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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Hello. Topgallant rail decorative panel finished and finally changed. Installed. Every section now rounded, sanded and each individual panelling lined with knife strokes. Middle columns bevelled around edges. this hassle Gave me headache but main rail secured firmly withstanding shrouds so no accident. had to be improved though. Next stage. Individual deck planking. Will take thru all summer i guess as summer calls for other activities :))
  2. Thank you Phil. I painted her today for good. Skirt now waving in the breeze under bowsprit . Toughest of all works i must admit....oh horsetail i forgooot
  3. yes i am hooked though. it is very nice model ( green) i think nevertheless the bow. deadrise is allright and her "fat belly is modeled nicely i guess. intereting gunwales...looking forward to your new build as well i guess when you finish cutty modded one. gunwales look interesting i have to familiar myself more with these designs , and im observing her deck intensively now . interesting without added cabins as well. i asked santa for crothes clipper book but maybe he will come earlier this year:) previous bw photos of glory i value high, as there was no shade when photographed her from side and straight angle. as well ad i like photo i added from one of her captain daugther family albums. i read in Mjeldes book they lived whole year in boat. i think it was captain that faced mutiny.... regarding glory, knowing now what accomplishment and also role she played in McKays life, not just for the fact he put for last the best of previous himself into her and how succesfull she was beautifuly built and alco so close to survival - i am surprise she is out of desire of modelers companies - US foremost. i would say that would be 100 times better honor owed to Mckay than raising a statue or filling world with flying cloud again and again. world would get know her- her remarkable story. i dont know itf there are mighty criteria for design but eg photos of glory are trully far more complete than of cutty sark for example. for example if someone wants to build cutty upon her older look good luck finding something valuable- no photos existed. just maybe 4- 5. deck photos of glory are a azineg one with black kid facing aftward and photo taken towards fore of ship from poop. even small detailing on wood on windows is clearly visible. i guess there is not much photos showing forecastle details but no problem.... now imagine of some multimilionaire announcing investing of building 1:1 full sailing replica of her. close to heart stop :)))
  4. I think Mr. Mjelde is very fine designer of his own having this ship in his vein, from his plan also incorporated shallow deadrise showing area of fat belly of this fine vessel from bottom and halfbread lines showing very steady proportional rise of belly and fading away towards stern in similar manner
  5. Just for completion on picture I added Mr.Mjelde design to our group of bulkheads and this might corroborate my assumption from the start that balclutha seems very similar... if you observe stern curvatures, I would not clear out also one other possibility from account....that Sovereign might not have been what MrMckay took as a prototype he might have made new very smart design of his own. Mjeldes observation is 95 per cent in corelation with Balclutha curves though (I believe unintentionally and even not taken Balclutha to account at all/ from bow to stern by curves though .... pics from left to right - sovereign, balclutha, Mjelde, and mine /agressiving a bit balclutha design to go towards sovereing. - so Mr. Mjelde stayed at same less agressive curve of balclutha even milder than mine approach of agressiving it a bit. interesting comparison though. From all this sovereing design is stern tigether with a family of extreme clippers...and He might have wanter to create a something new though... enjoy V.
  6. Wow great pics especially last one. I also found something. I read that in second book of her Mr.Mjelde publiced some plan of her. But i do not have that book. Regarding placing her,i am not focused when doung some things, i definitely want her with composite masts. For the reason i lts my first american design so i have to try it and for aesthetic reason it looks simply beautiful. So i will have to go earlier with her riming but i sas one pic im glory book from later time with composite mast so i will have to check on it. I accomodated stem angle to the plnaan. See photo. Maybe i will try two look at the 90 degrees lines it was already angled but i lined another more agressive one. Now to the fun part. Wood filler dried. I first checked trigonometry with single plank to make sure all bulkheads touches the plank and made little correcfion of 19 plank in middle after that all worked fine. I coukd checked roundness - wooden end is not finely done at the top though. I finally measured model prototype and checked measured on pla I will do same for bow one day definitely.so The moment of truth :)) . boston and sanfran journal of 1869 1870 writes: her stern is curvilinear finely formed and the run is long an clean and sets gracefully inti the fullness of fhe hull...i am staring at glory dragfed to shore in 1922 and pics....
  7. Rob I am not that familiar with deck setup , - I see you drew her with the chicken coop on the forward hatch and the boys cabin on the aft hatchway...to also include the gangway that let to its roof. Splendid...what year would you place her at? i simply follow Mr. Mjelde drawing to her accomodations. i notice there is something like narrow gang or area going from the roof of poop halfdeck forewise but thats about it i did i know of. i observed your model and it seems a bit different setup from what Mr.Mjelde did draw. so she was not like that from start right ? ok i will narrow stem a little . i used amr.Mjelde drawing but not big deal. guess what@ i am really unpatient ****. i already cut 4 half bulkheads of stern part and glued them to some board to be able to see and chceck what we have done. it will be stuck firm tomorrow , so we will see the stern ALIVE. cant wait :))
  8. Thank you Rob for great valuable comments and photos of various designs - you are like God of clippers :)) ! it is really helpful a lot as your observing and points were/ are keeping me on right path thank you ! perfect observation with the bow fullnes though! . I know what you mean and I think that was already incorporated as I took (only) bow drom balclutha to consideration rather more than sovereign! just for that early and rapid extention more similar to glory to me than sovereign i hust did not stated it and only upper gang curves from sovereign. nevertheless i can "rathe cautiously than proudly" state that draw is original and custom at the end before i somewhat worked on curves a little bit. be it very courageous statement :)) i will and cant wait to see outcome - built bulkheads how it plays. if further work on design pf few pf them will be needed (which i suppose.) i am working on profile plan now with caling and measuring. pretty much set on numbers. will post when done. it is possible it may end up failure but it is possible it may surprise us with wow.
  9. Corrected. Reshaped. Stem being almost straight, first bulkhead short second of bow being slightly concave straight in middle and little convex at bottom as in pic and as described un journal when glory was launched. Vlad.
  10. Amazing Rob thank you. I made the draft in 1:65 scale, incorporated what we agreed on with sovereign lines and curvy stern but i used for the moment vertical bow from balclutha combined with very radical curvy end of flying fish as i have pretty plan. Measuring beam and depth, in scale.look how amazing all bulkheads are Great so young america or star of empire, thanks. Im gonna to check it and will rework it . Look at the pic please, is it still very agressive upper bow ? I guess so. After i will post final sketch and will work on final draft. And Ship profile . Around autumn/ winter i can start preparing workshop as i will need longer break after cutty. . We ressurected her Rob. How thrilled i am. Vlad.
  11. thank you for Your valuable insight for me Rob. yes indeed i am indeed heading towards my finall draw of bulkheads plan , showing you for sure. how about bow ? i would need your inside for sure. do you think it would be safe to use sovereign design of bow? i am novie in McKay design and it is quite complex comparing with simple one what eg cutty sar kshows. McKays ship have both convex and concave bow shape though. i will try to draw conclusion from there two sessions so far on bulkheads. cumminf up - combining length od deadrise being longer than svoereign as being flatter , and midsection og glory. Vlad
  12. i start getting exhausted . but now more looking at Sovereign ship models and thinking of what you pointed out that McKay probably took her design as his fastest vessel when designing glory , im leaning to opininon that be it sovereing, balclutha 19 th bulkheqd being is still a bit flattwr than glory. that pic of glory from way bottom angle is just too misleading to be read from her.. just to change sovereing sharp stern to glorys round. ... V. i would say balclutha bottom with corrected /milded midsection and proportionally corrected rest and sovereing stern would do. plansheer profile fits both...
  13. Good day Rob, interesting remark with taking it from soverefing - as being sucessful . I did work a lot on this further capitol. I am thinking of bow being toughest so I am leaving that for last. I posted earlier today but decided to erase it as I foumd one observation crucial aftr I posted and that one changed my assumings. I am about to continue now. Im glad Mr.McKay from avatar pic approved misection but bad thing is, that was easiest part. everything on will be a more tougher nut to crack. I will try to make some assumprions based on observation, and I worked comparing 1: bulkheads plan together with photographies, and together with halfbreath plan. some observation i found by accident I believe are not short of surprising and shocking will try to put evidence and happy to hear concurs and remarks from you indeed. I will try to resolve two important parts , leaving last - bow or cutwater entry for next last part. 1. curvature towards stern and stern profile 2. planksheer profile from the top , utmost important for width of all bulkheads. I narrowed comparisons to two designs, sovereing and ! surprise surprise, - Balclutha. i will state later why. lets start with 2. as it come up pretty easy and straightforward. surprisingly. everything commented in pics again , so no need to elaborate just to write outcome. you can see, both designs, pretty close match with Mr.Mjelde drawing of plansheer profile line from the top. which is pretty awesome. now why I borrowed balclutha for comparison. i did find that ship by accident bwosing thru web - and its plan widely ans amazingly detailed free available on internet. put aside ship being longer than glory and midecenter being more agressive concave profile !she sits in water in waterline 1 almost with all belly. but look at Glory dragged ashore in famous glacier fish pic. almost same. It makes me to conclude that livingspirit on Glory still prudly sits in water hidden just in front of eyes of everyone, being english design :))) i would say 80 percent of her hull is glory. now when establishing sternprofile unfortunately we run into several unfortunate issue deceiving us to false conclusions that have to be taken to account wehen comparing 1. few famous photopgraps to start with. - glory dragged ashore with sign glacier fish etc.....showing stern fantastically but ! that pic was taken from very bottom posing camera up at approx 45 degrees angle - which pretty much shows us only few aspects from bottomview. its like people staring up aloft at 10 floor building. unfortunately we cannot grasp agressiveness of concavity. 2. BW photo of sovereign - its horizontal pic but unfortunately, part around stern is not quite visible, but that can be seen from plan and various museum quality models pretty nicely. 3. Blaclutha. I took that one believing with planksheer and deadrise length being closer to glory - as deadrise close to Glory , and stern profile being round comparing with various pics and shallow design of butt bulkheads one for comparing with sovereign ..... Every ship even sovereign look more less same to glory when drown in water.... - simply way not enough to make critical assumption on design. what i read out from bulkheads and how did I read them - I observed penultimate bulkhead of sovereign and balclutha - 19 th and its position and corelation with stern profile /bulwark 20"/ and oppsite one - 17 . looking at deceiving pic of glory dagged and sovereing, I would lean towards opininon that design of critical 19 th bulkhead is could be about this. sovereing- with sharper conave turn in miáddlke towards centerline, typical for MrMcKay design. Balclutha - more less same but without deeperconcave turn passage in center of curvature. i would say someting between these two could be wghere glory lies, but each of there two can be more less without criminal leanout from Glory design... everything wrote in pics. I am eagerly looking forward to your opinion. it would be helpful if there was at least one good visible picture of Glory photographed lets say from harbour molo...not from bottomangle... does some exist I dont know of? i have only those in glory book. bow is covered quite extensively. but stern is to be seen horizontally straight just from far away in the sea telling us little. Only one other important is when GLory is Tugged towards opesea I agree and my assumption is something between sovereingand balclutha - meaning little less curvature than sovereing. or Am i disillusional ? happy read vlad -----------------------------
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