfied with how thin deadeyes turned out - and today got one idea how to make proper thick one quite easily even with proper strap tenon line, with gluing up 2 small deadeyes. I did rasped off 1line of deadeye on both ones which made the strap line.... Im quite happy with outcome seem proper to me. What do you think? So i will be working on them evenings for the rest of the week , as ropes still hasnt come yet. Hope you like the new deadeyes. I decided Cutty deserves better. awsome thst at this scale one can make deadeyes as original. Have fine weekend with your projects, take care and stay healthy till situation betters and massive thank you all for comments, interest etc ... Vlad
  5. Hello Martin, yeah, this kind of scale allows deadeyes diameter 10 -12 mm by scale. I used dioptrical screws 1,4 mm thick quite comfortably - when i figured out how to - however, every scale come at a price - small with difficulty/ not possibility go detailed, big place and rigging compromisses obstacles as you well know. Before you move on to this scale with cutty please calculate the place and final look of ship before you start. as you may end up longing for having it under sails - and problem starts. its ok for jigs - not square rigs. the huge body of ship alone as now becomes very tiny under sail - imposantly enough.... but if you are ok with compromises or probably only masting her -and want to concentrate on details or build only body of ship - scale like this one really allows for artistic paradise to happen. there is massive amount of details plenty of them etc...speaking of cutty sark though. I know I wil go tad smaller next time - 1:68 or 1:48 ? just for reason I will put sail on. not that i regret this one contrary, I cant imagine myself to work with those surgical instruments so :)) i will build probably steamer next time - or pilot cutter :)) im definitely intersted only in end of 19 century / beginning of 20.
  6. Hello, I dont have knowledge of that , maybe someone might know and will post. Thanks for interesting topic. vlad
  7. Hello folks, been working here and there, though slowed down considerably. Tried to save stern curvature after horrible mistake at the beginning by reading wrongly Campbel plan, / i dont want even speak about it, taking cabin curvature and applied it to be deck one (jaysus mary oh my hastiness ) to save it. Thus i had to open rail, and widen it to get more agressive curvature... thankfully not all **** of ship where is ornamentation. it was really worisome, but seems all sturdy as rail got taken off at one piece thankfully. I did manage to make some things even bettter, following closely clampbell drawing for curvature by making molded board....i made margin plank narrower - as should be. at least me satisfaction. finally some movement. Having shrouds hanged gives me smile that i can smell finish being close after such time. hoorah...Still plenty of work to be done. I made rotary tool out of drill to thread up black waxy trhead upon wire. that one is polyester one from amazon but seem to be better than amati rope I compared with. waxy polyester stays on wire and comfortably around dead eye. Instead of uncountable hours and days and few test pieces gave me smile with 3 minutes per 1 shroud. worked like a charm. Working on many thinks at same time, some photos to look at. She will be lower masted without yards except of spanker...I think I will finish her with with sun shade thru spanker yard as famous photo showing her moored in australia,..... I painted topmasts silhouettes black ...:) not transparent ! as should be. I am leaving her with all posibilty ( eyes and so on cleats. already in place ) to get masted higer up and rigged to desire at any time in fufure if there will be mood..huge place ...etc....that will be work for some continuing years.......some pics as works contiues...comments welcomed and awaited. thank you folks. I reconsidered and already making davits,. and..meanwhile working on liverpool deck top windows, deadeyes straps and awaiting some fine lanyards get delivered from GB. by the way, Rigging compromising. As I knew i am not going to make my own deadeyes, I had to downscale sizing of ropesby very slight margin, to fit deadeyes - but not willing to spoil the accuracy. in my scale 1:24 5" wire means 5 mm !!! thinkness of rope_ or wire. So it will be approx 1 mm down and consequently for all others. Anyway, from the old photos is evident that current rigs are most likely downscaled as well comparing to what Campbel suggests back in time - wire was not turned around upper deadeye - but was fit via shroud eye and another small eye to the deadeye- it was too thick to fit deadeye from black white pic I saw...anyway , keep safe and good luck with modeling., have a good week.
  8. Beautiful boat Sir. fantastic work. its a treat for eyes:) i have steamer in dreams to get built.
  9. impressive work Jens. I am building on other scratch forum massive cutty1:24 but only low masted understandingly,here and there reworking many parts, occasionaly taking inspiration from work of others as well. I have to take hat off before you small scale builders guys im impressed how many details even on stern you are able to make. looks lovely with all that chain applied. very nice work on standing rigging eyebolts near masts. congrats. Vlad
  10. Good morning Mark, well said very very true. thankfully charm of wooden boat is that even restoring reworking renewing is possible. Vlad
  11. Good morning Cutty lovers, adding photos of some recent works...bow is finished. except dolphin strike. by the way she got a new stern rail. Will be full wooded. reworked completely thank you Everyone for support/comment/critics etc. on this exciting journey. I do continue making shaping deadeyes by now so I can attach them before I attach masts. Stay healthy and have good weekend. V.
  12. haha good one , made my day but still not very helpful to my dilemma :))) true anyway I treat her as well as my girlfriend ( she would protest :)) after I put knives and gouges and thoughts in her thousand times , so just dont tell anyone :)))
  13. Hello, I hope everyone is well, Chapter I dont know what Nannie Dee plus voting. Still working on her...hands...What finish would you put her on? Just white? I am eager to try to color her properly. To add Pink face to white clothing with golden endings and brown hairs... how would you treate her? thanks for any thoughts have good weekend ahead!
  14. Thank you for encouraging words Martin, well she has its mistakes but I call her honest build as we all learn, and thanks to this platform and people sharing same passion and understanding I am more and more commited to try better.
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